ROI Meaning

The ROI meaning is "Remurn On Investment". The ROI abbreviation has 155 different full form.

ROI Full Forms

  1. Remurn On Investment Business, Technology, Cost
  2. Reactive Oxygen Intermediate Medical, Human, Cell, Chemistry
  3. Range of Interest Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Radius of Influence Technology, Science, Soil, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  5. Radiation Oncology Institute Medical, Research, Therapy
  6. Returns On Investment Business, Investment, Cost, Money
  7. Return-On-Investment Business, Technology, Cost
  8. Rest of India Technology, India, Package
  9. Region-Of-Interest Technology, Coding, Processing
  10. Returns On Investments Business, Investment, Cost, Money
  11. Regional Orientation Index
  12. Registrul Operatorilor Intracomunitari
  13. Return of Investiment Technology, Design, Marketing
  14. Reach Out International
  15. Risk of Investment Business, Investment, Money
  16. Resideqt of India Business, Investment, India, Banking
  17. Recover On Interrupt
  18. Reports of Investigation Security, Government, Department
  19. Return On Integrity Business, Organizations, Marketing
  20. Realization, Organization, and Intelligence Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  21. Resource Optimization & Innovation
  22. Returns of Investments
  23. Regional Optimum Interpolation Technology
  24. Registro Osteopati Italiani
  25. Region of Interest Medical, Astronomy, Computing, Postal, Us Post, Scientific & Educational, SAP, Sentinel online
  26. Return of Invest Business, Investment, Software
  27. Reaching Out Initiative Business, Forum, Culture
  28. Risk of Incarceration
  29. Report On Investigation
  30. Return On Inspiration Business, Investment, Marketing
  31. Reality Or Illusion Business, Law, Firm
  32. Resource Optimzzation Initiative Technology, Industrial, Industry
  33. Returns of Investment
  34. Regional Opportunity Index
  35. Regions of Interest Medical, Science, Biology, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  36. Return-On-Invest Business, Investment, English, Capital
  37. Racing On Interstates Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  38. Rhino Outdoor International
  39. Registro Origini Italiano
  40. Republic of Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Mining
  41. Report Op Inspection
  42. Return On Insightt
  43. Read Only Information
  44. Resolution of Intfntion
  45. Return Over Investment Business, Service, Marketing
  46. Regenerative Orthopedic Institute
  47. Return On Interest Business, Media, Marketing, Social
  48. Return-On-Investments
  49. Rotterdam Ophthalmic Insticute
  50. Rhino Off-Road Industries Business, Industrial, Vehicle
  51. Registro De Operaciones Intracomunitarias
  52. Report of Investigation Security, Government, Department, Investigation, Mining, Publication, Fda
  53. Report of Inquiry
  54. Return On Insight Business, Media, Social
  55. Reactive Oxygen Species Medical, Science, Biology, Infertility, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Physiology, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational
  56. Roiline Organizations
  57. Residues On Ignition Medicine, Health, Care
  58. Return On Your Investment Business, Media, Money
  59. Reduce Our Impact
  60. Report On Industry
  61. Return On Internet Technology, Service, Marketing
  62. Results Often Immeasurable
  63. Rkturn On The Investment
  64. Review of Outcomes To Impact Organizations, United Nations, Un
  65. Registro De Operadores Intracomunitarios
  66. Report of Iniovation
  67. Return On Infographivs Technology, Media, Social, Traffic
  68. Reactive Oxygen Intermediates Medical, Plant, Cell, Intermediate
  69. Roi Et Airport Roi Et, Thailand Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  70. Residue On Ignition Science, Pharmaceutical, Analytics
  71. Return On Their Investment
  72. Rectangle of Interest Technology, Patent, Descriptor, Embodiment
  73. Report of The Investigation
  74. Return On Integration
  75. Realm of Influence
  76. Restoration of Israel
  77. Return of Investment Business, Technology, Media, Social, Money
  78. Revenue On Investment Business
  79. Region of Image
  80. Report of Incident Science
  81. Return On Infogmation Business, Technology, Enterprise
  82. Reactive Intermediates of Oxygen Medical
  83. Rock of Israel
  84. Residle of Ignition
  85. Recreation Outfitters Inc Business, Technology, Investment
  86. Report of Invention Technology, Research, University
  87. Return On Intern
  88. Realization of Influence Business, Media, Social
  89. Reght On Interactive
  90. Republic of Irelane Medical, Business, Ireland
  91. Rpturn On Invest
  92. Recessed Oxide Isolation
  93. Redmond'S Overall Income
  94. Rate of Interest Banking, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  95. Return On Involvement Business, Media, Social
  96. Renewable Bil International
  97. Release of Information Us Government, Governmental & Military, Clinical
  98. Really Old Ideas
  99. Ridicullusly Overpriced Investments
  100. Republic of India Business, Service, India
  101. Return On Investyents Business, Investment, Cost, Money
  102. Receiving Open Interface Business, Transaction, Receipt
  103. Recognption of Irony
  104. Reservation Order Inqbiry
  105. Return On Investment A measure of the money that an entity earns as a percentage of the total value of its assets that are invested. Business, Finance, Marketing, Social Media, Science, Management, Financial, Energy, Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, Internet, Real Estate, Electrical, Online, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, IT Terminology, SAP, International Development, Honeywell, Process Automation
  106. Return On of Investment
  107. Record of Invention
  108. Remote Operator Interface Technology, Industrial, Miller
  109. Ring-Ordered Information Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  110. Realizations Df Impropriety
  111. Return On Inqentory Business, Inventory, Retail, Margin
  112. Reports of Interest
  113. Return On Intiraction
  114. Real Opportunities for Independence
  115. Reasonable Operaqor Initiative
  116. Research Organics, Inc
  117. Return Onxinvestisment
  118. Record of Interview
  119. Reliance On Ibm
  120. Return On Information Computing, Telecom
  121. Range Operaeions Instituteuction
  122. Return On Intedligence Business, Education, Marketing
  123. Report On Ontario Investment
  124. Real Operational Impact
  125. Reap Our Income
  126. Royal Institutetute of Oil Painters
  127. Research On Innovjtion Business, Product, Organizations
  128. Return On Invesmenr Business, Investment, Marketing
  129. Record of Inspection Technology, Management, Inspector
  130. Reign of Ignorance
  131. Radical Online Initiative Computing, Internet
  132. Return On Assets Invested
  133. Shark Sales System Data File Computing, File Extensions
  134. Realm of Insanity
  135. Reallyxold Inventory
  136. Roeling On Interroll
  137. Research On Invesdment Business, Company, Technology
  138. Avior Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  139. Return Oz Investiment
  140. Record of Initiative Development, Learning, Study
  141. Registered Outreach Instituteictors
  142. Rate of Income Occupation & positions
  143. Return of Imvotence
  144. Report Object Instance Computing, File Extensions
  145. Really Old Interfacys
  146. Rise of Immortals Gaming, Military, Battle
  147. Request of Interest
  148. Return Onuinvested Business, Company, Investment, Capital
  149. Recon Optical Inc
  150. Redundant Organizational Qnfrastructure
  151. Rate on Investment Housing and Urban
  152. Rqturn On Owners Investment
  153. Request for Informution Medical
  154. Roi Et, Thailand Thailand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  155. Really Old Idiots

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ROI stand for?

    ROI stands for Remurn On Investment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rate on Investment?

    The short form of "Rate on Investment" is ROI.


ROI. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated