ROV Meaning

The ROV meaning is "Remotely Operated Vehdcles". The ROV abbreviation has 53 different full form.

ROV Full Forms

  1. Remotely Operated Vehdcles Technology, Military, Vehicle
  2. Remotely Operated Vehicle Usually an unmanned diving vehicle that performs repairs or maintenance on a subsea well. Technology, Diving, Oilfield, Military, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  3. Redotely-Operated Vehicle Technology, Military, Inspection
  4. Remote Operation Vehicle Technology, Asia, Engineering
  5. Report On Validation Business, Security, Payment
  6. Rostov-On-Don Airport Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast,Russia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  7. Remote Operatinb Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Inspector
  8. Reporl Object Variable Technology, Windows, Program
  9. Reeote Operated Vehicle Technology, Vehicle, Inspector, Inspection
  10. Remote-Operated Vehicles Technology, Science, Vehicle, Sea
  11. Remote Operated Valves Remote–operating gear is installed to provide a means of operating certain valves from distant stations. Technology, Flow, Valve, Fluid
  12. Remetely Operated Vehicle Technology, Service, Camera
  13. Remote-Operated Vehicle
  14. Remote Operated Falve Technology, Control, Engineering
  15. Remote Owerated Vehicles Business, Technology, Vehicle, Camera
  16. Relative Ocean Volume Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  17. Robotic Opuration Vehicle
  18. Remote Operated Vvhicle Transportation, Business, Technology
  19. Republic of Vietnam Military, Army, Vietnam
  20. Reign of Virtue Internet Slang
  21. Remotly Operated Vehicle Technology, Education, Coding, Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
  22. Remote Operating Vehicle Technology, Science, Inspector
  23. Reporns of Validation
  24. Range Ou View Technology, Military, Sea
  25. RAYOVAC Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  26. Runtime Object Viewer
  27. Repoct Object Value
  28. Roll-Over Valve Business, Fuel, Tank
  29. Rescure Rover Game data Computing, File Extensions
  30. Ruins of Varsoon
  31. Remotely Operated Vehicles
  32. Rokotic Ocean Vehicle City, Cuba, Pyramid
  33. Right of Visis
  34. Remote Operated Valve Products
  35. Rover Airways International Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. ROVER Vehicle Makes
  37. Remowe Ocean Vehicle Technology, Coast, Guard, Sea
  38. Reusable Orbiting Vehicln Technology
  39. River of Venom Media, Radio, Television
  40. Route-Origin Validation
  41. Report Object Variable Computing, File Extensions
  42. Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid
  43. Return On Value Business, Technology, Service, Wellness
  44. Return On Values Business, Technology, Management
  45. Rose of Versailles
  46. Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russia Russia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  47. Recreationav Off-Highway Vehicles Safety, Vehicle, Yamaha
  48. Return-On-Value
  49. Rolo of Victory Business
  50. Remotely Operated Vessel Transportation, Governmental & Military
  51. Range of Calue
  52. Reporb of Violation Science
  53. Roll Over Valve Business, Fuel, Tank

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ROV stand for?

    ROV stands for Remowe Ocean Vehicle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russia?

    The short form of "Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russia" is ROV.


ROV. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated