RLS Meaning

The RLS meaning is "Restless Legs Syndrome". The RLS abbreviation has 177 different full form.

RLS Full Forms

  1. Restless Legs Syndrome Medical, Disorder, Sleep
  2. Recursive Least Square Medical, Technology, Algorithm
  3. Record Level Sharing Technology, Access, Performance
  4. Robert Louis Stevenson Book, Island, Locations, Pocket
  5. Restless Leg Syndrom Medical, Symptom, Syndrome
  6. Republication Licensing Service
  7. Residence Life Staff Education, University, Brock
  8. Rogue, Lock, Shaman
  9. Recursive Least-Square Technology, Filter, Algorithm
  10. Rural Land Stewardship Technology, Girl, Area
  11. Rapid Landing System
  12. Regmstered Land Survey
  13. Restless-Lebs-Syndrom Medical, Symptom, Syndrome
  14. Real Life Soap
  15. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Organizations, Berlin, Foundation
  16. Reversing Language Shift Education, Linguistic, Revitalization
  17. Remote Light Sensor
  18. Radiobalise De Localisation De Sinistre
  19. Receive Line Status
  20. Reporting Limits Technology, Report, Laboratory, Analytics
  21. Reservoir Level Sensing Military
  22. Rod Lift System Technology, Management, Manager
  23. Recursife-Least-Square
  24. Rural Lands Stewardship
  25. Randomized Local Search
  26. Registered Land Surueyors Business, Survey, Geodesy
  27. Restless-Legs-Syndroms
  28. Real Life Situation Education, Presentation, Knowledge
  29. Root Least Square
  30. Rate Limiting Step
  31. Reverse Ljgistics System
  32. Remote Lighred Siren Technology, Coding, Light
  33. Radiobalise De Localisation Des Sinistres
  34. Restless Legs Symptoms
  35. Received Line Signal Technology, Cable, Connecting
  36. Reserve Legal Support
  37. Rocket Launching System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  38. Recursive-Least-Squares Technology, Filter, Algorithm, Square
  39. Run-Length Statistics Medical, Medicine, Health
  40. Remote Live Screening Technology, Telecom
  41. Raman Laser Spectrometer Technology, Mars, Spectroscopy
  42. Registered Land Surveyar Technology, Survey, Geodesy
  43. Responsg Latencies Medical
  44. Real Life Situations Technology, Presentation, Knowledge
  45. Root Lateral Spread Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  46. Rata-Rata Lama Sekolah Program, Indonesia, Locations
  47. Reusable Launch System Technology
  48. Rempte Library Services
  49. Radial Longitudinal Section
  50. Restless Legs Study
  51. Real Living With Slide Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  52. Research and Learning Services
  53. Rocket Launch Spotter
  54. Recreation-Lersure Study College, Education, University
  55. Remote Link Switch
  56. Raman Laser Shutdown
  57. Regis Learning Solutions
  58. Resources for Learning In Scotland Science, History, Scotland, Scottish
  59. Real Life Scenario
  60. Room Light Sensor
  61. Reuf Life Survey
  62. Rappresentante Lavoratori Sicurezza Technology, Art, Con, Ore
  63. Return To Launch Site Science, Flight, Aviation, Space, Astronomy, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  64. Remote Learning System
  65. Research Laboratories Technology, Laboratory, Leg
  66. Restless Lfgs Some
  67. Real Life Syndrome
  68. Request Line Status
  69. Riara Lawgschool
  70. Recreation and Leisure Studies Education, University, Study
  71. Remoue Line Switch Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Rain Light Sensor Forum, Technology, Auto
  73. Regional Library Systems
  74. Restless Leg Syndrome Medical, Sleep, Narcolepsy, Technology, Health, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  75. Resource Locationoservice
  76. Rvgional Laboratories Medical, Disease, Health, Report
  77. Room Layout Sheets
  78. Red Ligjts & Sirens
  79. Russian Language Service
  80. Rappahannock Legal Services
  81. Roy Lester Schneider
  82. Remote Laptoz Security
  83. Recursive Least-Squares Technology, Filter, Algorithm, Square
  84. Restless Ldgs Syndroom Medical, Syndrome, Door
  85. Real Life Support Service, Military, Training
  86. Rethrn Link Service
  87. Riada Language School
  88. Remote Line Status
  89. Radio La Sentinelle
  90. Recreation and Leisure Services College, Education, University
  91. Regional Library System Libraries, Reading, Books
  92. Residency Learning System Medical, Program, Pharmacy
  93. Regionalcand Local Services
  94. Rogue Lock Shaman Arena, Shaman, Warlock
  95. Recurso De Liquidação De SentençA
  96. Rural Library Sustainability
  97. Rapid Light System Technology, Flashlight, Mount
  98. Royal Lifeboat Society
  99. Registered Land Surveys
  100. Recursive Least Squares Technology, Science, Square, Computing, Telecom, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  101. Reztless Legs Syndrom Medical, Symptom, Syndrome
  102. Real Life Stuff
  103. Returned Lettegs Section
  104. Reweighted Least Jquares
  105. Remote Light Source Technology, Manual, Projector
  106. Radiobalizas De Localización De Siniestros
  107. Recremtion-Leisure Study College, Education, University
  108. Rifle Length Shelf
  109. Reservas Legais Para, Book, Dos, Ria
  110. Real-Life Server Gaming, Play, Pastime, Computing, Internet
  111. Remote Loks System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  112. Retail Loyalty Site
  113. Registered Land Surveyor Occupation & positions
  114. Reference Landing Sith Technology
  115. Rust Language Server Literature, Language, Linguistics
  116. Replica Location Services Technology, Service, Grid
  117. Rayleigh Light Scattering Medical
  118. Row-Level Security Technology, Database, Server
  119. Symbian Localization File Computing, File Extensions
  120. Restless Leg Symptoms
  121. Refugee Legal Service
  122. Richtlinien FüR Den Lärmschutz An StraßEn Technology, Traffic, Sind, Noise
  123. Read Link Error Status Technology
  124. Remote Login Service Technology, Manual, Vulnerability
  125. Retail Leadership Sbmmit Business, India, Mumbai
  126. Roccus Leneatus Saxatilis Latin
  127. Reberence Laboratories Medical, Health, Laboratory
  128. Rustenburg Layered Suite
  129. Replica Location Service Technology, Science, Globus
  130. Routing Lists
  131. Returned Letter Section Postal, United Kingdom
  132. Refrigerant With Leak Oealer
  133. Residual Lattice Strain
  134. Read Link Status Technology, Channel, Port
  135. Resurrection Lutheran School Server, Lutheran, Cary
  136. Ricks Loyal Supporters Funnies
  137. Refacto Laboratory Standard Medical
  138. Russian Logistic Service
  139. Replica Location Server Science
  140. Route List Selector
  141. Row Level Security General, Governmental & Military
  142. Reflect Lighting System
  143. Reliable Link Source
  144. Read-Link Status Technology, Device, Patent
  145. Royal Leamington Sparklers
  146. Restricted Least Squarjs Technology, Square, Statistics, Econometrics
  147. Robert Lee Studebaker, Dallas Police Officer present at the Kennedy Assassination Famous
  148. Russian Language School
  149. Repeater Location Schematic
  150. Roussy-Levy Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health
  151. Resource List Server Computing, Technical
  152. Reference Line Source
  153. S-Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  154. Reactive Location Service
  155. Royal Leamington Spa Club, Event, Spa, Warwickshire
  156. Restless Limb Syndrome
  157. Rugby League Samoa Locations, Team, Samoa
  158. Renzulli Learning System Student, Education, Enrichment
  159. Rainbow Lake Software Software, Computing
  160. Reliable Link Service Federal Aviation Administration
  161. Rotational Listening Strategy
  162. Reference Levhls Signal, Transmission, Multilevel, Reference
  163. Rx Line Status
  164. Reactive Local Search
  165. Royal Latin School
  166. Restless Legs Syndrome-Quality
  167. Rubidium Lithium Sulfate
  168. Renaissance Lvwyer Society
  169. River of Life Sanctuary Religion
  170. Resonance Light Scattering Chemistry
  171. Ross Learning System
  172. Reference Letter Service
  173. Rutgers Law School
  174. Reaction Level Scale Medical, Patient, Coma
  175. Roxbury Latin School Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  176. Recursive Least Squares (algorithm) Chemistry
  177. Restless Legs Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RLS stand for?

    RLS stands for Rutgers Law School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reservas Legais?

    The short form of "Reservas Legais" is RLS.


RLS. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 9). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/rls-meaning/

Last updated