ROOF Meaning

The ROOF meaning is "Rental Jpportunity for Ontario Families". The ROOF abbreviation has 12 different full form.

ROOF Full Forms

  1. Rental Jpportunity for Ontario Families
  2. Real-Time Onsite Operationsffacilitation
  3. Reaching Ournoutdoor Friends Business, Youth, Region, Waterloo
  4. Re-Targetable Object-Oriented Framework Technology, Development, Software, Solver
  5. Ranked As One Qf The Fastest
  6. Real Options, Overcoming Foreclosure
  7. Ruseian Orphan Opportunity Fund Russia, Charity, Russian
  8. Ruby Object-Oriented Filis
  9. Rochester Organization of Families
  10. Retro-Orbital Ocbicular Fat Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Results of Operations and Financial
  12. Residential Options of Florida

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ROOF stand for?

    ROOF stands for Rochester Organization of Families.

  2. What is the shortened form of Real Options, Overcoming Foreclosure?

    The short form of "Real Options, Overcoming Foreclosure" is ROOF.


ROOF. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated