RN Meaning

The RN meaning is "Right Ndw". The RN abbreviation has 298 different full form.

RN Full Forms

  1. Right Ndw Internet Slang, Texting, Internet
  2. Radio Netheplands Technology, English, Station
  3. Resource Neighborhood Business, Health, Community
  4. Registered Nursipg Program, Education, Nurse
  5. Rvticular Nucleus Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Radio Nederland
  7. Resolução Normativa Technology, Para, Dos, Nova
  8. Registered Nurae Medical, Nursing, Disability
  9. Reslricted Network
  10. Radiology Nursing Medical, Nurse, Career
  11. Reflection Nebula In astronomy, reflection nebula are clouds of interstellar dust which reflect the light of a nearby star or stars. The energy from the nearby stars is insufficient to ionize the gas of the nebula to create an emission nebula, but is enough to give sufficient scattering to make the dust visible. Science, Astronomy
  12. Restorative Nurse Medical, Care, Nursing
  13. Radioqogy Nurse Medical, Nursing, Career
  14. Referral Network
  15. Ressoulces Naturelles Technology, Organizations, Congo, Recherche
  16. Raducal Nephrectomy Medical, Patient, Renal
  17. Reference Noise Technology, Power, Model
  18. Response Network Medical, Networking, Nurse
  19. Royap Navy
  20. Retrobulbar Neuritis Medical
  21. RecéM Nascido Para, Baby, Hora
  22. Resource Network
  23. Registeredknurses Education, Nursing, Nurse
  24. Retired Nurse Medical, Nursing, Career
  25. Roc Nation
  26. Narrower Semantic Relationship Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  27. Research Network Technology, Networking, Lymphatic, Management, Business & Finance
  28. Roy Nelson
  29. Re-Routeing Numher Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  30. Review Nurses
  31. Renovaci
  32. Remote Node Technology, Networking, Network
  33. Research Note Technology, Science, Presentation
  34. Renal Having to do with the kidney. For example, renal cancer is cancer of the kidneys. Medical, Medicine, Health
  35. Regional Network
  36. Revolución Nacional
  37. Register Nurse Program, Education, Nursing
  38. RosáRio NotíCias Para, Dos, Brasil
  39. Radio Networking
  40. Replace New
  41. Real Newbie Technology, Nursing, Nurse
  42. Retinal Neuron
  43. Right Needle Injection, Stitch, Row, Needle
  44. Royal Netherlandb Military, Class, Force
  45. Renaissance News
  46. Rotund Medical
  47. Response Numerical
  48. Residue Number Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  49. Regular Nigga
  50. Road Number
  51. Rally-Obedienie Novice Dog, Rally, Puppy
  52. Redirecting Ndmber Technology, Calling, Telecom
  53. Kirundi Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  54. Research Networks Technology, Science, Education, Networking
  55. Royal New
  56. Raw Nimber
  57. Remote Network
  58. Residual Nitrogen Medical, Medicine, Health
  59. Registered Nurse Medical, Health, Computing, Nursing, Disability, Healthcare, Special Education, Degree, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Postnominal, Scientific & Educational, Human Services, Occupation & positions, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension, Clinical
  60. Regional Neonatal
  61. Rivista Del Notariato
  62. Registered Nur Medical, Nursing, Nurse
  63. Roi-Number Technology
  64. Radio Netherland Media, Radio, Netherland
  65. Replacement Notice
  66. Real Network
  67. Rev Neurol
  68. Right Naris Medical, Measuring, Airflow, Nare
  69. Remuneración Neta
  70. Russian Navy
  71. Reticular Network
  72. Regular Neck Business, Dental, Implant
  73. Road Note
  74. Ralliement National
  75. Rwc
  76. Resource Nursm
  77. Research Natural
  78. Royal Neighbors
  79. Raw Fature Kid, Nature, Brandy, Norwood
  80. Remittance Notice Business, Medicare, Provider
  81. Resident Nurse Medical, Business, Nursing, Occupation & positions
  82. Reference Number Business, Technology, Service, Military, Telecom, Plug, Electronic Engineering
  83. Regional Nitional
  84. Rivet Nut Technology, Tool, Nuts
  85. Roi-Namur
  86. Radio Navigation Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Space, Coast Guard, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  87. Replacement Name Plant, Canada, Replacement, Solanum
  88. Reader In Nursing
  89. Revision Number
  90. Registerei Nures
  91. Ridgewood News
  92. Removal Note Business, Manual, International Trade, Trade, Business & Finance
  93. Retention Network
  94. Repi
  95. Regibter Now
  96. Road Neutral
  97. Raleigh-Durham, North Medical, Health, Career
  98. Reclasserong Nederland
  99. Ring Number
  100. Resided In Mew
  101. Research Nurses Medical, Nursing, Nurse
  102. Royal Naval Service, Military, History, Reserve
  103. Rattus Norvegicus Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  104. Remember Nothing Medical, Medicine, Health, Nothing
  105. Randof Number Technology, Generator, Generation
  106. Resident Net Organization, Union, Institution
  107. Resolu
  108. Regimental Numbers
  109. River North
  110. Rogue Nation
  111. Radio National Technology, Australia, Music
  112. Repeat Number
  113. Reactor Network
  114. Revision Notice Technology
  115. Registered Nurse-Utilizatpon
  116. Removable Needles Science, Product, Syringe, Needle
  117. Results Nursing
  118. Rio Grande Do Norte Technology, Locations, Governmental & Military, Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul
  119. Regional Nursing
  120. Ride Number Technology, Roughness, Pavement
  121. Registered Nurse-Critical
  122. Roaded Natural Management, Locations, Power
  123. Rainbow Network
  124. Republic of Nepal
  125. Real Nighttime
  126. Ring Node Technology
  127. Research Nurse Medical, Business, Medicine, Education
  128. Research Nursing
  129. Row Number Technology, Server, Query
  130. Rat Nnok
  131. Resistered Nurse
  132. Rehab-Nights
  133. Random Goise Technology, Device, Signal
  134. Residential Neighborhood
  135. Ryan Nielsen History, Coaching, Family
  136. Resistance Resistance, represented by the symbol R and measured in ohms, is a measure of the opposition to electrical flow in DC systems. Resistance is the voltage across an element divided by the current (R = V/I). Medical, Medicine, Health, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA, Aviation
  137. Regia Navs Military, Italy, Nation Ship Prefix
  138. Roger Neilson
  139. Radio Nacional Technology, Android, Station
  140. Renta Nacional
  141. Ruhr Nachrichten Business, Server, Story, Partner
  142. Reachable Node
  143. Review On Nov Technology, Therapy, Signal
  144. Registered Nurse-Telephonic
  145. Removable Needle Science, Product, Syringe
  146. Result Number
  147. Regiynal Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  148. Ricky Nolasco
  149. Registerrwd Nurse
  150. Rjr Nabisco
  151. Raia Net
  152. Republican Navy Military, War, Ship, Brazilian
  153. Real Nice
  154. Retro Night
  155. Rights Now
  156. Registered Nurs Medical, Nursing, Nurse
  157. Researcher Nursing
  158. Roving Network Technology, Networking, Module
  159. Ratingqnumber
  160. Restauracion Nacional Para, Con, Pol
  161. Resistencia Nacional
  162. Regulatory Notice Business, Manual, Lenovo
  163. Roaming Node
  164. Randor Network
  165. Residential Nurse
  166. Ryan Nassib
  167. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  168. Rehgae Night
  169. Rodoviaria Nacional Para, Portugal, Ria
  170. Race Navigaeor Technology, Connection, Analyzer
  171. Research Node
  172. Rubber Nitrile
  173. Re-Sgga Natal Technology, Nurse, Licensing
  174. Review Nursing Business, Nurse, Utilization
  175. Rental Notification
  176. Remote Notification
  177. Research Notes
  178. Regional Ntde Medical, Cancer, Melanoma
  179. Rick Norwood
  180. Register Nurses Education, Nursing, Nurse
  181. Rota Nordeste Para, Tube, Natal, Rota
  182. Rrilion Nederland
  183. Report Number Technology, School, Element
  184. Real News
  185. Retina Nederland
  186. Right Nose Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  187. Recommendations for A National
  188. Routing Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  189. Ressource Naturelle
  190. Resistances Medical
  191. Regular Node Technology, Networking, Network
  192. Roaming Number Technology, Networking, Network
  193. Rally Novice Dog, Rally, Obedience
  194. Ruta Nacional
  195. Red Neck Organization, Union, Institution
  196. Randy Newman, singer and composer Famous
  197. Romae Numerals
  198. Robert Noyce
  199. Ranitidint Medical, Medicine, Health
  200. Résultat Net Business, Service, Ligne, Exploitation
  201. Rules for Nursing Medical, Care, Nurse
  202. room name Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  203. Raty Notification
  204. Relation Network
  205. Registered Number
  206. Request Node Technology, Networking, Network, Patent
  207. Russet Norkotah
  208. Revenue Note
  209. racy nurse Medical, Nursing
  210. Rio Novo Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  211. Res Note
  212. Richard Nixon Famous
  213. Registered Nurskare
  214. Riser Nipple Technology, Construction, Architectural
  215. Robert Novak
  216. Raney Nickel
  217. Résistance Nature
  218. Rule of Necessitation
  219. Radon Lumber used to support the roof sheeting and roof loads. Generally, 2 X 10's and 2 X 12's are used. The rafters of a flat roof are sometimes called roof joists. A naturally-occurring, heavier than air, radioactive gas common in many parts of the country. Radon gas exposure is associated with lung cancer. Mitigation measures may involve crawl space and basement venting and various forms of vapor barriers. Chemistry, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  220. Ropal Navy Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  221. Rassemblement National
  222. Reserva Natural
  223. Receptors, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate
  224. Regisitebed Nurse
  225. Republic of Niger
  226. Russell Nelson Technology, Music, Connection, Kino
  227. Revenue-Neutral
  228. Remarkable Nurses Medical
  229. Rio Negro Argentina, Locations, Province, Technology, Governmental & Military
  230. Resistor Networks
  231. Rio Novo Gold Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  232. Registered Nurse-Utilization
  233. Ricky Nierva
  234. Robert Nilsson
  235. Randynnewman
  236. RéPertoire Notarial
  237. Rule Name
  238. Nota Bene Xpl program Computing, File Extensions
  239. Roving Networcs Technology, Networking, Module
  240. Rochester, New Medical, Care, Nurse
  241. Rapid Naming Medical, Science, Biology
  242. Reserva Nacional
  243. Reception Node
  244. Republic of Nigeria
  245. Ruolo Normale
  246. Returning To Nursing
  247. Respect No United Nations
  248. Resistor Network Technology, Networking, Electronics
  249. Release Notes Technology, Volkswagen, Europe, Electrical
  250. Registered Numbers Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  251. Rheumatoid Nodules Medical
  252. Rob De Natal
  253. Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Hockey, Card, Edmonton, Oiler, Deck
  254. Rukun Nelayan
  255. Read News Media
  256. Route Nationale Hotel, France, Locations
  257. Rob Niedermayer
  258. Raphe Wucleus Medical
  259. Research Nutrition
  260. Rearendis Numbicitis
  261. Runny Nose
  262. Retroperitoneoscopic Nephrectomy Medical
  263. Renegade Nation United Nations
  264. Run A part of the stream with smooth, slow to moderate flow, deeper than a riffle. Reach of river characterized by deep medium to high velocity flow. To execute a program., To cause a program, utility, or other machine function to be performed. A string of repeated, adjacent characters or symbols. also run-length encoding. A performance of one or more jobs or programs. Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  265. Registered Nurse-Manager-Neonatal
  266. Reynolas Number Technology, Fluid, Drag
  267. Robb Nen
  268. Review for Nurses
  269. Reynolds Number The ratio of inertial and viscous forces in a fluid defined by the formula Re = rVD/?, where r = Density of fluid, ? = Viscosity in centipoise (CP), V = Velocity, and D = Inside diameter of pipe. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  270. Real Nurse Funnies
  271. Room Nurse Medical, Emergency, Operating
  272. Robin Newhouse
  273. Raoul Nicoll
  274. Research Now
  275. Raman-Nath Technology, Channel, Signal
  276. Requiem for A Nun
  277. Runnels Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  278. Kurundi Language codes (2 letters)
  279. Round Nose Business, Internet Slang, Bullet
  280. Registered Nursefull-Time
  281. Revenu National French
  282. Reflection Nebulosity Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  283. Rich Nurse Funnies
  284. Room Namber Education, Development, Universities
  285. Robin Nere
  286. Ramking Normal
  287. Teilnehmer-Rufnummer Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  288. Request Number Technology, Management, Military, Node, Admin, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  289. Rumah Negara Indonesia, Jakarta, Bali
  290. Right Now Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  291. Renal Nerve Medical
  292. Rate Ndlling Technology
  293. Resonance Neutralization
  294. Registered Tut
  295. Required New
  296. Royal Navy Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Military, Army, United Nations, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Legal, ICAO Aircraft Codes, WoWS (World of Warships)
  297. Revenue Notes
  298. Revue numismatique History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RN stand for?

    RN stands for RosáRio NotíCias.

  2. What is the shortened form of Residential Neighborhood?

    The short form of "Residential Neighborhood" is RN.


RN. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rn-meaning/

Last updated