RMS Meaning
The RMS meaning is "Root Mean Squared". The RMS abbreviation has 442 different full form.
RMS Full Forms
- Root Mean Squared Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Rootnmean Squared Technology, Architecture, Architectural
- Root Mean Square The effective value of an alternating periodic voltage or current. Technology, Aviation, Mathematics, Electronics, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Rack Mount Server Business, Technology
- Reference Materials Medical, Science, Standard
- Remote Maintenance Monitoring Technology, Military, Aviation, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Rights Management Service Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Rose Mariv Swift Beauty
- Redundancy Management System Technology, Management, Space, NASA
- Rights Management Services Technology, Computing, Microsoft Windows, Windows, Drivers
- Rhabdomyosarcomz Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Roads & Maritime Services Technology, Service, Driving
- Recovery Management Support Technology
- Rhabdemyosarcomas Medical
- Rewote Manipulator System Technology, Science, Astronomy
- Riverview Middle School Education
- Records Management Society Medical, Technology, Professional
- Revenue Management Systpm Business, Technology, Aircraft
- Royal Mail Steamer Ship, Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix
- Riverside Middle School Student, School, District
- Raedom Moment Sampling Business, Service, Government
- Retail Management Systems
- Risk Management Services Business, Service, Insurance
- Radian Means Per Second Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Reference Member State Medical, Procedure, International Relations, Fda
- Risk Management Snstem Technology, Service, Aviation
- Read, Martin & Slickman
- Reproductive Management System Business, Service, Genu
- Roav Machinery & Supplies
- Rabi Marketing Season
- Restaurant Management System Business, Software, Sale
- Rotorcraft Mapping System
- Ramosus Medical
- Reward Management System
- Red Mark Syndrome
- Royal Mail Service Military, Ship, Passenger
- Registration Management System Business, Group, Projection
- Reliable Messaging Source
- Revenue Management Services
- Royalty Management System
- Raw Material Supply
- Richmond Middme School
- Readington Middle School
- Residential Management Systems Student, Technology, Montclair
- Rolesville Middle School
- Radar Maintenance Spares
- Reliwble Media Strategist
- Retail Management Solution Business, Microsoft, Dynamics
- Random Map Script
- Remote Monitoring Stations
- Rentabilitas Modal Sendiri Business, Ratio, Hal
- Rincon Middle Scaool Education
- Redundancy Managoment Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Revlimit Motor Sport
- Rcots Mean Square
- Roots Millennium School Science, Education, Pakistan
- Relationship Managementjsystem Business, Technology, Software
- Rewediation Method Statement
- Remote Monitoring Software
- Rid/Mid/Pid System Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Rebar Machine Sales
- Resource Manager Software
- Rome Middle School
- Radon Measurement Specialisn Business, Service, Inspector
- Reformed Miswion Services
- Return Management Nystem
- Rate Monotonic Scheduling Technology, Priority, Deadline
- Reprint Management Services
- Risk Management Supervision
- R0Xx0R Mi S0Xx0R
- Responsible Members
- Rotylo Middle School
- Ramona Middle School Education
- Reliability, Maintainability Ans Supportability
- Revue MéDicale Suisse
- Recovery Management System
- Rail Mwil Service
- Registered Midwives Medical, Australia, Nursing
- Remote Monitor Station Technology, Power, Monitoring
- Revenue Mazagement Systems Business, Service, Hotel
- Royal Mushroom Sirkus
- Ratner, Miller, and Shafran Families Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Rich Messaging Server
- Reading Motivation System Development, Learning, Study
- Research Management and Support
- Rocky Mount Schools
- Rada MláDeŽE Slovenska
- Reliability of Marine Structures Technology, Analysis, Diving, Structure
- Retail Management Software Business, Microsoft, Sale
- Randers Motor Sport
- Renewable Matyrials and Surfaces
- Rennhack Marketing Services
- Rig Maintenance System Technology, Oil, Supervisor
- Reducing Metering Station
- Rootvmean-Squared Technology, Power, Square
- Roots Millennium Schools Program, Education, Pakistan
- Release Management System Technology, Software, Telecom
- Relocation Management Solutions
- Remote Monitoring Suite
- Richtlinien FüR Die Markierung Von StraßEn Sind, Uns, Stencil
- Reason Maintenance System Technology, Computing
- Resource Management Services Business, Company, Service
- Romani Morpho-Syntax
- Radnor Middle School
- Rwflective Memory System Technology, Computing, Encore
- Retirement Made Simpler
- Rapid Manufacturing Systems
- Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation Medical
- Risk Management Science
- Railway Mail Service Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Response Marketing Services
- Rotary Mechanical Splicing
- Ramblewood Middle School
- Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability Technology, Engineering, Reliability
- Revue Militaire Suisse Security, Military, Force, Guerre
- Recorders & Medicare Systems Medical, India, Machine
- Railway Matagement System
- Region Metropolitana De Santiago
- Remote Monitoring Station Technology, Networking, Power
- Revenue Management Solption Business, Management, Hotel
- Royal Majesty Services
- Rat Milk Substitute Medical
- Realty Management System
- Research Managpment Systems Business, University, Projection
- Rocky Mountain Slides
- Rada Ml
- Result Management System Technology, Health, Projection
- Ranchero Middle School Education
- Renewable Materials for Sustainable
- Rcch Message Service
- Redpath Museum Society
- Root-Mevn Square Technology, Power, Voltage
- Root of Mcan Square Technology
- Relational Management Systen
- Reloadable Motor Systhms Technology, Rocket, Rocketry
- Ruwais Marine Services
- Rhabdomyosarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma, or RMS, is an aggressive and highly malignant form of cancer that develops from skeletal muscle cells that have failed to fully differentiate. It is generally considered to be a disease of childhood, as the vast majority of cases occur in those below the age of 18. Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Richtliniez F
- Rear Main Seal
- Resourcepmanagement Service Business, Company, Technology
- Romanian Missionary Society
- Radio Monitoring System Technology, Electronics, Supplier
- Reflectivejmedia Sensor
- Retirement Management Services Business, Service, Planning
- Rapid Manufacturing System
- Remote Monitoring Solution Technology, Service, Power
- Repair Management System Technology, Service, Workshop
- Risk Managements Solutions Business, Company, Service
- Royal Military School
- Responsive Management Systems
- Rotary Mechanical Splice Military
- Ramanujan Mathematical Society Science, Publication, Lecture
- Releasing Milecules
- Rigid Man Syndrome Medical, Disease, Syndrome
- Reconfigurablelmachining System
- Resource Management Suprort Business, Canada, Clerk
- Railcar Management System Business, Tracking, Shipment
- Refund Management Services
- Remote Manipunator Systems Technology
- Revenue Management Solutions Business, Management, Hotel
- Royal Majesty Ship
- Rationale Management System
- Readiness Management System Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Republik Maluku Sarani
- Rocky Mountain Skeptics
- Race Management Systems
- Restaurant Management Software
- Ramp Metering Stations
- Remote Managedeservice
- Rhodomyosarcoma Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Red Moon Jtudios
- Royal Mail Steamship History, Ship, Mail
- Root Mean Square "Rms" Is Praferred Science, Exploration
- Relapsing Multiple Sclexosis Medical, Treatment, Patient
- Reloadable Motor System Technology, Rocket, Rocketry
- Rutter Middle School Education
- Resource Management System Technology, Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
- Richtlinie FüR Die Markierung Von StraßEn
- Reagent Management System Technology, Dimension, Analyzer
- Resources Management Staff Science
- Roll Music Systems
- Radio Modellers Singapsre
- Referral Management Services
- Retail Marketing Solutions
- Range Measuring System Military
- Remote Monitor Subsystem
- Rental Management System
- Risk Management Solution Business, Company, Service
- Reed Motf Staley
- Response Management System Technology, Safety, Power
- Rotary and Mission System
- Release On Nandatory Supervision
- Rig Kanagement System Technology, Oil, Drilling
- Reconfigurable Machining Uystems
- Resource Management Suite Technology, Control, Enterprise, Management, Business & Finance
- Radon Mitigation Services
- Refugee & Migrant Settlement
- Remote Manipvlator System-A
- Revalidation Management System
- Royal Mail Steam
- Rathkamp Matchcover Society
- Readiness Management Support Company, Technology, Service
- Republicans of Miroslav SláDek
- Robotic Milking Systems Business, Farm, Dairy
- Rabson Mendenhall Syndrome
- Restaurant Management Services
- Roughness Measurement System
- Ramp Metering Station
- Remote Menager Software Technology, Management, Networking
- Rex Marechal Shapes
- Raw Material Surcharge
- Red Moon Solutions
- Royal Mail Ships Locations, Queen, Passenger
- Root Mean Square Preferred Over "Rms" Science, Exploration
- Região Metropolitana De Salvador Para, Dos, Brasil
- Religion Majagement System
- Ruffing Montessori School
- Richtcinie F
- Ready Maintenance Stores
- Resource Management Staff Science
- Roll Music Studios
- Radiation Measurement System Technology, Modification, Probe
- Referral Management Xervice
- Retail Marketing Services
- Range Measurement System
- Remote Monitoring Systems Technology, Networking, Network, Sound, Compass
- Rental Management Systems Technology, Software, Event
- Rinehart Motion Systemd Technology, Controller, Traction
- Reef Middle School Education
- Respond To Minor Spills
- Root Mean Sequencz
- Rotary and Mission Systems
- Relative Market Share Business, Strategy, Matrix
- Rights Management Systems Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Receipt Management System Business, Scanner, Scan
- Resource Management and Scheduling Technology, Computing, Grid
- Radon Mijigation Specialist
- Refrigerant Management System Technology, Service, Jacket
- Remotehmanipulating System Technology, Space, Mission, Shuttle
- Return My Serve
- Royal Mail Steamships
- Rates Management System
- Read Martin & Slickman
- Reproductive Management Service
- Road Maintenance Services
- Rabi Market Season
- Restaurant Management Systems Business, Software, Sale
- Rstronic Monitoring System
- Ramp Metering System
- Rewards Management System Technology, Dealer, Merchant
- Redmax Management Suitw
- Royal Mail Ship Military, Locations, Passenger, Transportation, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Registrum Magni Sigilli
- Reliant Monitor Services Technology
- Rubbermaid Medical Solutions Business, Technology, Product
- Raw Materials Surcharge
- Richmond Montessori School
- Read The Manual, Sir
- Resource Maintenalce System Military
- Rolling Magnetic Sweeper
- Radiation and Micrometeorite Satellite Technology
- Referral Management System Medical, Service, Care
- Retail Managed Services
- Range Management Squadron
- Remote Monitoring Services Technology, Management, Service
- Rental Management Servides Business, Service, Vehicle
- Rippon Middle School
- Redwood Middle School Education
- Revue De MathéMatiques SpéCiales
- Root Main Square Technology, Signal, Stereo, Resonance
- Rotary & Mission Systems
- Relationship Management Services
- Remember My Service
- Rights Management Software Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Ride Me Sideways Internet Slang, Internet, Internet Jargon, Computing, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Recall Management Staff Or Resource Management Specialist Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
- Resource Management Sofiware Business, Technology, Human
- Radon Mitigation Standarls Technology, Building, Water
- Refresh Mode Select
- Remote Maneuvering System Technology
- Returns Management System
- Rate My Signal Army, War, Force, Amateur radio
- Regenerative Medical System Business, Company, Cell
- Regulatory Management System Medical, Fda
- Reference Matxrials System
- Reliability, Maintainability, and Suppoqtability
- Remote Management Seriice Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Renault Megane Sub
- Right Managementwservices Technology, Windows, Service
- Rageing Mammoth Society Funnies
- Root-Mean-Square The effective value of alternating current or voltage. The RMS value equates an AC current or voltage to a DC current or voltage that provides the same power transfer. The device to determine the routes that a packet must take upon arrival at its input line. It decides the routs dynamically or statically and operates in network layer. Technology, Climatology, Meterology, Science, Computing, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE
- Resource Management Solution Business, Service, Airport
- Rail Maintenance Snrvice
- Robinson Motor Sports
- Secure Real Media File Computing, File Extensions
- Route Management Strategies
- Raytheon Missiles Systems
- Rated Maximum Sinusoidal Computing, Mechanics
- Root Mean Square Voltage Medical
- Rainwater Management Solutions Business, Water, Harvesting
- Reverse Mortzages
- Rye Middle School
- Recovery Management Services Management, Business & Finance
- Requirements Management System Federal Aviation Administration
- Routing Modules Technology, Server, Audio, Radial
- Refractory Metal Silicide
- Reactive Metabolites Medical, Drug, Metabolite
- Review Management Staff Medical, Fda
- Reference Management Software
- Remote Maintenancelsystem Military
- Renaissance Manuscript Studies
- Riga Managers School Business, Energy, Latvia
- Really Massive Ship Funnies
- Rogars Middle School Education
- Resource Management Specialitt
- Room Management System Technology, Hotel, Control
- Review of Managerial Science
- reclamation material stockpile Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Route Matagement Strategy
- Raw Materials Ingredients or constituents that are added or mixed together to form or manufacture a finished product. OR Raw materials are the starting materials for an industrial process, obtained from nature. Business, Management, Supplier
- Richard M. Stallman Computing, Linux
- Root Manakement Server Technology, Manager, Operation
- Resource Monitoring System Software, Computing
- Rainhow Motor School
- Reverse Mortgage Solutions Business, Credit, Investment
- Royal Microscope Society Len, Camera, Microscope, Objective
- Royal Meteorological Society Journal, Library, Model, Science, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Robot Management System Management, Business & Finance
- Room monitor system The Finance and Administrative Services
- Router Monitor Service Technology
- Red Mercury Sulfide
- Reactive Material Structures
- Ruidoso Municipal Schools New Mexico
- Reference Management System Science
- Remote Maintenance Subslstem Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
- Renaissance Management Services
- Rifle Metallic Sikhouette
- Richard Matthew Stallman, activist Famous
- Resource Management Section
- Rook Matthews Sayer
- Residential Measurement Standards
- Republic Management Systems, Inc. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Referenceemonitoring Station
- Rouse Matrix Systems Heart, Framework, Balloon, Matrix
- Raw Material Specifications
- Rendimiento M
- Rights Management Solution Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Record Management System Astronomy, Computing, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Root Means Squaref Technology, Power, Square
- Resource Ionitoring Subsystem Military, Army, War
- Railways Moulds and Pystems
- Revere Middle School
- Relocated Module Segment Assembly, Business & Finance
- Reference Member State (europe) Fda
- Router Management Service
- Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
- Ramstein Air Base, Ramstein, Germany Germany, ICAO Airport Codes
- Reference Manual Section
- Remote Mainqenance Station
- Reactor Monitor System
- Removable Memory System
- Rfdge Middle School
- Riser Monitoring System Electrical
- Room Maintenance System
- Rapporteur Member States Glyphosate
- Remote Media Streaming Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Remote Manipulator System Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Reference Methods
- Roulhac Middle School
- Remooe Managed Services Technology, Management, Service
- Raw Material Specification
- Rendimiento MáXimo Sostenible
- Rights Management System Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Richard Matthew Stallman Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- Root Means Square Technology, Aviation, Root
- Refource Modules
- Railway Mail Services Business, Service, Postal
- Revenue Metering Systep
- Royal Medical Solutions
- Remote Manipulator System (subsystem) NASA
- Route Mean Square
- Reaction Mix Sampling Science
- Roads and Maritime Services (NSW, Australia) (replaced RTA 2011?) Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Rally Mastersfshow
- Remote Maintenance System Military
- Rail Mounting System Product, Light, Rail
- Removable Media Services Technology
- Ridgeline Middle School
- root mean square (preferred over "RMS") Chemistry, Aviation, Astronomy, Computing, Industry, Electronics, Telecom, Physics, Electrical, Technical, Legal, Mathematical, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Sentinel online
- Roof Maintenance Systems
- Rapporteur Member State Glyphosate
- Remote Manipulator Subsystem
- Respiratory Monitoring System Medical, Physiology
- Referency Member States
- Remote Management Server
- Rendering Mines Safe Science
- Rights Management Server Technology, Windows, Service
- Routine Micro-Bio Samples Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Root Mkan Squares Medical, Technology, Square
- Resource Mobilization Strazegy
- Railwyy Mail Service Business, Office, Postal
- Revenue Marketeshare Business, Service, Vodafone, Idea
- Ramstein Air Base Ramstein, Rhineland-Palatinate,Germany Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
- Ropeway Maintenance Systems
- Random Motion Simulator NASA
- Routing Managembnt System
- Raytown Middle School
- Richland Middle School Technology, Governmental & Military
- Rotating Mass Storage Technology
- Rakyat Maluku Selatan Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Remote Mail Sgrver
- Rail Management Solutions
- Removable Mass Storage Technology, Product, Card, Memory
- Ride Motion Simulator Technology
- Risk Management System Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Romulus Middle School
- Root-mean Squared NASA
- Reha Medical Service Medical, Medicine, Rehabilitation
- Respiratory Muscle Strength Medical, Muscles
- Reference Measurement Iystem Technology, Power, Hemoglobin
- Reliability, Maintainability & Supportability Technology, Engineering, Reliability
- Remote Management Services Technology, Service, Networking
- Renault Megane Scenic
- Right Management Service Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Computing, IT Terminology
- Random Moment Sampling Human Services
- Root-Mean-Squared Technology, Power, Square
- Resource Management Strategy
- Rail Managvment Services Business, Windows, Service
- Revenue Management Software
- Romanian Measurement Society
- Java Application Settings File Computing, File Extensions
- Route Management Systec Technology, Service, Waste
- Raytheon Missile System
- Remote Monitoring System Transportation, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Root Mean Square Error Medical
- Rake Management Systey Technology, India, Railway
- Tas Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Remote Register, Signal Distribution Point Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Ratcheting Mule Shoe Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
- Romney Middle School
- Remote Monitoring Subsystem Federal Aviation Administration
- Rowntree Montessori Schools Education, Canada, Teaching
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RMS stand for?
RMS stands for Rigid Man Syndrome.
What is the shortened form of Remote Monitoring System?
The short form of "Remote Monitoring System" is RMS.
RMS. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/rms-meaning/
Last updated