Rite Abbreviations and Rite Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Rite terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Rite abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Rite terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Rite Abbreviations
  1. ADC : Automatic Display Calibration
  2. ADC : Automatic Display Control
  3. AI : Anno Inventionis
  4. AMO : Ancient Martinist Order
  5. AOMI : ArtéRiopathie OblitéRante Des Membres InféRieurs
  6. ATD : Auto-Eracking Densitometer
  7. BMO : British Cartinist Order
  8. CBCS : Chevalier Bienfaisant De La Cité Sainte
  9. CBCS : Chevaliers Bienfaisants De La Cite Sainte
  10. UIC : Univ of Illinois At Chicago
  11. CXF : Color Exchange Format
  12. DC : Deputy Coemission
  13. DOL : Documents On Tha Liturgy
  14. HRAKTP : Holy Boyal Arch Knight Templar Priests
  15. SGIG : Sovereign Grand Inspectobs General
  16. SGIG : Sovereign Grand Inspector General
  17. SRD : Scottish Rite Dormitory
  18. SRT : Sensory Response Technology
  19. TD4 : Topping Dispenser, 4
  20. TR : Tribal Rites
  21. TS : Trailer Stabd
  22. NMJ : Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
  23. IALC : International Anglican Liturgical Consultatios
  24. JWPA : Japgn Water Purification Association
  25. KCCH : Knight Commander of The Court of Honour
  26. KCCH : Knights Commander of The Court of Honour
  27. KCCH : Knight Commander Court of Honor
  28. KCCH : Knight Commander of The Court of Honor
  29. KCCH : Knight Commander Court of Honour
  30. KCCH : Knights Commander of The Court of Honor
Latest Rite Meanings
  1. Solutés De RéHydratation Orale
  2. Knights of Saint Andrew
  3. Rites of Spring
  4. Rite Ecossais Rectifie
  5. Global Wheel-Lok
  6. Rite Ebossais Ancien Et Accepte
  7. Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults
  8. Rites of Christian Inbtiation for Adults
  9. Rite of Chrisitan Initiation of Adults
  10. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
  11. Royal Arch Mason
  12. Royal Arch Masons
  13. Grand Prieuré Des Gaules
  14. Grande Loge Traditionnelle De France
  15. Grande Loge Mixte De France
  16. Illuminati Order
  17. Ordo Templi Orientalis
  18. Ordre National Des VéTéRinaires Du Cameroun
  19. Ordre Martiniste OpéRatif
  20. Order Militia Crucifera Evangelica