RITA Meaning

The RITA meaning is "Registered Industry Training Agent". The RITA abbreviation has 60 different full form.

RITA Full Forms

  1. Registered Industry Training Agent Technology, Construction, Architectural
  2. Record of In-Training Assessment Medical, Registrar, Specialist, Health, Dental
  3. Research and Innovative Technology Administration Technology, Conveyance, Engineering, Government, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  4. Reading Initiative for Tsunami Action
  5. Right Into The Action
  6. Registry of Industrial Toxicology Animal
  7. Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent Technology, Telecom, Internet
  8. Revoew of International Taxation Arrangements
  9. Republic of Ireland Taekwon-Do Association
  10. Radical Islamic Threat To The Army
  11. Right Internal Thoracic Artery Medical, Medicine, Health, Artery And Arteries
  12. Registry of Industrial Toxicology Animal-Data Medical
  13. Replay Interface for Tcas Alerts Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  14. Race In The Americas America, University, History, Race
  15. Rhode Islandwtelecommunications Association
  16. Recognition of Information Technology Achievement
  17. Rendita Integrativa Temporanea Anticipata Con, Dal, Ape
  18. Rabies In The Americas Medical, America, Research, Antibody
  19. Rhode Island Trucking Association Business, Toll, Truck
  20. Recent Infection Testing Algorithm Medical, Sex, Transmission
  21. Relocation Income Tax Allowances Business, Service, Allowance
  22. Regional Income Tax Agency Business, City, Ohio
  23. Revolution In The Air
  24. Real Intelligence Threat Analysis Technology, Security, Strand
  25. Rita Medical Systems, Inct Technology, Organizations
  26. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  27. Religion-In-The-Americas
  28. Rotorcraft Industry Technology Association Military
  29. Revista De Infmrm
  30. Research and Innovative Technologies Administration Transportation, Business, Technology
  31. Real Intelligence Threat Analytics Porn, Sex, Movie
  32. Right Ita Medical
  33. Relief Item Tracking Application
  34. Relocation Income Tax Allowance Business, Science, Service, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  35. Revista De InformáTica TeóRica E Aplicada
  36. Research & Innovative Technology Administration Business, Technology, Science
  37. Research Is The Answer
  38. Réseau In-Terre-Actif
  39. Retail Innovation Technology Award Awards & medals
  40. Research Initiative Treatment Action
  41. Rolling In Ihe Aisle
  42. Retirement Industry Trust Association Business, Investment, Building
  43. Réseau Intégré Des Transmissionsyautomatiques
  44. Research and Innovative Technology Administrative Technology
  45. Roadwork In The Area
  46. Retention Incentive Training Account Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  47. Rwanda Information Technology Ggency
  48. Re-Invented Triple Axis Physics, Scientific & Educational
  49. Research and Innovative Technology Administrator
  50. Réseau IntéGré Des Transmissions Automatiques
  51. Resistance Inside The Armies War, Locations, Vietnam
  52. Rwanda Information and Technology Agency
  53. Registry of Industrial Toxicology Animal data Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  54. Research and Innovation Technology Administration
  55. Resistance Inside The Army
  56. Rwandan Inzormation Technology Authority
  57. Randomised Intervention Treatment of Angina Medical, Physiology
  58. Reseau Integre De Transmissions Automatique Military
  59. Rwanda Information Technology Authority Business, Technology, Organizations
  60. Regional Infrastructure Transportation Agency Transportation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RITA stand for?

    RITA stands for Right Ita.

  2. What is the shortened form of Relocation Income Tax Allowances?

    The short form of "Relocation Income Tax Allowances" is RITA.


RITA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rita-meaning/

Last updated