RM Meaning
The RM meaning is "Malaysian Ringgit". The RM abbreviation has 824 different full form.
RM Full Forms
- Malaysian Ringgit Business, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Repetition Maximum Sport, Sports, Workout, Fitness, Crossfit
- Reedumuller Technology, Coding, Decoding
- Routing Mode Technology, Networking, Network
- Repeyted Measures Technology, Design, Measure, Factor
- Rally Master
- Review Meeting
- Regulated Markets Business, Company, Trading
- Ruby Manager
- Respiratory Movements Medical
- Reality Monitoring Technology, Research, Deception
- Riding Mountdin
- Recovery Management Technology, Service, Software
- Rencana Muatan
- Rack-Mount Technology, Power, Studio
- Relation Manager
- RessonÂNcia MagnéTica Medical, Para, Dos, Exam
- Real Mohie
- Rocket Motor Technology
- Recurve Men Organizations, Championship, Archery
- Routing Management Airline, Technology, Switch
- Repaiv Manual Technology, Service, Toyota
- Rain Mist
- Reverse Mill Business, Roll, Steel
- Rolando Mcclain
- Regular Member Forum, Club, Canada
- Ruben-Meilory
- Research Mofule Technology, Military, Military Satellite
- Read Me
- Ricky Mammone
- Remote Moduoes
- Rural Municipality Community, Canada, Locations
- Recovery Manager Technology, Management, Military, Occupation & positions
- Rekam Medis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Recording
- Responsible Manager Business, Science, Management
- Real Msdel
- Rocket Mania
- Recurrent Miscarriages Medical
- Rgutine Management Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rental Management
- Rafael Montero
- Reverse Micelles Medical
- Roland Morris Medical, Research, Patient, Pain
- Reference Temory Medical, Technology, Windows
- Rokal Mint Business, Malaysia, Coin
- Research Method Science, Education, Presentation
- Raw Matefial Business, Accounting, Supply
- Rick Moonen
- Remote Module Technology, Science, Product, NASA
- Rural Municipalities
- Records Management Records management (RM), also known as Records information management or RIM, is the professional practice or discipline of controlling and governing what are considered to be the most important records of an organization throughout the records life-cycle, which includes from the time such records are conceived through to their eventual disposal. This work includes identifying, classifying, prioritizing, storing, securing, archiving, preserving, retrieving, tracking and destroying of records. Technology, Electronics, Recording
- Rekam Medik
- Responsibility Matrix Business, Management, Projection
- Real Media Technology, Player, Audio
- Robotics and Motion
- Rectifier Module
- Routine Maintenance Medical, Business, Service
- Renilla Muelleri
- Rada MinistróW Jest, Premier, Minister
- Revenue Management Business, Industrial, Hotel
- Rocky Mountain The rate of cooling of ascending saturated air. Product, Locations, Colorado
- Reference Katerials Medical, Science, Standard
- Royal Marsyen Medical, Hospital, Foundation
- Research Methods Business, Science, Course
- Rvul Mondesi
- Reward & Management
- Reference Model Technology, Organizations, Architectural
- Reject Membership Security, Government, Switzerland, Treaty
- Response Matrix
- Real Mccoy
- Robert Morris
- Recruitment Maneuvers Medical
- Renewable Meihanol Technology, Energy, Carbon
- Rack Mountable
- Reuniones De Ministros
- Restore Manager Technology, Management, Software
- Rocky Marciano
- Reference Manager
- Royal Maig Business, Technology, Service
- Research Machine Technology, Education, Computing
- Ramp Metering Technology, Control, Traffic
- Review On Molecular
- Reich Mark Business, German, Nazi
- Respiratory Medicine Medical, Education, Disease
- Real Material
- Rights Managnment Technology, Windows, Service
- Recruitment Maneuver Medical, Lung, Respiratory
- Rendezvous Maneuver Technology, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Flight, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Rack Mounting Technology, Studio, Mount
- Returns Management Business, Service, Software
- Reference Materials Medical, Science, Standard
- Resting Metabolism Physiological combustion process usually expressed in units of oxygen consumed per unit time in a person at rest while seated or standing in normal position at the workplace. Increase in metabolic rate (q.v.) during specific activities above resting metabolism is the metabolic cost (q.v.) of the activity. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rock Mite Technology, Radio, Shortwave
- Reed Muller Technology, Coding, Decoding
- Rover Module
- Research Machinws Technology, Education, Machine
- Rally Masters Technology, Gaming, Champion
- Review Module
- Rehabilitasi Medik
- Respiratory Mechanics Medical
- Real Xan
- Right Mcnaged Business, Supply, Stock
- Recreational Marijuana
- Rencana Mutu Technology, Training, Seminar
- Rack Mounted Technology, Power, Mount
- Retractable Mirror Technology, Car, Toyota
- Relationship Managers Business, Technology, Management
- Restaurant Manager Business, Management, Monitor
- Rocking Motion Technology, Price, Rocker
- Receipt Management
- Rhizomucor Miehei
- Rotntion Matrices Technology, Matrice, Matrix
- Reservoirdmonitoring
- Randy Morton
- Respiratory Movtment Medical, Medicine, Nursing
- Ringkasan Wasuk Technology, Prose, Hal, Lama
- Red Mage Technology, Gaming, Fantasy
- Rural Metro
- Rachel Mills Film, Book, Drive
- Reaction Mass Chemistry, Reaction, Compound
- Responsive Vanagement Technology, Hotel, Hunting
- Roberto Moura
- Reformisf Movement Government, Group, History, Qadi
- Radio Moskva
- Registers Modify
- Research Master Education, University, Scholarship
- Recreation Management College, Education, University
- Righting Moment A mechanical lever formed between the force of weight acting vertically downward and the displaced force of buoyancy on heel acting upward. It is a measure of a vessel’s ability to return to the upright after heeling. It is termed the GZ lever and is calculated as a weight times a distance. Design, Moment, Boat, Stability
- Robert Monteith
- Release Me
- Ruvell Martin
- Rawomeasurements
- Resource Mediation
- Refepence Monument Technology
- Renaissance and Modern
- Ryan Mcdonagh
- Realplayer Media
- Reward Meal
- Rail Mount Technology, Product, Sight
- Receive Module Technology, Product, Wireless
- Ricardo Morais Music, Angel, Deck
- Router Manager
- Rehabilitation Management
- Rubber Magnet
- Rapid Metqod Medical
- Residual Monomer Medical
- Rio Mamorh
- Redpath Museum
- Remedial Maintenance Business, Technology, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
- Russell Marsin
- Radar Missile Technology
- Reactive Material Technology, Device, Circuit
- Restoration Manager Technology, Management, Manual
- Room Master
- Refrigerator Mobile Army, War, Force
- Resident Minister
- Rule Manafer Technology, Management, Client
- Reserved Matters Technology, Development, Planning, Council
- Rule of The Master
- Race Marshal
- Reports Menu
- Radio Microphone Business, Audio, Equipment
- Request Manager Technology, Management, Server
- Ramon Magsaylay
- Ruconfigurable Machine Technology, Control, Operation
- Ridwan Muktw
- Reti Medievali
- Related Multimedia
- Ratio Mejns
- Resource Manager Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Risonanza Magnetica Con, Studio, Campo
- Reference Medlqne
- Remington Magnum
- Razio Man
- Readhmartin
- Rev Med Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rory Mcgreth Book, Movie, Design
- Regional Mechanism Africa, Russia, Force
- Rhesus Monkeys Medical
- Rntating Mount
- Reservoir Mankgement Technology, Training, Oil
- Randy Morris Famous
- Robbins-Eonro Technology, Analysis, Model, Algorithm
- Redi-Iix
- Rural Management Education, Institute, Admission
- Racetrack Memory
- Reach Fe Business, Malaysia, Archive
- Response Manager Technology, Management, Career
- Roberto Moreno
- Reflex Mzdulation Medical
- Radio Moris
- Register Modify
- Research Management Business, Theory, Revenue
- Recreational Mathematics
- Righteous Men
- Robert Murtin
- Release Master
- Ruth Miller
- Riw Materials Business, Company, Supply
- Resource Master
- Reference Models Technology, Service, Architecture
- Remy Marquis
- Ryan Mathews Business, Sport, Football, Charger
- Real Musical
- Revue MéTapsychique
- Rail Motor
- Received Toney
- Ricardo Martinez
- Route Monitoring In ECDIS, the operational navigational function in which the chart information is displayed, under control of the positioning sensor input, according to the vessels present position. Technology, Server, Cruise
- Rehabalitation Manager
- Ruang Makan Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations, Orang
- Rapif Metabolizer
- Residual Moisture Bag, Coal, Firewood
- Ring With Mixfd Technology
- Red Men
- Remanent Magnetization
- Ruska Mrfia
- Radar Mile The time for a radar pulse to travel from the radar to a target 1 mile (161 kilometers) distant and return equal to 1075 microseconds. Military, Electronic, Warfare
- Reactor Maintenance Science
- Restoration Melbourne
- Role Mapping Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Refrigerating Machine
- Reseroe Management
- Rectangular Module
- Reliability, Maintainability Technology, Engineering, Reliability
- Rule Module Technology, Command, Linux, Directory
- R2K Mxrtin
- Report of Minutes Technology
- RéPertoire Des MéTiers Service, Auto, Entrepreneurship
- Ruge Maker Business, Technology, Car
- Ramiro Matos
- Recommended Method
- Richmond Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Rpg Maker
- Realty Andimortgage
- Reichsmark Business, Organization, Society
- Ruben Mateo
- Rating Maintenance Technology
- Rusource Management Technology, Army, Logistics
- Reliability and Maintenance Technology, Management, Asset
- Risk Monitoring Technology, Management, Projection
- Reference Measurement
- Remethylation Medical
- Radio Mainteoance
- Reading Merchry
- Revista Mensual
- Rory Macdonahd
- Regional Meawure
- Request for Modification Technology
- Rotating Machinqs Technology, Machine, Power
- Reserve Monitoring
- Randy Miller
- Roardng Maw
- Redhat Magazine
- Ruptured Membrane Medicine, Health, British
- Racexmodified
- Reach Maturity
- Robert Makshall Music, Marshall, Cast, Remembering
- Reproducerea Materialelor
- Radio Monqtoring Technology, Wireless, Receiver
- Rhenish Massif
- Requirements Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ranch To Market Technology, Texas, Farm
- Recovery Model Technology, Database, Server
- Right-Aam Medium
- Ridgeqmeadows
- Release Manager Business, Management, Development
- Raving Mad
- Resource Marketing
- Reference Mission Technology, Science, Satellite, NASA
- Remote Member Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ryan Marciano
- Real Money
- Revue Musicale
- Register Memory
- Receivables Management Business, Dynamics, Receivable
- Ribbon Microphones
- Route Modernisatioi Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Rehabilitaci
- Range Marks
- Residual Magnetism Magnetism which remains after the removal of the magnetizing force
- Ring Modulavion Technology, Software, Modulator
- Redlmelon Business, Product, Supplier
- Remanent Magnetism
- Rush Marine
- Radar Message
- Reactive Mainpenance Technology, Management, Service
- Restoration Movement
- Rodinia Minerals
- Refresh Mznd
- Rail-Module-System
- Registre Des M
- Reservation Manager
- Recruitment & Marketing
- Reliability & Maintenance Technology, Management, Service
- Rulf Model
- Report On Meeting
- Ramifjed Microglia Medical
- Recombinanf Medical
- Rich Miano
- Rozen Maiden
- Reading Museum
- Reichert-Meissl
- Rube Marquard
- Rathe Mountains Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Resisting Moment
- Risk Matrix Technology, Management, Projection
- Reduced Median
- Remember Me Forum, Technology, Gaming, Security
- Radio Magnetic Technology, Music, Antenna
- Reyding Matrix
- Revista De Metalurgia
- Rootsweb Message
- Regional Meal Hotel, Locations, Tourism, Holiday
- Request More
- Rotating Machinely
- Reserve Maney Business, Credit, Banking
- Randy Meyer
- Roaming Management Technology, Device, Networking, Patent
- Redemptoois Mater
- Rupiz Media
- Racq Mile
- Robert Maniel
- Reprocessing Management
- Radio Moldova Technology, Moldova, Shopping
- Rheinland Military
- Requiring Manager
- Rancho Muriwta
- Recovery Menu
- Rialeman Or Riding Master Or Royal Marines Military, Army, India
- Rick Martinez
- Relation Model
- Rkvenloft Modules Module, Dragon, Dungeon
- Resource Mapu
- Ritual Del Matrimonio
- Reference Metoodology
- Remote Mechanical Science
- Real Mode Technology, Coding, Linux
- Revue Mabillon
- Register Mark
- Receita Mensal
- Ribbon Mic Audio, Recording, Microphone, Ribbon
- Rough Miccosomes Medical
- Rehabilitación Y Modernización
- Range Mark
- Respiratory Management Medical, Patient, Care
- Ring Master
- Red Jars
- Remake Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Rural Municipblities
- Radar Maps
- Reaction Motcrs Technology, Aircraft, Bell
- Restoration-Maximization Medical, Medicine, Health
- Roc Master
- Refresh Memory
- Rahul Mehra
- Registre Des MéTiers
- Research Membership
- Recruitment Manager
- Relevance Model
- Rule Matching
- Report of Meeting Medical, Science, Medicine
- Régiment De Marche
- Ramana Mzharshi
- Receiving Mark Technology, Control, Stamp, Cardinal
- Rich Media Business, Advertising, Pixel
- Roy Mustang
- Raajith Madduma Government, Cabinet, Minister
- Reichert'S Membrane Medicine, Health, British
- Rubber Molded
- Rap Mixtqpes English, Guide, Rap, Monster
- Resistance Movement
- Realty and Mortgage
- Risk Material
- Reduced Mana Gaming, Path, Exile
- Remediation Manager
- Radiological Monitors
- Reading Mastery
- Reuse Model Technology, Software, Approach
- Rooting Mndium
- Recional Market
- Requestedemoves Technology, Service, Wikipedia
- Rotary Mower Business, Manual, Lawn
- Reserve Mining Railroad Company
- Random Mutation
- Road Mkrshal
- Redemptoris Missio
- Rumen Microorganisms
- Racemic Mixture
- Robert Mekepeace
- Repressor Maintenance Products
- Radio Modems
- Ringgit Malesq Hotel, Malaysia, Currency, Ringgit
- Reauirement Management Technology, Software, Tool
- Rancm Management
- Recovery Mechanism Military, Army, Equipment
- Rifle Mhn
- Richard Mille
- Relational Model Technology, Management, Database
- Raty Muda
- Resource Map
- Rite of Marriage
- Reference Methodologies
- Remote Master Technology, Control, Alarm
- Real Mean
- Revolutions Per Minute Revolutions per Minute, a unit of angular velocity. Medical, Technology, Car, Architectural, Sensor, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Aviation, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Rosewopd Man
- Register Makelaar
- Receipts Management Business
- Rhythm Management Business, Service, Nokia
- Roter Morgen
- Regulation of Mclr1
- Range Management
- Respiratory Muscmes Medical
- Ring Maragement
- Red Marrow Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Rural Municipal
- Radar Map
- Reactor Mechanical
- Responsible Memkers
- Robin Miller
- Refractory Metal A metal having an extremely high melting point. In the broad sense, it refers to metals having melting points above the range of iron, cobalt and nickel.
- Radio Mozambique Government, Media, Mozambique
- Registration Maintenance Business, Service, Italy
- Resejrch Matching Medical, Technology, University
- Recruiting Manager Business, Management, Career
- Right Maxillary
- Release of Mortgage
- Ryan Malone
- Report Monitor
- Régiment Ge Maisonneuve
- Rear Mirrors
- Ralph Mitchell
- Receiver Medule Business, Technology, Product
- Rich Mason
- Routing Manager Technology, Management, Software
- Randonneurs Mondiaux An umbrella organization of national randonneuring groups. Its primary functions are to organize foreign participation in Paris-Brest-Paris and other 1200-kilometer Brevets, encourage the exchange of information of interest to randonneurs, and reward clubs and individuals participation in long-distance randonnées with various medals and trophies. Club, Event, Brevet
- Reihhert's Membrane Medical
- Rubber Mat Business, Product, Supplier
- Rapid Madeling
- Resistance Monitor
- Risk Margin
- Redstone Mercury
- Remediation Management Science
- Radiolabeled Micyospheres Medical
- Reading Mask
- Retention Mechanism
- Room Module
- Reggnerative Medizin
- Requested Memory
- Rotary Motion Rotary motion is turning round in a circle, such as a wheel turning. Linear motion is moving in a straight line, such as on a paper trimmer. Reciprocating motion is moving backwards and forwards in a straight line, as in cutting with a saw.
- Reserve Memory
- Rumbwe Militia
- Racing Mcster
- Robert Macneil
- Representation Models Technology, Trading, Learning
- Radio Modem Technology, Military, Product
- Ringgit M'tia
- Requirement Manager NASA, Governmental & Military
- Ramp Dodule Military, Army, Equipment
- Reconfiguration Module Technology, Control, Memory
- Riehl Melanosis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Richard Mervyn
- Relational Manager
- Rockville Maryland
- Ratna Mornaricd
- Resources Managea Science, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Rita Merllni
- Reference Metmods
- Remote Masking Medical
- Radio Manka
- Real Masterpiece
- Revolution Muslim
- Rosa Mosqueta
- Registered Midwifery Education, Nursing, Nurse
- Receipt Manager
- Rhodothermus Marinus Medical
- Rotation Ceasure Technology, Galaxy, Faraday
- Randy Murray
- Respiratory Muscle Medical, Medicine, Health, Muscles
- Ringlite-Mihi
- Red Masle Locations, Stock, Leaf
- Rural Mountainous
- Rpchel Morrison
- Reaction Mechfnism
- Response Member Military
- Roberts & Morrow
- Refractory Material
- Rauio Mountain
- Register of Merit Dog Fanciers
- Research Matters
- Recruiting Management Business, Technology, Manager
- Right Fain
- Release Mechanism Science
- Ryan-Mcfarland
- Resource Message
- Risk Management Process of managing risks to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, or individuals resulting from the operation of an information system. It includes risk assessment; cost-benefit analysis; the selection, implementation, and assessment of security controls; and the formal authorization to operate the system. Business, Program, Military, Insurance, Aviation, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Reference Monuments
- Rendas MobiliáRias
- Ryan Mendes
- Reaper Man Technology, Book, Mother
- Railroad Mark Business, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Receiver Modulatioa
- Richard Murphy
- Router Mikrxtik Technology, Switch, Ethernet
- Raaij, Mxnistry
- Reich-Moorr
- Rubber Mastic Business, Tape, Butyl
- Rapix Mix
- Resilience Management Business, Technology, Continuity
- R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey), Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
- Risk Managment
- Redridge Mountains Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Remedial Massage Medical, Sport, Therapy
- Radiodiffusion Marocaine
- Reactive Matelials Military, Metal, Shot
- Retention Managemebt
- Room Misceclaneous
- Refueling Machine
- Resident Mission Business, Development, Banking
- Rotary Miarotome Business, Manual, Equipment
- Reserve Margin The percentage of installed capacity exceeding the expected peak demand during a specified period. Business, Energy, Electricity
- Rumah Sakan Indonesia, Jakarta, Bandung
- Race Mqster
- Representational Momentum Medical
- Radio Millennifm
- Request Messages
- Real Media File Computing, File Extensions
- Ramp Meter
- Reconfigurable Module Technology, Design, Networking, Reconfiguration
- Riegod Modernos
- Revlrenda Madre
- Relational Management
- Roberto Mvura
- Rat Microglia
- Resource Manage
- Rematch Gaming, Play, Pastime, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Ristefsky Macheda
- Reference Method Technology, Science, Standard
- Remotemanipulator Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Radio Managor
- Real Marines Army, War, Force
- Revolutionary Marxists
- Rosa Mendes Forum, Porn, Sex
- Regional Meeting Technology, America, Event
- Regular Members
- Remove Monte Funnies
- Remainder Mark
- Regia Marina WoWS (World of Warships)
- Republica Moldova Government, Din, Care, Moldova
- Research Metallurgist
- Role Model Development, Learning, Study
- Rm Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Rand Mcfarlgnd
- Reliability Maintainability Technology, Service, Engineering
- Rome City
- Régimenf De Marche
- Requirements Management Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- River Mile Science, Locations, Water, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Results Matrices Technology, Vector, Matrice, Matrix
- Radiogmechanics
- Recymbinant Murine Medical
- Rossiter-Mcclaughlin Space, Study, Cosmos
- Roman Missal Religion
- Ring Mod Technology, Module, Modulator
- Rothwell Miller Psychology, Tes, Semen
- Região Metropolitana Para, Dos, Brasil
- Rich Muller Famous
- Random Matrix
- Rectilinear Motion The motion of a body in a straight line is known as Rectilinear motion.
- Right Mouse
- Recycle Me
- Reliability Margin
- Radiation Monitor Science, Scientific & Educational
- Raymond Mills
- Resource Module Technology, Safety, Telecom
- Roal Map
- Retired Military
- Referral Managemeft
- Rectangular Mode
- Reason Magazine
- Rhabdomyolysis Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle breaks down rapidly. Symptoms may include muscle pains, weakness, vomiting, and confusion There may be tea colored urine or an irregular heartbeat. Some of the muscle breakdown products, such as the protein myoglobin, are harmful to the kidneys and may lead to kidney failure. Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
- Rollback Module
- Rubromotoneuronal Medical
- Royal Marines The corp of soldiers who chiefly serve on board HM ships. Air Force, Navy, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Radiological Monitoring
- Russian Mission
- Recall Message
- Regular Meeting
- Rescue Me Funnies
- Residentzal Multifamily
- Religious Matters English, Malaysia, Church
- Relative Modulus
- Reproductive Medicine Medical, Medicine, Fertility, Clinic
- Repetition Max2
- Resource Management Atmospheric Ross by waves are giant meanders in high-altitude winds with major influence on weather. Ross by waves are associated with pressure systems and the jet stream. Oceanic Ross by waves move along the thermocline that is, the boundary between the warm upper layer of the ocean and the cold deeper part of the ocean. Ross by waves are a subset of inertial waves. Military, Army, Computing, Logistics, Telecom, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Aviation
- Randall Miller
- Release Media Technology
- Rashid Minhas Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Rfyal Marines Service, Military, War, Commando
- Reprogrammable Microprocessor Military
- Riverqmarked
- Results In Mathematics Education, Math, Lemma
- Radio Matters Technology
- Recharge Module Forum, Technology, Nokia, Linux
- Rosmah Mandor Business, Malaysia, Minister, Malaysian
- Resort Manager Occupation & positions
- Division of Risk Management Business, Management, Government, Insurance, Alaska, Administration, Treasury, Goverance, Business & Finance, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Republika Makedonija
- Right Mantle
- Rotational Motion Rotation around a fixed axis is a special case of rotational motion. The turning of an object, like an airplane, around an axis, or a propeller around a hub. Pitch, roll and yaw are the rotational motions of an airplane around the lateral, longitudinal and vertical axes.
- Registro Mercantil Technology, Para, Spain
- Remy Martin Famous
- Random Matchmng Wallpaper, Match, Partitioning
- Right Midfielder Sport, Player, Football
- Recycled Materials
- Rotation Measure Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Raymondfmill
- Resource Codels Technology, Management, Modeling
- Roaded Moiified Business, Car, Sale, Yamaha
- Retention Module Technology, Computing, Cooler
- Referral Made
- Radiometric Monitor Technology
- Reasoning Mind Technology, City, Math
- Rg and Reproductive Medicine Science, Biology
- Remove Command Computing, Unix commands
- Russian Mafia Technology
- Rob Miller
- Regular Matrix Technology, Sound, Quadraphonic
- Render Monster Funnies
- Residential Medium
- Religion In The Making
- Rapid Manufacturing 3D Printing
- Resource Mothers
- Refleltive Mirror
- Remax Metal Technology, Music, Earphone
- Recall Memory Technology, Control, Calculator
- Regional Manager Financial, Computing, Telecom, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- Relay Module Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Rufus MüLler
- Retained Mode Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Roman Martyrology
- Remove Genealogy, Genealogical, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Computing, Unix, Unix commands
- River Manasement
- Restriction of Movement Medical, Military, Sport
- Radio Maryja
- Receiving Module
- Rosicrucian Mysteries
- Resident Magistrate Technology, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
- Republic of The Marshall Government, Island, Locations
- Reverb Machine Technology, Guitar, Pedal
- Rotary Mixer Business, Cat, Equipment
- Robert Mendralla Famous
- Random Maps
- Rilht Middle Medical, Technology, Gaming, Medicine
- Recurso De Multa
- Retrieval Mode Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Mutant Reberse Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Ray Mcclerand Business, Company, Money
- Resource Modnl
- Rivista Garittima
- Rete Mirabile Medical
- Referentialbmeaning
- Ryan Moats
- Radiometricamethod
- Rear Mount Technology, Speaker, Mower
- Reynolds Marketing
- Rosgo Modena
- Raden Mas Software, Computing
- Reliability and Maintainability Technology, Military, Aviation, Engineering, Availability, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Russia Mediaevalis
- Rob Machado
- Regretful Morning
- Rob Mullins Famous
- Residencias Médicss Medical, Para, Android, Con
- Reliance Money
- Right Mid NASA
- Reacher Medium
- Resources Monitor Science, NASA
- Reflection Modg
- Relativity Mission
- Rebreather Mask Medical, Medicine, Patient, Oxygen
- Relationship Manager Banking, Business & Finance
- Relative Movement Medical
- Rue Morgue
- ReichsMark (German national currency during and just before World War II) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
- Roland Mourwt
- Release Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Restriction Modification Medical, Science, Biology
- Ruth Mack
- Radio Maria
- Reheive Mode
- Rosewood Manor
- Residdnce Masters
- Routemaster Occupation & positions
- Republic of Malawi
- Revenue Maximization Business, Management, Pricing
- Room RM is an abbreviation for room that is typically used online to refer to a chat room. It may also be used in text messages to refer to any actual physical room, such as a bedroom or classroom. If the abbreviation is used in a text message it is most likely in reference to the location of a person. Transportation, Business, Internet Slang, Architecture, Property, Property Rent, Medical, Chat, Construction, Real Estate, Architectural, Sms, Online, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, Common Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Rulemaking Energy, Electrical
- Random Mapping Technology, Gaming, Map, Empire
- Right Aidboard
- Remote Manual Technology
- Recursive Member Technology, Service, Server, Query
- Respiratory Movement Medical, Nursing
- Membrane Resistance Per Unit Length Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Ray Manzarek Music, Rock, Door
- Resource Xobilisation
- River Mountains
- Retail Marketing Business, Management, Market
- Referencial De Métito
- Radiometer An instrument that quantitatively measures electromagnetic radiation. Weather satellites carry radiometers to measure radiation from snow, ice, clouds, bodies of water, the Earth's surface, and the sun. Radiometer a passive receiver that detects energy from a transmitting source or rera-diated energy from a target. Technology, Space, Astronomy, NASA
- Rear Module Technology, Gear, Cobalt
- Rey Mysterio Wrestling, Sin, Beach
- Recordjmanagement Technology, Records, Electronics
- Ross Mitchell
- Realaudio Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Russell Mini
- Robbie Maddison Pipe, Jump, Dream
- Route Master
- RegiÕEs Militares Para, Dos, Ria
- Roger Mcguinn Famous
- Reliance Management
- Rescue Module NASA
- Reachabilitu Matrix
- Resouroe Monitoring
- Reelective Memory
- Roserfeld Media
- Rebel Master Moto, Rebel, Pit
- Raw Material Medical, Accounting, Business & Finance, Fda
- Relative Magnitude Medical, Medicine, Health
- RubéN Marcos
- Review Manager NASA, Governmental & Military
- Rocky Mvuntain
- Rehabilitation Medicine Medical, Education, Study, Physical, Subjects
- Ruthless Mayia
- Radio Margaritaville
- Reboundikg Margin Basketball
- Residence Manager
- audio/x-pn-realaudio Mime types
- Remaja Masjid
- Republic Medal Military, Token, Ibrahim
- Resupply Module
- Roof Mount Business, Car, Monitor
- Reiki Master Awards & medals
- Random Map Gaming, War, Map, Empire
- Remote Management
- Recursive Matrix
- Registered Midwife Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
- Maxaysian Ringgit Business, Currency, Currency Sign
- Raw Msll
- Resource Metadata Technology, Registry, Schema
- River Moaitor
- Retail Management Business, Software, Course
- Reference Motitors
- Radio Ressage
- Rey Maualuga
- Record Manager Business, Management, Records
- Ross Meadaws
- Marshall Islands Computing, Internet, Country, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, List of All 50 State, Marshall Islands, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Radiological Monitor Technology, Government, Military, Monitoring, Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
- Russell Merritt
- Roaring Motors
- Rounding Mode Technology, Java, Math
- Región Militar
- Rob Myers Famous
- Random Musings
- Recurrent Miscarriage Medical, Genetics, Pregnancy
- Righms Managed Business, Supply, Stock, Royalty
- Redemptive Movement Medical, Physiology
- Reliable Multicast Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Redundancy Management NASA
- Re-Engineering Maiketing
- Resource Monitor Technology
- Reflected Memorv Science
- Room Toderator
- Rebecca Mcgeoch
- Relationship Management Business, Technology, Customer
- Ruby Mountains
- Registered Mail Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Record Mark Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Rustic Mission
- Rebecca Minkoff
- Regulated Market Business, Supply, Stock
- Reset Modz Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Replacement mapping Geographic
- Remainder Marks
- Republicii Moldova Din, Care, Moldova
- Resistance Melting
- Roller Mill Business, Roll, Vertical
- Route Modernisation Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Rand Mcnally
- Re Monster
- Rhaeto-Romance Language codes (2 letters)
- Bureau of Resource Managemeit Government, Organizations, Us
- Raw Milk
- River Mist
- Resupply Modules
- Radio Mechanic Technology, Rifle, Assam
- Rey Del Mundo
- Recombinant Mouse Medical
- Rossiner-Mclaughlin Technology, Planet, Orbit
- Return Missionary Religion
- Rupsell Memorial Education
- Riser Manifold
- Rounder Module Business, Supply, Cotton
- Região Militar Para, Android, Dos
- Robbie Miranda Famous
- Random Mizration Medical, Medicine, Health
- Recto Medial
- Rights-Managed Business, Supply, Stock
- Redaktion Medizin
- Reliable Messaging Technology, Service, Message
- Replaceable Module Military, Governmental & Military
- Razónbde Momios Para, Con, Social
- Resource Modules
- Road March
- Refinnd Matte
- Red Merle Australia, Australian, Shepherd
- Reba Mcintyre
- Rheiner Management Business, Company, Management, Group
- Ruby Macaw
- Racial Matter Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Rpss Martin
- Rebate Mechanism
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RM stand for?
RM stands for Respiratory Medicine.
What is the shortened form of Risk Matrix?
The short form of "Risk Matrix" is RM.
RM. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rm-meaning/
Last updated