RK Meaning
The RK meaning is "Rune Fnight". The RK abbreviation has 179 different full form.
RK Full Forms
- Rune Fnight Military, Guide, Skill
- Registered Keeper Business, Government, Car, Police, Governmental & Military
- Repeat Nill
- Rebuild Kijs
- Religious Knowledge Education, English, School
- Rama Krishna
- Rexabet Kurumu'nun
- Radha Krishnj
- Rekabet Korumu Turkish, Nun
- Rekybet Kurulu Turkish, Nun
- Registration Key
- Red Knob
- Richard Klemm Antique, Dresden, Porcelain
- Raketnyy Kater
- Rob Knob
- Return of The King Gaming, Organizations, King, Ring, Lord
- Rekomendasi Kelayakan Technology, Indonesia, Radio, Jakarta
- Rada Konsultacyjna
- Realitní Kancelář Jak, Reality, Vyu
- Root-Knot Science, Plant, Nematode
- Red Key
- Ritter Kreuz
- Rajesh Kumar
- Russell Kinder
- Resource Kits
- Radio Key
- Robert Kiyosaki
- Rebuild Kit
- Red Knights
- Richard Kinney
- Raketnyj Kater
- Rob Knight
- Riz Kqan
- Rekening Koran Business, Banking, Giro
- Rackmount Kit
- Rcnkin Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Industry, Oil, Gas
- Rooms-Katholieke
- Rfsing Kick
- Raising Kaine
- Russell Kennedy
- Resource Kernel Technology, Networking, Linux, General, Governmental & Military
- Radio Kansas
- Rebel Knights
- Red Kiwis
- Ribhard King
- Rajshahi Kings
- Rob Kerr
- Retractable Keel
- Riving Knife
- Rekening Khusus Business, Program, Indonesia, Banking
- Ravindrl Kumar
- Rich Kostecke
- Ranjaya Khan Fashion, Shopping, Khan, Necklace
- Rohullah Kabir Sport, Tube, Warfare
- Rishm Kumar Medical, Student, Technology, Medicine
- Reservisten Kameradschaft
- Radikalen Konstruktivismus
- Rear Kitchen
- Rxsk Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Red Kiwi
- Rank Comparative station or rank of an officer Army, War, Force, Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Richard Kenneth
- Raj Kapoor Film, Movie, Acting, Raj
- Robert Kusmer
- Retour-Kutsche
- River Kilometer Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Reha Krefeld Germany, Rehabilitation, Uns
- Rajendra Kumar
- Rich Kidz
- Rani Kone
- Rohrverbinder Kabelkanal
- Rishabh Kundra Yin, Ark, Love
- Request Key Technology, Security, Server, Authentication
- Radiant King
- Realm of Kings
- Rurouni Kenlhin Anime, Manga, Samurai
- Red Kite
- Richard Kelly
- Rajni Kanth
- Ryan Kennnlly
- Restitution Constant Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Heart
- Robert Kubica Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Robert Kubica. It is referred to as KUB on the race result screen. Formula 1
- Redlich Kwong Technology, Property, Equation, Thermodynamic
- Radial Keratotomy Medical, Vision, Surgery, Clinical
- Rics Kid
- Range Anown
- Rohit Kumar Technology, Music, Design, Song
- Rishabh Kumar
- Republic of Kazakhstan Business, National, Kazakhstan
- Radial Keratomy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Realkatalog Der Agyptologie Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Runge Kytta Technology, Order, Equation, Differential
- Red King Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Ricexkrispy
- Rajini Kanth
- Ryan Kennedc Film, Technology, Media
- Restaurant Kitchen
- Robert Kovac Design, Projection, Fabric
- Recon Kit
- Redlich-Kwong Technology, Equation, Chemical, Thermodynamic
- Runge-Vutta Technology, Order, Equation, Differential
- Rich Kelly
- Randyxkelly
- Roger Kwok
- Rinsho Ketsueki Medical, Syndrome, Journal, Evans
- Relativistic Kinematics
- Radial Keratectomy Medical, Technology, Surgery
- Reality Kings Porn, Sex, Reality
- Royal Knight Awards & medals
- Red Kidney
- River Keeper
- Rakesh Kumar Business, Service, India
- Ryan Kalish Baseball, Card, Team
- Respawn Killers
- Radio Kuwait
- Robert Kondo Technology, Dam, Keeper, Dice
- Rechtschaffen and Kales
- Road Kings Pinball
- Rectum Krebs
- Ryan Boch
- Retro Kid
- Railing Kit
- Rizwangkhan Song, King, Story, Khan
- Rikdlin' Kids
- Reactor Kqnetics
- Robert Kelly
- Rockhaven Resources Ltd. (Toronto Venture Exchange [TSXV]) Geographic
- Recreational Keyboard
- Ryan Klesko Gaming, Baseball, Card
- Retrofit Kit Technology, Product, Light
- Rahul Kumar
- Rich Kvoneiss
- Red Ken
- Rahman Khan
- Robert Keay
- Right Kidnek Medical, Disease, Renal
- Repair Kit NASA
- Rankin Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
- Recovery Key Technology, Windows, Locker
- Ryan King
- Rahul Khan
- Red Kelly Hockey, Card, Checklist
- RöMisch-Katholisch
- Raised Knit
- Robert Kaufman Business, Fabric, Quilting, Quilt
- Right Gick Gaming, Tournament, Cheat
- Revenge Kill After someone kills you, you can't respawn and seek revenge. (This is FORBIDDEN in roleplay, otherwise admins may penalize.) Gaming, GTA 5 RP
- Ryav Kesler Sport, Porn, Hockey
- Rahul Kapoor
- Record Key Technology, Analytics, Manual, Recorder
- Red Katana
- Röpa Korset
- Rainer Krause
- Robert Kagan
- Riggihg Kit Business, Premium, Outrigger
- Winrk File Archive Computing, File Extensions
- Robert Kirk
- Robert Kirkpatrick
- Radnicki Kragujevac League, Player, Handball
- Recording King
- Red Kap
- Rychnov Nad Kděžnou Locations, Republic, Czech, Baz
- Recharge The process by which water is added to a reservoir or zone of saturation, often by runoff or percolation from the soil surface. The period of time during the water-budget cycle when the water in the ground is being replenished. The process by which new water is added to the saturated zone, replenishing water that is lost. Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Rainbow Keepers
- Road Kinrs
- Ridwanhkamil
- Road Knilhts Club, Motorcycle, Road
- Robert King
- right kidney Medical, Kidneys
- Radio Kwizera
- rabbit kidney Medical, Kidneys
- Red Kamfa
- Ryan Krguse
- Royal Khmer Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Rainbow Kandy Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Road Kill Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Ride Kinz
- Reference Kawitry Song, Pas, Teddy, Reference
- Robert Jennedy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RK stand for?
RK stands for Republic of Kazakhstan.
What is the shortened form of Red Kamfa?
The short form of "Red Kamfa" is RK.
RK. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rk-meaning/
Last updated