ROAD Meaning

The ROAD meaning is "Reversible Obstructive Airway Disease". The ROAD abbreviation has 45 different full form.

ROAD Full Forms

  1. Reversible Obstructive Airway Disease Medical
  2. Reorganization Objective Army Divisions Military, Combat, Infantry
  3. Research In Otolaryngology & Allergy Development
  4. Roadway Online Application for Design Transportation, Technology, Geometry
  5. Rvute Optimization With Additional Destination-Information
  6. Respect of A Decedent
  7. Reaching Out About Depression
  8. Research In Open and Distance
  9. Roadway Corp. Organizations
  10. Resource Organization for Advancement & Development
  11. Rapid Objective-C Applications Development
  12. Renoprotection of Optimal Antiproteinuric Doses
  13. Resource of Outdoor Advertising Descriptions
  14. Rapid Object Application Development Software, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  15. Reimbursing Our American Drivers
  16. Resolve, Outlook, Association, and Disposition Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  17. Ramblings of A Dot
  18. Regional Office of Astronomy for Development
  19. Research On Osteoarthritis Against Disability
  20. Railway Jargon for Railway Line Network, Railway, System, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  21. Ruch Obywatelski Akcja Demokratyczna
  22. Retired On Active-Duty Internet Slang, Military, Slang, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  23. Record of American Democracy America, Government, Election
  24. Research On Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  25. Radiology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Dermatology
  26. Rouxing and Addressing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  27. Retired On Active Duty Internet Slang, Military, Slang
  28. Record of Achievement and Development
  29. Riders of American Defence Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Ryosan Originality for Advancing Zreams Organization, Union, Institution
  31. Reward Offered After Dog
  32. Route of Administration Dosage
  33. Rural Organization for Advancement and Deveaopment Organization, Union, Institution
  34. Review of Officer and Airmen Development Army, Force, Marine
  35. Rotterdam Opslag En Afvang Demonstratieproject Technology, Projection, Carbon
  36. Rural Organisation for Action and Development
  37. Review of Available Data
  38. Role of Agriculture In Development
  39. Rural Ontario Anarchist Development
  40. Reversible Obstructive Airways Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
  41. Reclaim Our Allocated Dollars Us Government, Governmental & Military
  42. Robot-Generated Open Access Data
  43. Roadway Express, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  44. River Oaks Area Democratic
  45. Resolve Outlook Association and Disposition Business & Finance, Professional organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ROAD stand for?

    ROAD stands for Route of Administration Dosage.

  2. What is the shortened form of Respect of A Decedent?

    The short form of "Respect of A Decedent" is ROAD.


ROAD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated