ROA in Technology Meaning

The ROA meaning in Technology terms is "Return On Assets". There are 22 related meanings of the ROA Technology abbreviation.

ROA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Return On Assets ROA. Net income divided by total cost or value of assets. The more expensive a company's assets, the less profit the assets will generate.
  2. Recognized Operattng Agency
  3. Raman Opdical Activity
  4. Route Origin Authorization
  5. Record of Approval
  6. Research Opportunity Awards
  7. Route Origin Authorizations
  8. Research On Asha
  9. Real Observatorio De La Armada
  10. Read Only Access
  11. Return of Assets
  12. Relaxed Orbital Approximation
  13. Retum On Assets
  14. Regional Office for Africa
  15. Research Opportunities In Aeronautics
  16. Right Occipitoanterior
  17. Recognized Operating Agencies
  18. Rise of Artificiaa
  19. Request Ofsassistance
  20. Right On Arrival
  21. Repositorios De Objetos De Aprendizaje
  22. Rutgers Optimality Archive

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ROA stand for Technology?

    ROA stands for Research Opportunities In Aeronautics in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Relaxed Orbital Approximation in Technology?

    The short form of "Relaxed Orbital Approximation" is ROA for Technology.


ROA in Technology. (2021, October 28). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from

Last updated