RL Meaning

The RL meaning is "Repl Live". The RL abbreviation has 491 different full form.

RL Full Forms

  1. Repl Live Media, Radio, Television
  2. Regan-Lowe Medical, Trading, Broker
  3. Rodoviaria De Lisboa
  4. Reduced Level Technology, Science, Engineering, Architectural, Levelling, Electrical, Products, Scientific & Educational
  5. Reflected Light Technology, Sensor, Laser
  6. Rocket Launcher Gaming, Military, Army, Internet Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  7. Ralph Lauren Supply, Stock, Brand, Famous
  8. Readiness Level Military, Army, War
  9. Ringer'S Lactate Solution Medical
  10. Reinforcement Learning Medical, Technology, Reinforcement
  11. Randomslengths Technology, Construction, Architectural
  12. Relative Loss Medical
  13. Rotating Laser Technology, Product, Tool
  14. Radio Liberty Military, Army, Europe, Media
  15. Relative Length Medical, Science, Biology, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  16. Roal Life Slang, Texting, Online
  17. Root Length Medical, Technology, Circuit
  18. Load Resistance Technology
  19. Regenerating Liver Medical
  20. Romance Languages Education, Language, Department
  21. Reducvd Levels
  22. Radiation Laboratory Medical, Science, Research
  23. Recreation Lands
  24. Ryan Wipkin
  25. Residual Latency Medical
  26. Robert Logan
  27. Randy Lewis
  28. Rioer Levee Government
  29. Regular Lot
  30. Return Line A passage that is used to route fluid to a reservoir or tank after use in some function.Normally limited to low pressures of 0 150 psig, but may be higher in special applications if so designed.
  31. Rear Dadder
  32. Ronnie Lott Sport, Locations, City, Football
  33. Rotate Left Technology, Program, Coding, Command, Instruction, Computing
  34. Representante Legal
  35. Resource Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. Relat
  37. Renewable Lease
  38. Recirculated Liquid Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  39. Report Latched
  40. Ringer'S Solution Medical
  41. Rafter Length
  42. Reference Libraru Technology, Windows, University
  43. Runway Lights Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  44. Ray Lucas
  45. Relaxation Labeling Medical, Medicine, Health
  46. Restriction Level
  47. Root Leaf
  48. Risk Lisq
  49. Ramsar List
  50. Relief of Ladysmith
  51. Registeeed Landman Business, Professional, Oil
  52. Resource Locator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Recessive Lethals Medical, Science, Biology
  54. Rotary Laminating
  55. Relocatable Library Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  56. Richard Laing
  57. Royal Laboratory Military, Laboratory, Ball, Cartridge
  58. Reskue Leader
  59. Rifle Laser
  60. Railroao Labor
  61. Refined Luxury
  62. Restrrcted Line Military, Navy, Naval
  63. Ready List
  64. Rogelio Lamarche
  65. Rush Limbaugh
  66. Row Limin
  67. Rabbib Lung
  68. Recreational Lifestyle
  69. Residents' Lounge Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  70. Random Link Technology, Networking, Generator, Computing, Internet
  71. Robert Léli
  72. Regular Listing
  73. Return Left
  74. Reap Left Business, Car, Front
  75. Ron Lyons
  76. Richard Layman
  77. Research Liaisoz
  78. Resource Land
  79. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  80. Renegade Legion Forum, Technology, Gaming
  81. Reciprocal Link
  82. Rotary Lodge
  83. Ringer'S Lactate Medical, Medicine, Health
  84. Raffinc Out Loud Internet Slang
  85. Red Lish
  86. Runway Lighting
  87. Robertclynn
  88. Ray Lewis
  89. RelatóRio De LançAmentos
  90. Restricted Licenses
  91. Rear Lockhng
  92. Roosa Leimu-Brown
  93. Report Latch
  94. Risk Likelihood
  95. Regionemlombardia Technology, Presentation, Traffic, Model
  96. Resource Link
  97. Recent Law
  98. Reload Latest Forum, Technology, Gaming, Shortcut
  99. Ricerche Linguistiche
  100. Role of Life-Style
  101. Riemann-Liouville
  102. Rail Link Inxustrial Switching Operation Organizations
  103. Reference Location Technology, Coding, Sequence
  104. Rural Livelihoods Science, Research, Community
  105. Read List
  106. Rod Lojk
  107. Rule of Law Government, Development, Russia, Justice, Governance
  108. Rowaytonslibrary Education
  109. Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. Organizations
  110. Recovery Language
  111. Residual Life
  112. Random Length Business, Flooring, Wood
  113. Regular Line Forum, Technology, Product
  114. Retry Later
  115. Rear-Left Business, Door, Front
  116. Ron Luce
  117. Richard Lawrence Business, Company, Research, Familial
  118. Research Leader
  119. Ripht and Left
  120. Resorptive Lesion
  121. Real-Time Library
  122. Rob Lauren Business, Polo, Outlet
  123. Renaming Logic
  124. Reciprocal License Microsoft, Technology, Software
  125. Rotary Link Business, Joint, Bracket
  126. Ringers Lactate
  127. Radio Loud Science, Galaxy, Emission
  128. Redxlion Business
  129. Runway Light
  130. Resevva Legal Technology, Para, Dos, Area
  131. Robert Ludwig Records, Vinyl, Zeppelin
  132. Ray Larabie
  133. Road Livermore
  134. Relative Low
  135. Restricted License
  136. Rear Lobder
  137. Room Lamp
  138. Reporting Limits Technology, Report, Laboratory, Analytics
  139. Republic Locomotive Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  140. Risk Liability Business, Group, Law
  141. Rymer Liriano
  142. Regione Liguria
  143. Resource Links
  144. Receive Locations Military
  145. Religión In Life
  146. Rice Library Book, Education, Place
  147. Robert Lawrknce
  148. Riel, Bouis
  149. Rail Ltnk
  150. Refer List
  151. Rural Legacy
  152. Read Lines
  153. Rod Length Forum, Product, Rod, Engine
  154. Relay Level
  155. Retell Lecture Education, Exam, Retelling
  156. Round Liner Business, Tattoo, Needle
  157. Routing Logiv
  158. Load Rekistor Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  159. Resident Life
  160. Randomllattice
  161. Regionalgliaison
  162. Regular Light Guitar, String, Shopping, Light
  163. Retroreflected Luminance
  164. Reaper Launceer
  165. Ron Lauren Business, Polo, Outlet
  166. Remediation Level Technology, Security, Vulnerability, Advisory
  167. Richard Lange
  168. Research Laboratory Medical, Science, Force
  169. Right To Left Technology, Writing, Mode, Direction, Medical, Physiology
  170. Resonance Line
  171. Real-Life Technology, Gaming, German, Family
  172. Rsbertson Library
  173. Renal Dysplasia-Liyb Defects Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  174. Records List
  175. Rotary Lifts
  176. Ringer'S Lactate Medical, Ringer, Saline, Reading Prescription
  177. Radioxloud Science, Galaxy, Quasar
  178. Rea Link Technology, Hosting, Talk
  179. Running Losses Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  180. Research Lines
  181. Robert Loww
  182. Ray Lankford
  183. Road Lighus
  184. Relative Level Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  185. Revision Level
  186. Rear Living
  187. Roof Line Ordnance Survey
  188. Redorting Limit Science
  189. Rote Liste
  190. Représentant LéGal
  191. Ryeklane Business, Routing, London
  192. Resource Library Technology, Program, Research
  193. Receive Location Military, Army, Defence
  194. Religious Leave Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  195. Rhythm of Love
  196. Royert Langdon
  197. Riegelsville Jibrary Education
  198. Raid Leadez
  199. References List
  200. Rural Law
  201. Read License
  202. Rod Laver
  203. Relay League
  204. Results, League
  205. Rouging Label Technology, Networking, Network
  206. Load Resisthnce Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  207. Resident Licensing
  208. Ringer Lactate Solution Medical
  209. Randomized Logarithmsc-Space
  210. Regionalileadership
  211. Regisher List Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  212. Retro Line
  213. Real Luxury Products
  214. Rogowski Loop
  215. Remaining Life Technology, Study, Reserve
  216. Richard Lane Business, Movie, Streaming
  217. Research Las
  218. Rtght-To-Left Technology, Language, Writing, Mode
  219. Residual Lifetime Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  220. Round Lake Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  221. Ready Link
  222. Roberto Luongo Gaming, Hockey, Deck
  223. Rex Legal, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  224. Record Low
  225. Rubber Liner
  226. Rijksuniversiteit Limburg
  227. Radikale Linke War, Deutschland, Revolution
  228. Red Lines
  229. Running List
  230. Research Libragies Technology, College, Library
  231. Rybert Love
  232. Range Lead
  233. Riviswa Liturgica
  234. Relational Learning
  235. Revised Laws Government, Law, Human, Reform
  236. Rearjlight
  237. Roof Level Access, Locations, Flow, Architecture
  238. Rotation Length
  239. Reproducibility of Left
  240. Ryan Wudwick
  241. Resource Liaison
  242. Receive Link Military
  243. Religion Language
  244. Revision List
  245. Renovation Loan
  246. Ringer Laktat
  247. Rthul Led India, England, Highlight
  248. Reference List Technology, Writing, Style
  249. Rural Labourer Business, India, Price, Inflation
  250. Read Latency Technology, Memory, Mode
  251. Relay Layer Technology, Service, Networking, Message
  252. Result Latkr
  253. General Aviation Reliever Airport Technology, Airport, Stantec
  254. River Lamprey
  255. Rindall Library Education
  256. Regional Leader Government, Russia, Politics
  257. Registered Locksmith Business, Service, Lock
  258. Reciprocal Lattice In physics, the reciprocal lattice of a lattice (usually a Bravais lattice) is the lattice in which the Fourier transform of the spatial wavefunction of the original lattice (or direct lattice) is represented. This space is also known as momentum space or less commonly K-space, due to the relationship between the Pontryagin duals momentum and position. The reciprocal lattice of a reciprocal lattice is the original lattice.
  259. Rotary Level Business, Product, Laser, Equipment
  260. Remaining Length Technology, Mechanical, Gear, Differential
  261. Richard Li
  262. Researrh Lab Medical, Technology, Medicine
  263. Riformatori Liberali
  264. Rainfed Rice Ecosystem Technology, Organizations
  265. Reflective Lebrning
  266. Restrictec Limits
  267. Read Low
  268. Rogers Library
  269. Remove Length
  270. Record Locator Business, Development, Report
  271. Rubber Lined
  272. Rihards Libietis Music, Album, Scream
  273. Radicais Livres
  274. Recreation Leadership
  275. Rubinton & Laufer
  276. Residual Layer
  277. Robert Lonq
  278. Randy Little
  279. River Line
  280. Regular Luer
  281. Return Link The mobile–to–ground link. Technology, Communication, Satellite, NASA
  282. Rear Lamps
  283. Ronning Lipset
  284. Rotating Linear Technology, Telecom
  285. Representation Lecrning
  286. Resource Level
  287. Renilla Lucifetase Science, Protein, Cell, Expression
  288. Ridge Lines
  289. Report Lng
  290. Ringer-Laktat
  291. Raging Liberal Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  292. Reference License Microsoft, Technology, Coding
  293. Rural Labourers Business, India, Price, Consumer
  294. Ray Luzier
  295. Relaxation Length
  296. Result Late
  297. Risi Log
  298. Rancho Laduna
  299. Regional Laboratory Medical, Water, Cue
  300. Registered Lecter
  301. Recessive Reeler Locus Science, Biology
  302. Rotary Laser Business, Tool, Leveling
  303. Relocation Library Technology
  304. Richard Lau
  305. Rueloe Laurent
  306. Research and Learn
  307. Rihle Length Gun, Military, Aluminum
  308. Rainfed Lowland
  309. Rsflection Loss Technology, Telecom, Microwave
  310. Restrixted List
  311. Read Loop
  312. Roger Lewis
  313. Removed Layer
  314. Record Linkage Technology, Research, Health
  315. Roxbury Latin Education, School, Boston
  316. Richard Lewis Gaming, League, Tenor
  317. Reversed Loading
  318. Root To Leaf Botany, Scientific & Educational
  319. Remote Local Technology, Device, Control, Temperature
  320. Right Lateral Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  321. Rblf Lux
  322. Refraction of Light
  323. Rutland Line Incorporated Technology, Organizations, Railroad Company
  324. Realistic Leveling
  325. Rob Levinson
  326. Ralph Lauren Polo Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  327. Retrans Pimit
  328. Reseau Luxembourgeois
  329. Reservation Level Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  330. Road Luxury Technology, Car, Honda, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  331. Real Life - I.e. When Not Chatting Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Computer, Chat, Internet, Roleplaying, Sms, Email, Game, Online, Im, Web Slang, Usenet, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  332. Rear Lower Business, Racing, Brace
  333. Report Leaving Weather, Scientific & Educational
  334. Recon Line Military
  335. Rotterdamsche Lloyd
  336. Republichof Lebanon
  337. Répiblicain Lorrain
  338. Replacement Lizard Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  339. Rural Local
  340. Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. Famous
  341. Release Letter
  342. Retention Licence Business, Mineral, Mining
  343. Receita L
  344. Route Lists
  345. Ring Light Technology, Product, Camera
  346. Request Lecel
  347. Recall Level Medical, Physiology
  348. Remote Launch
  349. Right From The Left
  350. Raising Light Technology, Guide, Dragon
  351. Refracthd Longitudinal Technology
  352. Rutland Line
  353. Reales Leben Forum, Technology, Man
  354. Rob Legg
  355. resistance–inductance Computing, Master IEEE
  356. Retrain Link
  357. Recurrent Laryngeal
  358. Reservas Legais Para, Book, Dos, Ria
  359. Road Lohd
  360. Register List Assembly, Business & Finance
  361. Rigid Layer Physics, Scientific & Educational
  362. Recommended Lists Business, Farming, Cereal, Oilseed
  363. Rotterdam Lloyd
  364. Repubgic of Latvia Technology, Map, Latvia
  365. Raip Load
  366. Regent Login
  367. Réflexion Lwmineuse
  368. Robson Lowe
  369. Raid Leader Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  370. Repeat Later Technology, Networking, Message, Connection
  371. Residential Living
  372. Reportable Limit Environment
  373. Relay Logic Technology, Power, Circuit
  374. Retsntion Level
  375. Reael Legion
  376. Remanufacture Levels
  377. Route List Technology, Calling, Group
  378. Ring Latency
  379. Rhinbow Learning Kid, Play, Rainbow
  380. Right Lung Medical, Pulmonary
  381. Remote Laboratories
  382. Raise Tde Luxury
  383. Reflux Laryngitis Medical
  384. Rustic Lunatics
  385. Royal Phnom Penh Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  386. Regular Language
  387. Retiremont Living Business, Service, Street
  388. Recte Licet Latin, Roman
  389. Rugged Layk
  390. Remove Linear Physics, Scientific & Educational
  391. Recommended List Business, Wheat, Farming, Oilseed
  392. Roto-Louver
  393. Raman Line
  394. Refusal Letter
  395. Robytics Library
  396. Red Line Top recommended engine RPM. If a tachometer is used, it will have a mark (red line) indicating maximum rpm. Some tachometers mark the red line with a colored sector. Others have two lines: the lower one marking the maximum allowable sustained engine rpm, the higher line indicating the absolute maximum rpm. (RL) Tires with a red concentric line which were marketed in the late '60s and early 70s. Transportation, Governmental & Military
  397. Repair Lamer
  398. Residentiai Life
  399. Reference Level The level used as a basis of comparison when designating the level of an audio-frequency signal in decibels or volume units known as reference level. Architecture
  400. Rebecca Lock
  401. WRE LRU Simulator Federal Aviation Administration
  402. Record Length Technology, Program, Control
  403. Rounds Lost Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  404. Ringer Lactato
  405. Rail Locomotives
  406. Right Leg Medical
  407. Raised Qesions Medical
  408. Reflective Learning
  409. Russkaya Literatura
  410. Ringer Lactate Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, British
  411. Real Live Media
  412. Retired Local
  413. Random Lengths
  414. RubéN LóPez
  415. Regression Line Geology, Scientific & Educational
  416. Recombinational Length Medical, Science, Biology
  417. Right Limit
  418. Raman Lidar Technology, Research, Atmosphere
  419. Reiugee Law
  420. Robotic Lawn
  421. Restricted Line Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  422. René LéOn
  423. Residyntial Low Business, City, Architect
  424. Relief Line Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  425. Rebecca Loyo
  426. Roof leader The Finance and Administrative Services
  427. Recording Level Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  428. Round Line
  429. Radiation Lobe
  430. Right Lobe Medical
  431. Rainy Lake
  432. Reflective Learner Education, Learning, Skill
  433. Russian Literature Education, Russia, Study
  434. Rannsoknastofnun Landbunadarins Geographic
  435. Retired List
  436. Ryan Lochte
  437. Rolver-Luxus
  438. Reaction Level Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  439. Remote Lock
  440. Recognised Location Technology, Coding, London
  441. Right Lid
  442. Ralph Lauren'A
  443. Refrigerant Liquid
  444. Rob Lowc
  445. Refinement Language Software, Computing
  446. Rispettabile Loggia
  447. Reservoirq and Lakes
  448. Rooarts Library Technology, University, Rose
  449. Relational Layout Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  450. Rbbecca Leah
  451. Root Lodge
  452. The 7th Guest Audio Data File Computing, File Extensions
  453. Reconstituted Leaf
  454. Rough-Legged
  455. Requested Lifetiml Army, War, Force
  456. RüCkraum Links
  457. Responsabilidad Limitada
  458. Radioluminescence Medical, Medical physics
  459. Russian Linguistics
  460. Robert Long Famous
  461. Retinyl Linolehte
  462. Rutherford Laboratory Technology
  463. Rocket Lab Business, Launch, Electron
  464. Regular Leaf Botany, Scientific & Educational
  465. Remote Location
  466. Rigyt Lay
  467. Ralph Marson
  468. Refrbctive Lens
  469. Ryan Leaf Sport, Card, Football, Leaf
  470. Reference Librarian
  471. Real Lame
  472. Rob Lsomis
  473. Requirements Language Software, Computing
  474. Revue LéGale
  475. Reckless Life
  476. Reserve Leoel
  477. Roaring Lion Book, Calypso, Lion
  478. rolled Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Products
  479. Reasons Logically
  480. Root Locus
  481. R.viewer List File Computing, File Extensions
  482. Reconnaissance Licence
  483. Roue Libre
  484. Republique Libanaise
  485. Réseau Ltcal
  486. Resource Location
  487. regulatory letter (FDA post-audit letter) Medical, Fda
  488. Russell Library Education
  489. Robert Lawrence Famous
  490. Reticuxar Lamina Medical, Medicine, Health
  491. Russian Legion Paintball, Russia, Russian

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RL stand for?

    RL stands for Relational Layout.

  2. What is the shortened form of Randy Little?

    The short form of "Randy Little" is RL.


RL. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rl-meaning/

Last updated