RLE Meaning

The RLE meaning is "Right Lower Extremity". The RLE abbreviation has 67 different full form.

RLE Full Forms

  1. Right Lower Extremity Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NAACCR
  2. Real-Life Experience
  3. Real-Life-Experience Medical, Surgery, Gender
  4. Rednletter Events
  5. Rural Labour Enquiry
  6. Real Life Experience Medical, Surgery, Gender
  7. Research Laboratory for Electronics Technology, Science, Computing
  8. Run Length Encoding Technology, Computer, Algorithm
  9. Roadster Limited Edition
  10. Redzletter Edition Media, Radio, Television
  11. Runtime Length Encoding Technology, Software, Library, Compression
  12. Research Laboratory of Electronics Technology, Science, Telecom
  13. Run-Length Encoded Technology, Compression, Encoding, Geographic
  14. Riverside Lyric Ensemble
  15. Retry Limit Exceeded
  16. Red Lake Zarth
  17. Rowman & Littlefield Education
  18. Research Lab for Electronics Science, Military, Strategy
  19. Run-Length-Encoding Technology, Coding, Compression
  20. Rio Linda Elverta
  21. Retained Life Estate
  22. Real Lvfe Example
  23. Rotating Liner Engine
  24. Required Local Effort Business, Tax, School
  25. Right To Left Embedding
  26. Response On Link Establishment Technology
  27. Rabbit Liver Esterase Medical
  28. Robert Lee Entertainment
  29. Request Local Echo
  30. Right Lower Extremities
  31. Research Laboratory of Electronics At Mit Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  32. Rabbit Limbal Epithelial Medical
  33. Roast Leach Electrowin
  34. Red Line Extension Transit, Chicago, Projection
  35. Rural Law Enforcement
  36. Research Lab of Electronics
  37. Run Length Encoded Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  38. Roast-Leach-Electrowin
  39. Respect, Loyalty, Entertainment Music
  40. Review Level Earthquake Technology, Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  41. Run Length Encoded Bitmap Computing, File Extensions
  42. Riding Lawn Equipment
  43. Run Length Encode Technology, Compression, Encoding
  44. Red Letter Edition Media
  45. Review-Level Earthquake Technology
  46. rat lung epithelial cells Medical, Pulmonary
  47. Rico Linhas AéReas Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  48. Richview Lawn Equipment
  49. Roasting, Leaching, Electrowinning
  50. Rail Link Engineering Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  51. Rail Liaison Element Military, Governmental & Military
  52. Rice Lake Elementary
  53. Windows Or Compuserve Rle Image Format Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  54. Real Estate Investors, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  55. Run Length Encoded file Computing, IT Terminology
  56. Rhodes Local Edition Technology, Computing, Python
  57. Réseau Local D'Entreprise
  58. Rat Liver Epithelial Cells Medical, liver and hepatic
  59. Utah Run-Length Encoded image file Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
  60. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatematica
  61. Russian Link Exchange Technology, Russia, Banner
  62. Run Language Encoding Literature, Language, Linguistics
  63. Run-Length Encoding Security, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  64. Review of Law & Economics Business, Fee, Shopping
  65. Golly Simulation Pattern File Computing, File Extensions
  66. Right-To-Left Embedding Technology, Coding, Control, Character
  67. Run Length Encoder Technology, Coding, Encoding

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RLE stand for?

    RLE stands for Red Letter Edition.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rat Liver Epithelial Cells?

    The short form of "Rat Liver Epithelial Cells" is RLE.


RLE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rle-meaning/

Last updated