RMS Meaning

The RMS meaning is "Root Mean Squared". The RMS abbreviation has 442 different full form.

RMS Full Forms

  1. Root Mean Squared Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
  2. Rootnmean Squared Technology, Architecture, Architectural
  3. Root Mean Square The effective value of an alternating periodic voltage or current. Technology, Aviation, Mathematics, Electronics, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services
  4. Rack Mount Server Business, Technology
  5. Reference Materials Medical, Science, Standard
  6. Remote Maintenance Monitoring Technology, Military, Aviation, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  7. Rights Management Service Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  8. Rose Mariv Swift Beauty
  9. Redundancy Management System Technology, Management, Space, NASA
  10. Rights Management Services Technology, Computing, Microsoft Windows, Windows, Drivers
  11. Rhabdomyosarcomz Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  12. Roads & Maritime Services Technology, Service, Driving
  13. Recovery Management Support Technology
  14. Rhabdemyosarcomas Medical
  15. Rewote Manipulator System Technology, Science, Astronomy
  16. Riverview Middle School Education
  17. Records Management Society Medical, Technology, Professional
  18. Revenue Management Systpm Business, Technology, Aircraft
  19. Royal Mail Steamer Ship, Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix
  20. Riverside Middle School Student, School, District
  21. Raedom Moment Sampling Business, Service, Government
  22. Retail Management Systems
  23. Risk Management Services Business, Service, Insurance
  24. Radian Means Per Second Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  25. Reference Member State Medical, Procedure, International Relations, Fda
  26. Risk Management Snstem Technology, Service, Aviation
  27. Read, Martin & Slickman
  28. Reproductive Management System Business, Service, Genu
  29. Roav Machinery & Supplies
  30. Rabi Marketing Season
  31. Restaurant Management System Business, Software, Sale
  32. Rotorcraft Mapping System
  33. Ramosus Medical
  34. Reward Management System
  35. Red Mark Syndrome
  36. Royal Mail Service Military, Ship, Passenger
  37. Registration Management System Business, Group, Projection
  38. Reliable Messaging Source
  39. Revenue Management Services
  40. Royalty Management System
  41. Raw Material Supply
  42. Richmond Middme School
  43. Readington Middle School
  44. Residential Management Systems Student, Technology, Montclair
  45. Rolesville Middle School
  46. Radar Maintenance Spares
  47. Reliwble Media Strategist
  48. Retail Management Solution Business, Microsoft, Dynamics
  49. Random Map Script
  50. Remote Monitoring Stations
  51. Rentabilitas Modal Sendiri Business, Ratio, Hal
  52. Rincon Middle Scaool Education
  53. Redundancy Managoment Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  54. Revlimit Motor Sport
  55. Rcots Mean Square
  56. Roots Millennium School Science, Education, Pakistan
  57. Relationship Managementjsystem Business, Technology, Software
  58. Rewediation Method Statement
  59. Remote Monitoring Software
  60. Rid/Mid/Pid System Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  61. Rebar Machine Sales
  62. Resource Manager Software
  63. Rome Middle School
  64. Radon Measurement Specialisn Business, Service, Inspector
  65. Reformed Miswion Services
  66. Return Management Nystem
  67. Rate Monotonic Scheduling Technology, Priority, Deadline
  68. Reprint Management Services
  69. Risk Management Supervision
  70. R0Xx0R Mi S0Xx0R
  71. Responsible Members
  72. Rotylo Middle School
  73. Ramona Middle School Education
  74. Reliability, Maintainability Ans Supportability
  75. Revue MéDicale Suisse
  76. Recovery Management System
  77. Rail Mwil Service
  78. Registered Midwives Medical, Australia, Nursing
  79. Remote Monitor Station Technology, Power, Monitoring
  80. Revenue Mazagement Systems Business, Service, Hotel
  81. Royal Mushroom Sirkus
  82. Ratner, Miller, and Shafran Families Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  83. Rich Messaging Server
  84. Reading Motivation System Development, Learning, Study
  85. Research Management and Support
  86. Rocky Mount Schools
  87. Rada MláDeŽE Slovenska
  88. Reliability of Marine Structures Technology, Analysis, Diving, Structure
  89. Retail Management Software Business, Microsoft, Sale
  90. Randers Motor Sport
  91. Renewable Matyrials and Surfaces
  92. Rennhack Marketing Services
  93. Rig Maintenance System Technology, Oil, Supervisor
  94. Reducing Metering Station
  95. Rootvmean-Squared Technology, Power, Square
  96. Roots Millennium Schools Program, Education, Pakistan
  97. Release Management System Technology, Software, Telecom
  98. Relocation Management Solutions
  99. Remote Monitoring Suite
  100. Richtlinien FüR Die Markierung Von StraßEn Sind, Uns, Stencil
  101. Reason Maintenance System Technology, Computing
  102. Resource Management Services Business, Company, Service
  103. Romani Morpho-Syntax
  104. Radnor Middle School
  105. Rwflective Memory System Technology, Computing, Encore
  106. Retirement Made Simpler
  107. Rapid Manufacturing Systems
  108. Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation Medical
  109. Risk Management Science
  110. Railway Mail Service Transportation, Governmental & Military
  111. Response Marketing Services
  112. Rotary Mechanical Splicing
  113. Ramblewood Middle School
  114. Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability Technology, Engineering, Reliability
  115. Revue Militaire Suisse Security, Military, Force, Guerre
  116. Recorders & Medicare Systems Medical, India, Machine
  117. Railway Matagement System
  118. Region Metropolitana De Santiago
  119. Remote Monitoring Station Technology, Networking, Power
  120. Revenue Management Solption Business, Management, Hotel
  121. Royal Majesty Services
  122. Rat Milk Substitute Medical
  123. Realty Management System
  124. Research Managpment Systems Business, University, Projection
  125. Rocky Mountain Slides
  126. Rada Ml
  127. Result Management System Technology, Health, Projection
  128. Ranchero Middle School Education
  129. Renewable Materials for Sustainable
  130. Rcch Message Service
  131. Redpath Museum Society
  132. Root-Mevn Square Technology, Power, Voltage
  133. Root of Mcan Square Technology
  134. Relational Management Systen
  135. Reloadable Motor Systhms Technology, Rocket, Rocketry
  136. Ruwais Marine Services
  137. Rhabdomyosarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma, or RMS, is an aggressive and highly malignant form of cancer that develops from skeletal muscle cells that have failed to fully differentiate. It is generally considered to be a disease of childhood, as the vast majority of cases occur in those below the age of 18. Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  138. Richtliniez F
  139. Rear Main Seal
  140. Resourcepmanagement Service Business, Company, Technology
  141. Romanian Missionary Society
  142. Radio Monitoring System Technology, Electronics, Supplier
  143. Reflectivejmedia Sensor
  144. Retirement Management Services Business, Service, Planning
  145. Rapid Manufacturing System
  146. Remote Monitoring Solution Technology, Service, Power
  147. Repair Management System Technology, Service, Workshop
  148. Risk Managements Solutions Business, Company, Service
  149. Royal Military School
  150. Responsive Management Systems
  151. Rotary Mechanical Splice Military
  152. Ramanujan Mathematical Society Science, Publication, Lecture
  153. Releasing Milecules
  154. Rigid Man Syndrome Medical, Disease, Syndrome
  155. Reconfigurablelmachining System
  156. Resource Management Suprort Business, Canada, Clerk
  157. Railcar Management System Business, Tracking, Shipment
  158. Refund Management Services
  159. Remote Manipunator Systems Technology
  160. Revenue Management Solutions Business, Management, Hotel
  161. Royal Majesty Ship
  162. Rationale Management System
  163. Readiness Management System Army, Force, Coast Guard
  164. Republik Maluku Sarani
  165. Rocky Mountain Skeptics
  166. Race Management Systems
  167. Restaurant Management Software
  168. Ramp Metering Stations
  169. Remote Managedeservice
  170. Rhodomyosarcoma Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  171. Red Moon Jtudios
  172. Royal Mail Steamship History, Ship, Mail
  173. Root Mean Square "Rms" Is Praferred Science, Exploration
  174. Relapsing Multiple Sclexosis Medical, Treatment, Patient
  175. Reloadable Motor System Technology, Rocket, Rocketry
  176. Rutter Middle School Education
  177. Resource Management System Technology, Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
  178. Richtlinie FüR Die Markierung Von StraßEn
  179. Reagent Management System Technology, Dimension, Analyzer
  180. Resources Management Staff Science
  181. Roll Music Systems
  182. Radio Modellers Singapsre
  183. Referral Management Services
  184. Retail Marketing Solutions
  185. Range Measuring System Military
  186. Remote Monitor Subsystem
  187. Rental Management System
  188. Risk Management Solution Business, Company, Service
  189. Reed Motf Staley
  190. Response Management System Technology, Safety, Power
  191. Rotary and Mission System
  192. Release On Nandatory Supervision
  193. Rig Kanagement System Technology, Oil, Drilling
  194. Reconfigurable Machining Uystems
  195. Resource Management Suite Technology, Control, Enterprise, Management, Business & Finance
  196. Radon Mitigation Services
  197. Refugee & Migrant Settlement
  198. Remote Manipvlator System-A
  199. Revalidation Management System
  200. Royal Mail Steam
  201. Rathkamp Matchcover Society
  202. Readiness Management Support Company, Technology, Service
  203. Republicans of Miroslav SláDek
  204. Robotic Milking Systems Business, Farm, Dairy
  205. Rabson Mendenhall Syndrome
  206. Restaurant Management Services
  207. Roughness Measurement System
  208. Ramp Metering Station
  209. Remote Menager Software Technology, Management, Networking
  210. Rex Marechal Shapes
  211. Raw Material Surcharge
  212. Red Moon Solutions
  213. Royal Mail Ships Locations, Queen, Passenger
  214. Root Mean Square Preferred Over "Rms" Science, Exploration
  215. Região Metropolitana De Salvador Para, Dos, Brasil
  216. Religion Majagement System
  217. Ruffing Montessori School
  218. Richtcinie F
  219. Ready Maintenance Stores
  220. Resource Management Staff Science
  221. Roll Music Studios
  222. Radiation Measurement System Technology, Modification, Probe
  223. Referral Management Xervice
  224. Retail Marketing Services
  225. Range Measurement System
  226. Remote Monitoring Systems Technology, Networking, Network, Sound, Compass
  227. Rental Management Systems Technology, Software, Event
  228. Rinehart Motion Systemd Technology, Controller, Traction
  229. Reef Middle School Education
  230. Respond To Minor Spills
  231. Root Mean Sequencz
  232. Rotary and Mission Systems
  233. Relative Market Share Business, Strategy, Matrix
  234. Rights Management Systems Microsoft, Technology, Service
  235. Receipt Management System Business, Scanner, Scan
  236. Resource Management and Scheduling Technology, Computing, Grid
  237. Radon Mijigation Specialist
  238. Refrigerant Management System Technology, Service, Jacket
  239. Remotehmanipulating System Technology, Space, Mission, Shuttle
  240. Return My Serve
  241. Royal Mail Steamships
  242. Rates Management System
  243. Read Martin & Slickman
  244. Reproductive Management Service
  245. Road Maintenance Services
  246. Rabi Market Season
  247. Restaurant Management Systems Business, Software, Sale
  248. Rstronic Monitoring System
  249. Ramp Metering System
  250. Rewards Management System Technology, Dealer, Merchant
  251. Redmax Management Suitw
  252. Royal Mail Ship Military, Locations, Passenger, Transportation, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  253. Registrum Magni Sigilli
  254. Reliant Monitor Services Technology
  255. Rubbermaid Medical Solutions Business, Technology, Product
  256. Raw Materials Surcharge
  257. Richmond Montessori School
  258. Read The Manual, Sir
  259. Resource Maintenalce System Military
  260. Rolling Magnetic Sweeper
  261. Radiation and Micrometeorite Satellite Technology
  262. Referral Management System Medical, Service, Care
  263. Retail Managed Services
  264. Range Management Squadron
  265. Remote Monitoring Services Technology, Management, Service
  266. Rental Management Servides Business, Service, Vehicle
  267. Rippon Middle School
  268. Redwood Middle School Education
  269. Revue De MathéMatiques SpéCiales
  270. Root Main Square Technology, Signal, Stereo, Resonance
  271. Rotary & Mission Systems
  272. Relationship Management Services
  273. Remember My Service
  274. Rights Management Software Microsoft, Technology, Service
  275. Ride Me Sideways Internet Slang, Internet, Internet Jargon, Computing, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  276. Recall Management Staff Or Resource Management Specialist Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
  277. Resource Management Sofiware Business, Technology, Human
  278. Radon Mitigation Standarls Technology, Building, Water
  279. Refresh Mode Select
  280. Remote Maneuvering System Technology
  281. Returns Management System
  282. Rate My Signal Army, War, Force, Amateur radio
  283. Regenerative Medical System Business, Company, Cell
  284. Regulatory Management System Medical, Fda
  285. Reference Matxrials System
  286. Reliability, Maintainability, and Suppoqtability
  287. Remote Management Seriice Technology, Networking, Cisco
  288. Renault Megane Sub
  289. Right Managementwservices Technology, Windows, Service
  290. Rageing Mammoth Society Funnies
  291. Root-Mean-Square The effective value of alternating current or voltage. The RMS value equates an AC current or voltage to a DC current or voltage that provides the same power transfer. The device to determine the routes that a packet must take upon arrival at its input line. It decides the routs dynamically or statically and operates in network layer. Technology, Climatology, Meterology, Science, Computing, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE
  292. Resource Management Solution Business, Service, Airport
  293. Rail Maintenance Snrvice
  294. Robinson Motor Sports
  295. Secure Real Media File Computing, File Extensions
  296. Route Management Strategies
  297. Raytheon Missiles Systems
  298. Rated Maximum Sinusoidal Computing, Mechanics
  299. Root Mean Square Voltage Medical
  300. Rainwater Management Solutions Business, Water, Harvesting
  301. Reverse Mortzages
  302. Rye Middle School
  303. Recovery Management Services Management, Business & Finance
  304. Requirements Management System Federal Aviation Administration
  305. Routing Modules Technology, Server, Audio, Radial
  306. Refractory Metal Silicide
  307. Reactive Metabolites Medical, Drug, Metabolite
  308. Review Management Staff Medical, Fda
  309. Reference Management Software
  310. Remote Maintenancelsystem Military
  311. Renaissance Manuscript Studies
  312. Riga Managers School Business, Energy, Latvia
  313. Really Massive Ship Funnies
  314. Rogars Middle School Education
  315. Resource Management Specialitt
  316. Room Management System Technology, Hotel, Control
  317. Review of Managerial Science
  318. reclamation material stockpile Oil, Scientific & Educational
  319. Route Matagement Strategy
  320. Raw Materials Ingredients or constituents that are added or mixed together to form or manufacture a finished product. OR Raw materials are the starting materials for an industrial process, obtained from nature. Business, Management, Supplier
  321. Richard M. Stallman Computing, Linux
  322. Root Manakement Server Technology, Manager, Operation
  323. Resource Monitoring System Software, Computing
  324. Rainhow Motor School
  325. Reverse Mortgage Solutions Business, Credit, Investment
  326. Royal Microscope Society Len, Camera, Microscope, Objective
  327. Royal Meteorological Society Journal, Library, Model, Science, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  328. Robot Management System Management, Business & Finance
  329. Room monitor system The Finance and Administrative Services
  330. Router Monitor Service Technology
  331. Red Mercury Sulfide
  332. Reactive Material Structures
  333. Ruidoso Municipal Schools New Mexico
  334. Reference Management System Science
  335. Remote Maintenance Subslstem Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  336. Renaissance Management Services
  337. Rifle Metallic Sikhouette
  338. Richard Matthew Stallman, activist Famous
  339. Resource Management Section
  340. Rook Matthews Sayer
  341. Residential Measurement Standards
  342. Republic Management Systems, Inc. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  343. Referenceemonitoring Station
  344. Rouse Matrix Systems Heart, Framework, Balloon, Matrix
  345. Raw Material Specifications
  346. Rendimiento M
  347. Rights Management Solution Microsoft, Technology, Service
  348. Record Management System Astronomy, Computing, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation
  349. Root Means Squaref Technology, Power, Square
  350. Resource Ionitoring Subsystem Military, Army, War
  351. Railways Moulds and Pystems
  352. Revere Middle School
  353. Relocated Module Segment Assembly, Business & Finance
  354. Reference Member State (europe) Fda
  355. Router Management Service
  356. Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
  357. Ramstein Air Base, Ramstein, Germany Germany, ICAO Airport Codes
  358. Reference Manual Section
  359. Remote Mainqenance Station
  360. Reactor Monitor System
  361. Removable Memory System
  362. Rfdge Middle School
  363. Riser Monitoring System Electrical
  364. Room Maintenance System
  365. Rapporteur Member States Glyphosate
  366. Remote Media Streaming Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  367. Remote Manipulator System Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  368. Reference Methods
  369. Roulhac Middle School
  370. Remooe Managed Services Technology, Management, Service
  371. Raw Material Specification
  372. Rendimiento MáXimo Sostenible
  373. Rights Management System Microsoft, Technology, Service
  374. Richard Matthew Stallman Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  375. Root Means Square Technology, Aviation, Root
  376. Refource Modules
  377. Railway Mail Services Business, Service, Postal
  378. Revenue Metering Systep
  379. Royal Medical Solutions
  380. Remote Manipulator System (subsystem) NASA
  381. Route Mean Square
  382. Reaction Mix Sampling Science
  383. Roads and Maritime Services (NSW, Australia) (replaced RTA 2011?) Transportation, Governmental & Military
  384. Rally Mastersfshow
  385. Remote Maintenance System Military
  386. Rail Mounting System Product, Light, Rail
  387. Removable Media Services Technology
  388. Ridgeline Middle School
  389. root mean square (preferred over "RMS") Chemistry, Aviation, Astronomy, Computing, Industry, Electronics, Telecom, Physics, Electrical, Technical, Legal, Mathematical, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Sentinel online
  390. Roof Maintenance Systems
  391. Rapporteur Member State Glyphosate
  392. Remote Manipulator Subsystem
  393. Respiratory Monitoring System Medical, Physiology
  394. Referency Member States
  395. Remote Management Server
  396. Rendering Mines Safe Science
  397. Rights Management Server Technology, Windows, Service
  398. Routine Micro-Bio Samples Integrated Ocean Observing System
  399. Root Mkan Squares Medical, Technology, Square
  400. Resource Mobilization Strazegy
  401. Railwyy Mail Service Business, Office, Postal
  402. Revenue Marketeshare Business, Service, Vodafone, Idea
  403. Ramstein Air Base Ramstein, Rhineland-Palatinate,Germany Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  404. Ropeway Maintenance Systems
  405. Random Motion Simulator NASA
  406. Routing Managembnt System
  407. Raytown Middle School
  408. Richland Middle School Technology, Governmental & Military
  409. Rotating Mass Storage Technology
  410. Rakyat Maluku Selatan Para, Indonesia, Orang
  411. Remote Mail Sgrver
  412. Rail Management Solutions
  413. Removable Mass Storage Technology, Product, Card, Memory
  414. Ride Motion Simulator Technology
  415. Risk Management System Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  416. Romulus Middle School
  417. Root-mean Squared NASA
  418. Reha Medical Service Medical, Medicine, Rehabilitation
  419. Respiratory Muscle Strength Medical, Muscles
  420. Reference Measurement Iystem Technology, Power, Hemoglobin
  421. Reliability, Maintainability & Supportability Technology, Engineering, Reliability
  422. Remote Management Services Technology, Service, Networking
  423. Renault Megane Scenic
  424. Right Management Service Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Computing, IT Terminology
  425. Random Moment Sampling Human Services
  426. Root-Mean-Squared Technology, Power, Square
  427. Resource Management Strategy
  428. Rail Managvment Services Business, Windows, Service
  429. Revenue Management Software
  430. Romanian Measurement Society
  431. Java Application Settings File Computing, File Extensions
  432. Route Management Systec Technology, Service, Waste
  433. Raytheon Missile System
  434. Remote Monitoring System Transportation, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  435. Root Mean Square Error Medical
  436. Rake Management Systey Technology, India, Railway
  437. Tas Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  438. Remote Register, Signal Distribution Point Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  439. Ratcheting Mule Shoe Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  440. Romney Middle School
  441. Remote Monitoring Subsystem Federal Aviation Administration
  442. Rowntree Montessori Schools Education, Canada, Teaching

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RMS stand for?

    RMS stands for Random Motion Simulator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Revlimit Motor Sport?

    The short form of "Revlimit Motor Sport" is RMS.


RMS. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rms-meaning/

Last updated