RM in Technology Meaning
The RM meaning in Technology terms is "Rights Managnment". There are 146 related meanings of the RM Technology abbreviation.
RM on Technology Full Forms
- Rights Managnment
- Rally Masters
- Remote Module
- Routing Mode
- Records Management Records management (RM), also known as Records information management or RIM, is the professional practice or discipline of controlling and governing what are considered to be the most important records of an organization throughout the records life-cycle, which includes from the time such records are conceived through to their eventual disposal. This work includes identifying, classifying, prioritizing, storing, securing, archiving, preserving, retrieving, tracking and destroying of records.
- Research Machinws
- Rekam Medis
- Retractable Mirror
- Rack Mounting
- Routing Management
- Repeyted Measures
- Reference Temory
- Rack Mounted
- Repaiv Manual
- Reed Muller
- Rack-Mount
- Rock Mite
- Real Media
- Renewable Meihanol
- Reedumuller
- Restore Manager
- Reference Model
- Rocking Motion
- Reality Monitoring
- Rendezvous Maneuver
- Recovery Management
- Research Mofule
- Rocket Motor
- Ramp Metering
- Rencana Mutu
- Recovery Manager
- Royal Maig
- Research Machine
- Relationship Managers
- Route Monitoring In ECDIS, the operational navigational function in which the chart information is displayed, under control of the positioning sensor input, according to the vessels present position.
- Receiving Mark
- Resejrch Matching
- Ringkasan Wasuk
- Resource Manager
- Reaper Man
- Reliability and Maintenance
- Report of Minutes
- Responsive Vanagement
- Refepence Monument
- Route Modernisatioi
- Receiver Medule
- Requirements Model
- Robbins-Eonro
- Ranch To Market
- Reliability, Maintainability
- Rusource Management
- Recruiting Management
- Role Mapping
- Real Mode
- Remote Member
- Response Manager
- Reference Models
- Rotation Ceasure
- Receive Module
- Reauirement Management
- Roaming Management
- Rail Mount
- Reliability & Maintenance
- Resilience Management
- Recovery Model
- Risk Monitoring
- Reactive Material
- Remote Master
- Reference Mission
- Rotntion Matrices
- Request Manager
- Radio Monqtoring
- Relational Model
- Rule Module
- Reconfiguration Module
- Risk Matrix
- Reactive Mainpenance
- Remember Me
- Radio Magnetic
- Reference Method
- Rotating Machinqs
- Request for Modification
- Revolutions Per Minute Revolutions per Minute, a unit of angular velocity.
- Radio Moldova
- Reservoir Mankgement
- Routing Manager
- Reconfigurable Module
- Ring With Mixfd
- Reaction Motcrs
- Remedial Maintenance
- Radar Missile
- Red Marrow
- Rule Manafer
- Requestedemoves
- Reuse Model
- Radio Modem
- Reserved Matters
- Router Mikrxtik
- Ruconfigurable Machine
- Ring Modulavion
- Rating Maintenance
- Red Mage
- Ruge Maker
- Representation Models
- Restoration Manager
- Regional Meeting
- Random Mapping
- Reliable Messaging
- Reverb Machine
- Recursive Member
- Rossiner-Mclaughlin
- Radiometer An instrument that quantitatively measures electromagnetic radiation. Weather satellites carry radiometers to measure radiation from snow, ice, clouds, bodies of water, the Earth's surface, and the sun. Radiometer a passive receiver that detects energy from a transmitting source or rera-diated energy from a target.
- Remote Manual
- Remax Metal
- Recordjmanagement
- Reliability and Maintainability
- Radio Mechanic
- Retention Module
- Reliability Maintainability
- Rounding Mode
- Russian Mafia
- Recharge Module
- Radiological Monitor
- Resource Monitor
- Radio Matters
- Results Matrices
- Recall Memory
- Release Media
- Rilht Middle
- Reset Modz
- Resource Module
- Reasoning Mind
- Relay Module
- Regular Matrix
- Resource Codels
- Resident Magistrate
- Rear Mount
- Release Message
- Relationship Management
- Registro Mercantil
- Reliable Multicast
- Resource Metadata
- Ring Mod
- Rear Module
- Record Mark
- Radiometric Monitor
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RM stand for Technology?
RM stands for Reauirement Management in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Rack Mounted in Technology?
The short form of "Rack Mounted" is RM for Technology.
RM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rm-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated