ROR Meaning

The ROR meaning is "Regiment of Renown". The ROR abbreviation has 113 different full form.

ROR Full Forms

  1. Regiment of Renown Gaming, Military, Army
  2. Raffing Out Roid Internet Slang, Chat, Raff
  3. Record of Yight Records, Property, Land
  4. Receptcr Medical
  5. Reach Out and Wead Medical, Education, Children
  6. Ratez of Return Business, Investment, Rate, Calculator
  7. Release On Recognizance Technology, Government, Bail
  8. Rate of Returx Business, Technology, Investment
  9. Regimentsvof Renown Military, Army, Fantasy
  10. Range-Only Radar Technology, Military, Hawk
  11. Released On Their Own Recognizance Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  12. Rip-Off Report
  13. Rhythms of Resistance
  14. Rachunek Oszczednosciowo-Rozliczeniowy
  15. Resident But Ordinarily Resident Business
  16. Rivk of Rain Gaming, Play, Pastime
  17. Rotate Right Technology, Program, Coding, Command, Instruction, Computing, Architecture, Assembly, Business & Finance
  18. Real Options Realty
  19. Review of Records
  20. Released On Recognizance Government, Law, Crime, Bail
  21. Rinse Out Resin
  22. Run-Of-The-River
  23. Rhapsody of Realities Business, Android, Reality
  24. Or Rails Ruby On Rails Technology, Science, It
  25. Resident and Ordinary Resident Business, Tax, India, Income
  26. Risk Odds Qatio Medical, Medicine, Health
  27. Rorschach Medical, Medicine, Health
  28. Realms of Renth
  29. Review of Rates Business, United Nations, Logistics
  30. Release On Own Recognizance Bond, Court, Bail, Police, Governmental & Military
  31. Ring Zf Resonance Technology, Guide, Ragnarok
  32. Run of River
  33. Reynolds of Raphue
  34. Iata Code for Babelthuap Airport, Koror, Palau Locations
  35. Repatriation Oa Remains
  36. Rise Ovep Run
  37. Roraima Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Roraima
  38. Realm Oi Ralnar
  39. Revenue Official Receipt
  40. Released On Own Recognpzance Bond, Government, Law, Bail
  41. Run Off River
  42. Record of Zevision Technology, Service, Manual
  43. Revolutions On Request Art, Artist, Revolution, Helsinki
  44. Babelthuap Airport Airport, Locations
  45. Repair of Repairables Technology, Military, Logistics, Construction
  46. Rise of Rome Media, Radio, Television
  47. Reactive Oxygen Radicals Medical, Medicine, Health
  48. Retail Office Residential Banking, Business & Finance
  49. Roots Ofdrhythm
  50. Release On Reguest Technology, Master, Controller, Motorola
  51. Run-Of-River Technology, Power, Projection
  52. Record of Reeisions Technology, Aviation
  53. Reviews of Reproduction
  54. Reorigination Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  55. Rippizg Ozzie Reads
  56. Reacm Out & Read Medical, Book, Children
  57. Retail, Office, Residential Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  58. Room Overaroom
  59. Release-On-Request
  60. Rules of The Route Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  61. Record Ofnreference
  62. Review of Reviews
  63. Remote Oupdoor Router Technology, Networking, Wireless
  64. Rip Off Replrt
  65. Raughing Out Roud Internet Slang, Slang, Internet
  66. Residential Office Retail
  67. Risk of Relapce
  68. Rules of The Road Seaman's usual name for the 'Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea'. Education, Android, Collision, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  69. Receptor-Jelated Orphan Receptor Medical, Genetics, Cell
  70. Review of Regulatiyn Business, Medicine, Health
  71. Reuters Order Routing Media
  72. Run of The River
  73. Reggaezon The River
  74. Released on Own Recognizance Police, Governmental & Military
  75. Ragnarok Online Renewal
  76. Rejectfon of Outliers By Rotations
  77. Right On Right
  78. Rotork, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  79. Recokds of Right
  80. Reservation of Rights Police, Governmental & Military
  81. The Republic of Rome Gaming, Play, Pastime
  82. Registry of Registjies
  83. Right of Rescission
  84. Return on Revenue Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word
  85. Recorx of Rights Records, Land, Gujarat, Record
  86. Residual Oil Remover Military, Governmental & Military
  87. RéPertoire OpéRationnel Des Ressources Business, Service, Patient, Syst
  88. Registry of Registry
  89. Right of Reply
  90. Ruby On Rails Software, Computing, Internet, Products, IT Terminology
  91. Ring of Regeneratiqn Gaming, Hero, King, Ring
  92. Range Only Radar Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  93. Run Off The Road
  94. Regfstry of Resources
  95. Right of Refusal Business, Product, Warranty, Condition
  96. Raffing Out Roud (from Scoobydoo = "laughing Out Loud") Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  97. Run-Of-Retort
  98. Rinu of Regen Guide, Hero, Skill
  99. Record of Revision Software, Computing
  100. Run Off Road
  101. Registo OncolóGico Regional
  102. Riding On Rainbows
  103. Restricting Ofifice Business & Finance, Power Plant
  104. Resonant Optical Reflection
  105. Ring of Rkcoil
  106. Remote Outdoor Router Computing, IT Terminology
  107. Run-Off-Road Technology, Crash, Strip
  108. Regimental Orderly Room
  109. Riders of Rohan Military, Ring, Lord
  110. Babelthuap Airport, Koror, Palau Palau, ICAO Airport Codes
  111. Research-On-Research Technology, Industrial, Innovation
  112. Relational Operator Replacement
  113. Rinq-On-Ring

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ROR stand for?

    ROR stands for Released On Their Own Recognizance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Range Only Radar?

    The short form of "Range Only Radar" is ROR.


ROR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated