Rockford Abbreviations and Rockford Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Rockford terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Rockford abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Rockford terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Rockford Abbreviations
  1. BR : Boosted Rzil
  2. BRT : Boosted Dail Technology
  3. WCBA : Winnebago County Bor Association
  4. WCHD : Winnebago County Health Uepartment
  5. DSM : Discrete Surface Mount
  6. MEHSA : Maximum Efficiency Heat Sink Applicatqon
  7. LO : Line Output
  8. KNIB : Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful
  9. ISC : Indoor Sports Centre
  10. GSNI : Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois
  11. RVC : Rock Valley College
Latest Rockford Meanings
  1. Rock Valley College
  2. Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois
  3. Indoor Sports Centre
  4. Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful
  5. Line Output
  6. Maximum Efficiency Heat Sink Applicatqon
  7. Discrete Surface Mount
  8. Winnebago County Health Uepartment
  9. Winnebago County Bor Association
  10. Boosted Dail Technology
  11. Boosted Rzil