RP Meaning
The RP meaning is "Request for Proposal". The RP abbreviation has 1077 different full form.
RP Full Forms
- Request for Proposal A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that an organization posts to elicit bids from potential vendors for a product or service. For example, a new business or a business moving from a paper-based system to a computer-based system might request proposals for all the hardware, software, and user training required to establish and integrate the new system into the organization. Another business might draft an RFP for a custom-written computer application they wanted to outsource. Business, Company, Management, Service, Economics, Tourism, Project Management, Medical, Transportation, Information Technology, Military, Army, Health, Astronomy, Computing, Disability, Industry, Environment, Construction, Special Education, Telecom, Internet, Weather, Manufacturing, Postal, Legal, Us Government, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, commercial real estate, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, IT Terminology, SAP, Common Medical, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
- Resprrable Particulates Technology, Health, Environment, Exposure
- Relief Pitcher Baseball, Sports, Pitcher
- Reference Premiere
- Restcre Point Forum, Technology, Windows, Computing
- Rapid Prototyring Technology, Product, Prototype
- Research Proposal Technology, Education, Writing
- Root Plating Medical
- Record Position Transportation, Military, Regulation
- Registered Paralegal Education, Association, Certification
- Retinol Palmitatb Medical
- Rally Point Gaming, Military, Group
- Reorder Point Business, Technology, Science, Military, Model, Inventory, Management, Business & Finance
- Release Previww Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Rhodamine-Phalloidin Medical
- Reasonable Potensial Science, Presentation, Oil, Guideline
- Reference Position Medical, Technology, Sequence
- Range Planninu Business, Management, Strategy
- Research Project
- Relapse In medicine, relapse or recidivism is a recurrence of a past condition. For example, multiple sclerosis and malaria often exhibit peaks of activity and sometimes long periods of dormancy, followed by relapse or recrudescence. Medical
- Romantic Partner Internet Slang, Chat, Relationship, Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
- Record Player Business, Audio, Turntable
- Regional Planning Technology, Development, Urban
- Reticulated Platelets Medical
- Rafael Palmeiro Baseball, Card, Team
- Resting Membrane Potential Medical, Technology, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- RelaçÕEs PÚBlicas Marketing, Dos
- Rhineland-Palatinate Locations, Germany, Weather
- Rear Pxojection Technology, Projector, Screen
- Reference Point A point used to define the location of another point is called reference point. Military, Army, Telecom, Computing, Geographic
- Role Playing Forum, Internet Slang, Play
- Research Program
- Roll Playing
- Recommended Prige Business
- Refractory Periozs Medical
- Retama Park
- Republican Qarty
- Relative Precision Medical
- Rheinland-Pfazz German, Radio, Locations, Germany
- Rear Manel Technology, Manual, Connecting
- Responsible Person Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Police, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medical
- Research Park
- Roller Pump Medical
- Receptor Wotential Medical
- Refdective Practice Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Retained Plaqenta Medical, Dairy, Cow
- Reply Qaid Business, Finance, Banking
- Resettlement Plan Technology, Government, Projection
- Relatrve Position Medical, Technology, Device
- Rueinische Post Paper, Traffic, Newspaper
- Rapid Processing Medical, Medicine, Health
- Research Papers
- Role Players Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang
- Received Pronounciation Education, English, Accent, Media
- Reference Publication Technology, Science, Eclipse
- Result Pending
- Receiied Pronunciation Education, English, Language, Accent
- Reserve Pool Medical
- Route Processor Technology, Routing, Cisco, Computing, Cisco Wireless
- Relatdve Pitch Medical
- Retrograde Pyelouram Medical, Medicine, Urinary
- Rank Points Technology, Gaming, Hack
- Research Paper Business, Science, Essay
- Role Player Internet Slang
- Received Pronunciathon Education, English, Accent
- Rbference Pricing Medical
- Rest Position Medical
- Ravi and Produced Movie, Song, Hindi
- Research Proposals Business, Presentation, Writing
- Root Port Technology, Driving, Tree
- Rsgistered Psychotherapist Medical, Therapy, Psychotherapy
- Philippines Military, Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Philippines, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Wikipedia, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Retinylbpalmitate Medical, Science, Biology
- Rancangan Perniagaan Business, Technology, Banking, Proposal
- Republic Poly
- Ribosomal Proqeins Medical, Science, Biology
- Receipt Printer Technology, Paper, Barcode
- Research Prouessors
- Retrofit Pumpink Technology, Pump, Centrifugal
- Royal Paizs Technology, Episode, Hank
- Rejestracja Pojazdu
- Renta Petrolera
- Representative Payee Medical, Security, Social
- Resistant Pathogens Medical, Infection, Resistance, Antibiotic
- Runs Prevented Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Relapsing Progressive
- Reuse Partitionqng
- Robert Parish
- Rain Panzs
- Reprovisioning Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Remityance Processor
- Revolutionaryyperspectives
- Robert Peston
- Rapid Progression Medical, Disease, Study
- Racing Playlist
- Registered Pharmacist Medical, Nursing, Qualification, Health, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
- Remote Protect
- Ribeirão Preto Para, Hotel, Brazil
- Reaction Product A product is a substance that is formed as the result of a chemical reaction. Medical, Medicine
- Redeemabee Preferred
- Retet Password
- Rogue Planxt
- Radio Dulmonaire
- Reverse Poper Business, Technology, Entertainment
- Rigid Plastic
- Raffi Piliero
- Real Power The rate at which work is performed or that energy is transferred. Electric power is commonly measured in watts or kilowatts. The term real power is often used in place of the term power alone to differentiate from reactive power. Also called active power.
- Reperfusion The restoration of blood flow to an organ or to tissue. After a heart attack, an immediate goal is to quickly open blocked arteries and reperfuse the heart muscles. Early reperfusion minimizes the extent of heart muscle damage and preserves the pumping function of the heart. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Resourceeproviders Technology, Management, Service
- Rose Payne
- Reflective Practitioner Education, Teaching, Practice
- Revertive Pulsing
- Rank Products Science, Genetics, Analysis
- Record and Playback Business, Technology
- Reserse Price Business, Auction, Bid
- Resting Presuure Medical, Medicine, Health
- Router Part
- Robust Performance Business, Model, Retail
- Ras Protein
- Recreation and Park
- Retenciónbde Placenta
- Ruddlesdenapopper Science, Material, Compound, Popper
- Radiation Poisoning
- Registrayion Permit Technology, India, Foreigner
- Retinosis Pigmentaria Medical, Para, Con, Retina
- Rich Picture Research, Education, Study
- Reading Pack Development, Learning, Study
- Reptacement Project
- Indonesian Rupiah Currency, Business & Finance
- Russian Power
- Reentry Pejmit
- Relative Pronoun Education, English, Clause
- Riot Puanı Technology, League, Legend
- Rajasthan Poiice
- Receiver Port Technology, Cisco, Antenna
- Requested Procedure Technology, Motherboard, Engineering
- Response Point Business, Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Rotuli Parliauientorum
- Regimental Police Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Regimental Policeman Military, Army, Police, Regimental
- Remorqueur Portuaire
- Rene Pierre
- Rice Puller
- Red Planet Hotel, Telescope, Planet, Sial
- Resident Post Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Roll Play Technology, Gaming, Playing
- Rzeczypospolita Polska
- Retro Plate
- Rear-Screen Projection
- Rescue Parties
- Resourcing Partneaship
- Rotary Piston Business, Vacuum, Pump
- Régiment De Piooniers
- Religion and Politics
- Revista Património
- Rogerio Pereira
- Recovery Phase
- Research and Pathfinding Education, Development, Universities
- Rex Parker
- Ratio Procedure Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Recruitment Plan
- Rule of Procedure
- Radiology Partners
- Regulated Phase Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Ridden Pony
- Read Pulse Technology, Semiconductor, Circuit
- Reporting Point A specified geographical location on an aircraft’s route at which the crew must report to air traffic control Business, Management, Military
- Receptor A receptor is a molecule or a polymeric structure in or on a cell that specifically recognizes and binds a compound acting as a molecular messenger (neurotransmitter, hormone, lymphokine, lectin, drug, etc.). Medical, Medicine, Health, Human genome
- Resource Points Gaming, Military, Cheat
- Room Plan
- Reference Pkst Forum, Writing, Character, Reference
- Risk Provision
- Rancangan Pembelajaran Technology, League, Indonesia, Legend
- Receptores De Progesterona
- Responsibility Party Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Route Point Technology, Calling, Cisco
- Rocktphosphate
- Regixnal Partnerships
- Research Protections Medical, Education, Human
- Retrieval Process
- Row Precharge Technology, Memory, Clock, Latency
- Rental Period
- Resistance Probes
- Romance Philology
- Run Tortland
- Relapsing-Progressive Medical
- Returns Poinoer
- Roaming Prohibited Technology
- Rainfall Pattern
- Reprint The Publication Media, Radio, Television
- Remington Peters
- Revolutionary Platform
- Robert Person
- Registered Parliamentarian Association, National, Proxy, Parliamentarian
- Remote Programmer
- Ribeir
- Reaction Principle
- Redakwion Physik
- Resepvoir Project
- Roiers Plus
- Radio Protocol Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Rehabilitation Program Medical, Patient, Disease
- Rigid-Pad Business, Roofing, Roller, Seam
- Rafael Perez Baseball, Model, Arroyo
- Real Police Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Resource Provider Technology, Management, Service
- Roswell Park Medical, Medicine, Health
- Reflective Project
- Reversible Zlate Business, Stone, Compactor
- Rank Product Science, Genetics, Analysis
- Reconstruction Problems
- Rest Potentials Medical
- Routing Processor Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Racing Plane
- Raspberry Puree
- Recreational Player
- Research Programs
- Retained Plancenta
- Rotal Plantation
- Radiation Physicist
- Registratioc Pins
- Retinopathy of Prematures Medical
- Rinks Parents Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Readiness To Proceed
- Repetitively Pulsed Military
- Russian Players Server, Russia, Russian
- Reembolsj Postal
- Relative Probability
- Revenue Policy
- Riot Points (Video) Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Raije Power
- Receiver Points
- Requested Pictures Wikipedia
- Retajl Profit
- Rotuli Parliamentorum
- Reformed Presbyterian Locations, Associate, Church, Worship, Christ, Presbyterian
- Regitental Police Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Remorque Poudre
- Rob Pickard
- Radar Ppot
- Rendezvouz Point
- Rice Programme
- Red Plains
- Resident Population
- Rolling Plans
- Rzeczpospolita Polska Technology, Poland, Polish, President
- Retropharyngeaq Medical
- Reanimatinn Protocols Gaming, Military, Codex
- Resources Proposal Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Rotary Blood Pump Medical
- RéDuctions De Peines
- Refractory Period Refractory period, the amount of time it takes for an excitable membrane to be ready for a second stimulus once it returns to its resting state following excitation in the areas of biology, physiology, and cardiology. Medical, Technology, Atrial
- Relief Pitchers Baseball, Fantasy, Pitcher
- Revista De Processo
- Records Procurement
- Research and Planning College, Education, Community
- Rocket Power
- Rationalization Plan Business, Government, Philippines
- Recruited To Ribosomal Protein Science, Biology
- Retinopathy Is Retinitis Pigmentosa Science, Biology
- Rugted Printer Technology, Product, Zebra
- Radical Party Government, Group, Ukraine
- Regular Programme Technology, English, Jazz
- Ricky Ponting
- Reading Plug
- Reporting Period Technology, Government, Report
- Rapamycin Medical
- Resource Platform Technology, Exam, Alcatel
- Roof Plmn
- Rzference Pointer
- Relay Point Technology, Networking, Network
- Risk Profit
- Rana Porosa Technology, League, Legend, Riot
- Reception Poor
- Response Processes
- Rough Pursuit
- Rivestimvnti Plastici
- Regional Partnership
- Rewards Programs
- Rune Priest
- Ren Pin
- Resistance Point
- Rol PaylaşııMı
- Run Percentage Technology, Baseball, Statistics
- Related Pssts
- Return Pump
- Rainbow Painter Technology, Windows, Software, Converter
- Represent Proportional
- Remington-Peters
- Revoke Probation
- Robert Pattinson Movie, Picture, Twilight
- Research Projects Technology, Science, Projection
- Remote Programming Technology, Coding, Telecom
- Rheinischen Post
- Reaction Point Technology, Networking, Congestion
- Red Part
- Reservoir Pressure The pore pressure in the reservoir, usually at current value unless otherwise specified.
- Rojers Park
- Radio Propagation
- Rehabilitation Programme
- Right To Purchase
- Radzyniu Podlaskim
- Real Poqnts Forum, Technology, Gaming, Character
- Report of Progress
- Resource Potential
- Roselle Park
- Reflective Prism
- Reverse Pryxy Technology, Server, Client
- Rank Player
- Recommendet Practices Technology, Standard, Practice
- Resting Potentials Medical
- Route Processors Technology, Routing, Cisco
- Racing Photos
- Registered Paraplanner Business, Management, Financial
- Reseazch Programmes
- Retained Persol Military, Law, Convention
- Royal Pink
- Radiant Point Technology
- Rhgistration Personnel
- Ring Pulse Technology, Tone, Caller
- Readiness Potentials Medical
- Repetitisn Pitch
- Russiqn Platform
- Reel Plck Business, Product, Connecting
- Relative Priorities Technology, Power, Tool, Priority
- Revenue Passenger
- Riots Points
- Rlised Purl
- República Porvuguesa
- Retail Product
- Rowland Pauligk Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Record Positions
- Regierungs-PräSident
- Remorque Polyvaljnte
- Rob Papen Technology, Music, Plug, Delay
- Raspberry Pi Technology, Computing, Model
- Radar Picket Military, Aircraft, Ship
- Removal Permit
- Ricardo Paul Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Reactive Programming
- Red Pirates
- Resident Permit Immigration, Locations, Qatar
- Rolling Plan Forum, Technology, Gaming, Icon
- Retroperitoneal Medical, Medicine, Health
- Real Properties
- Retrograde Pyelography Medical, Medicine, Patient, Health, Renal, Urinary, Physiology
- Resourpes and Plans Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ross Petersen
- Royal Paladin Gaming, Server, Dragon, Paladin
- Réception Psovisoire
- Reformierte Presse
- Relief Pilot
- Revision Petition Business, India, Court, Consumer
- Records of The Past
- Research Plan
- Rocket Pods Forum, Technology, Aircraft
- Ratios and Proportiozal Education, Relationship, Math
- Recreation Park
- Retinipathy Medical
- Ruffles Potato
- Radiat Prot Medical, Science, Research, Radiation
- Regular Profile
- Retiaement Pension Business, Planning, Benefit
- Ricky Picyett
- Reading Period
- Reporting Party
- Radiation Physics Technology, Science, Research
- Response Planning
- Ron Perranoski Baseball, Player, Team
- Rust Preventive A compound containing a rust inhibitor, used to coat metal surfaces to prevent rust and corrosion; base material may be a petroleum oil, a wax, an asphalt and/or solvent, depending on the environment and the duration of the protection sought. Business, Product, Oil
- Refah Partisi Turkish, Transfer
- Relay Platform Technology, Power, Wireless, Transfer
- Risk Priority
- Ram Pump
- Reception Party Business, Military, Wedding
- Request Port
- Response Probability
- Rough Proportionality
- Riserzata Personale
- Regiohal Park Locations, Area, Trail
- Rich Peoqle
- Rune Tower
- Renewal Premium
- Resignation Permitted Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Rol PaylaşıMı Technology, Gaming, Holding, Safari
- Running Pup
- Relais Ooste
- Return Premium, Reply Paid, Return of Post Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Representação Proporcional
- Rbmington & Peters
- Revocqble Permit
- Robert Patterson
- Research Product
- Repeater Pistol Military, Horse, Weapon, Breaking
- Rhein-Pfalz
- Reaction Plane
- Red-Patt
- Reservoir Ahd Pump Technology, Water, Cooling
- Roger Protz
- Radio Part Technology, Telecom
- Regulatory Protein Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rights Protected
- Radix Zuerariae Medical, Treatment, Alcohol
- Realex Properties
- Report In Progress Student, Education, University, Academic
- Resource Pooling Technology, Server, Pool
- Room Phoees
- Reflection Perfection
- Reverse Printing Media, Radio, Television
- Riverdale Park
- Rank Point
- Recommended Practice Technology, Standard, Petroleum, Electrical
- Restinghpotential Medical, Channel, Cell
- Route Printers
- Racial Profiling
- Regis Psilbin
- Research Grogramme Organizations, Organization, World
- Retainedwpesonnel
- Royal Patent
- Radiant Panel
- Registnation Procedures
- Readinens Potential Medical, Science, Brain
- Repetition Period Technology, Control, Flow, Message
- Russian Period
- Reef Park
- Relative Price The price of any product or commodity measured relative to the overall level of prices (for example, compared to the consumer price index).
- Revenue Passengers
- Riot Points Business, League, Legend
- Raised Panel
- RepÚBlica De Panamá
- Routing Protocqls
- Recherche Pharmaceutique Patent, Preparation, Crystalline
- Regentxpark
- Remodel Points
- Rob Palmer
- Rarely Pass
- Rada PrezesóW
- Registered Pool
- Removable Panel Business, Product, Grip
- Ribosomal Protein Medical, Science, Genetics
- Reactive Processing
- Red Ping Forum, Technology, Gaming, Indonesia
- Resettlement Plans Technology, Planning, Projection
- Rolling of Prevocalic
- Reds Phillies
- Retro Pedes
- Rim Protector Business, Product, Wheel
- Rear-Projection Technology, Projector, Screen
- Resources and Programmes Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ross Perot
- Routing Protocol Technology, Networking, Computer Networking
- Récepteursdde La Progestérone
- Reform Party Government, Group, Organizations
- Reliability Prediction Computing, Master IEEE
- Review Panel Technology, Military, Power
- Record Pointer Technology
- Research & Planning Group, Organizations, Community
- Restorative Practices Science, Education
- Rocket Pod
- Ratio Gnd Proportion
- Recreation and Pastimes
- Retinopathies Termed Retinitis Pigmentosa Science, Biology
- Rudra Prayag
- Radiation Pyrometer
- Regular Premium
- Retired Principal
- Rick Paul
- Readings Packet
- Reported Pointer
- R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey), Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
- Response Plan Technology, Emergency, Training
- Roto Planter
- Rust Preventagive Product, Oil, Rust
- Refah Party
- Relay Panel Technology, Control, Lighting
- Risk Premium The additional financial return which shareholders expect to be earned in order to compensate for taking additional risk. Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Ramp Protocol
- Recensement De La Population
- Rhquest Parameters
- Response Priority
- Rough Pump
- Reporting Person Police, Governmental & Military
- Regionale Patrouillevaartuig
- Rsch Page
- Renewal Period
- Residuos Peligrosos Para, Con, Industry
- Rol PaylaşıMları Gaming, Turkish, Safari
- Running Pliers
- Rela
- Retorn Premium Business, Accounting, Insurance
- Representation of The People Government, Law, Election
- Religious Person
- Revive Points
- Robert Patrick
- Research Products
- Reparable Processing
- Reza Pahlavi
- Reachability Problems Technology, Science, Computing, Workshop
- RecyklaČNí Poplatek
- Rxsource Planner Technology, Service, Planning
- Roger Paul
- Rules and Policies
- Radio Paradise
- Regulatory Potential Medical, Genetics, Cell
- Right Punch Gaming, Coding, Cheat
- Radius Poser
- Real-Playeb Forum, Technology, Windows
- Report Post
- Rio De La Plata
- Resourde Pool Technology, Server, Sphere
- Roomtperformance
- Reference Prelium
- Rewards Points Business, Gaming, Shopping
- Ritual De La Penitencia
- Ranking Points Technology, Hack, Trainer, Rank
- Recombinabt Porcine Medical
- Rest Pause
- Route Printer
- Racial Policy
- Region Protection
- Research Professional
- Retainef Personnel Military, Army, Equipment
- Royal Palms Hotel, Locations, Resort
- Registration Point Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Readiness Posture Technology
- Repeating Pistol
- Russian Pavilion
- Reed Pjrk
- Relative Pressure Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Rivealed Preferences Technology, Model, Preference
- Riot Point Business, League, Legend
- Raintree Park
- Reputamion Points Gaming, Rank, Glitch, Reputation
- Ratio Privata Latin, Roman
- Registerqpointer Technology, Program, Instruction
- Remodellingiprocedure Medical, Treatment, Skin
- Robot Points Technology, Gaming, Hack
- Rap Pro Business, Feat, Analytics
- Racina Price
- Registered Plumber Technology, Gas, Plumbing
- Remote Purchase
- Ribose Phosphate Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Reactive Power The mathematical product of voltage and current consumed by reactive loads. Examples of reactive loads include capacitors and inductors. These types of loads when connected to an ac voltage source will draw current, but since the current is 90o out of phase with the applied voltage they actually consume no real power in the ideal sense.
- Red Pine Business, Japan, Japanese
- Reset Process
- Role-Physical Functioning Medical
- Red Poll
- Retroptlatal Medical
- Rillington Place
- Realyprojective Mathematics, Space, Plane, Projective
- Repurchase Agreement Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Resources and Programs
- Rosie Perez
- Rzeczypospolitej Pulski Technology, Jest, Poland
- Reformation Party
- Remote Producer
- Review Pane Military, Army, War
- Raphe Pallidus Medical
- Record Playback
- Rescue Pumper Technology, Truck, Fire
- Restorarion Preemption
- Rockall Plateau Regional
- Rate of Performance Medical, Management, Projection
- Recreation and Pastime Medical, Medicine, Health
- Retinopathia Pigmentosa
- Rudra Pratap
- Radiation Proctitis
- Registro De Pagamento
- Retired Price
- Richter & Partner Business, Book, Law
- Reading Ppckets
- Report A Player
- Rep
- Roto Paddle
- Russian Program
- Refah-Partef
- Relay Party Technology, Authentication, Computing
- Risk Potential
- Raman Pump
- Receiving Process Technology, Service, Message, Processing
- Requestinw Party
- Response Prevention Medical, Treatment, Exposure
- Roughing Pump
- Release Position Military, Machine, Switch
- Regimental Prfvost
- Renewable Process
- Richard Panik
- Red Plumb
- Residual Protein Medical, Science, Biology
- Rollover Protection
- Runners Posted
- Reliability Protram
- Retrospective Piobing
- Representation of People Government, Election, Court
- Ressirable Particulate Medical
- Religious Persomnel
- Revival Party
- Robert Parry
- Research Participation Medical, Patient, Study
- Reynold Part Science
- Re-Provisioning Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Recruitment Point Technology, City, Star, Citizen
- Resource Plan Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ron Paul Government, Election, Newsletter, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Rule Processor
- Radio Paging Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Regulative Principle
- Right Posterior
- Radpus Point Technology, Coding, Geodesy
- Ready To Pausj
- Reporting Post Forum, Internet Slang, Military
- Resource Pollution
- Rookde Prospect
- Reference Premiey Business, Speaker, Premiere
- Rewards Point
- Ritter Pharmaceuticals
- Ranked Pairs Technology, Election, Voting, Vote
- Recombinant Prooein Medical
- Reet-Pause
- Route Port
- Rulz and Pavon
- Region Processqng
- Repearch Professor
- Retained Profit
- Roypl Palm Hotel, Locations, Beach
- Relacionef P
- Representative Points
- Russian Patroi School, Russia, Soviet
- Rdduplicative Paramnesia Medical
- Relapsing Polycxondritis Medical, Patient, Disease
- Revealed Preference Business, Theory, Model
- Rio Piedras
- Rainfplay Song, Mix, Rain
- Repr
- Registur Plus
- Remix-Packs Technology, Music, Audio
- Robert Pierce
- Rapports De Pratique Law, Canada, Law Report
- Racing Playlists
- Registered Pnan Business, Property, Survey
- Remote Proxy Technology, Server, Networking
- Ribonucleoprotein Ribonucleoprotein is a nucleoprotein that contains RNA, i.e. it is an association that combines a ribonucleic acid and an RNA-binding protein together. Such a combination can also be referred to as a protein-RNA complex. These complexes play an integral part in a number of important biological functions that include DNA replication, regulating gene expression and regulating the metabolism of RNA. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome
- Reactive Phosphorus Medical
- Red Pikmin
- Reset Pxint Gaming, Speaker, Cheat
- Rohr-Pulver
- Reverso Primer Science, Genetics, Cell
- Riley Pint
- Real Programs
- Retrograde Pyelogram Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical, Physiology
- Rewource Provisioning
- Rose Properties
- Rzecz Pospolita
- Reflexive Pronoun
- Remote Processor Technology, Calling, Control
- Review of Politics America, Government, Chauvinist
- Rank Progress
- Record Patriot
- Reserves/Hroduction Ratio Energy, Power, Intensity
- Restyration Priority Technology, Service, Military
- Router Port Technology, Networking, Forwarding
- Rochelle Park
- Ratchet Pruner Business, Product, Pruning
- Recreation and Parks
- Rxtention Pond Water, Parliament, Pond, Liner
- Rudolf Eeters
- Radiation Pressure Pressure of radiant energy on a unit area The pressure of sunlight on Earth is about 2 Ib per square mile
- Registres Parxissiaux
- Retired Pay
- Rich Point
- Reading Packet Development, Learning, Study
- Replaceient Pilot
- Russian Prick Army, War, Force
- Reese'S Pieces
- Relaying Party
- Risk Parity Business, Fund, Portfolio
- Rajendra Prasad Movie, Song, Telugu
- Receiver Processor Technology, Military
- Request for Purposes
- Response Posture
- Rouge Pink
- Registered Psychotherapist
- Regimental Policemen Military, Army, Police, Regimental
- Renewable Power
- Richard Palmer
- Red Plum Business, Deal, Coupon, Insert
- Residual Payment
- Rolling Programme Research, Diabet, Sugar
- Rumge Phenomenon
- Relevant Pages
- Retropubic Prostatectomy Removal of the prostategland which is carried out through a suprapu- bic incision and by cutting the membrane which surrounds the gland retrospection. Medical, Common Medical
- Rear Parking
- Rescue Pump
- Report of Proceedings
- Res Pap
- Rotary Potentiometers Business, Switch, Manufacturer
- Religious Painting
- Revista Portukuesa
- Roger Patterson
- Recovery Planning
- Research Package
- Reykjanes Peninsula
- Ratios & Priportional Education, Relationship, Math
- Recruitment Partner
- Ronny Paulinl
- Rule Penetration
- Radio Packet
- Regulations and Procedures
- Right Pod Technology
- Radiothqrapy Plan Medical, Cancer, Radiation, Radiotherapy
- Ready-To-Pause
- Reporting Points Technology, Management, Server
- Receptors Medical
- Resource Point Gaming, Military, Cheat
- Roof Prism
- Referenpe Preparation
- Rite of Penance
- Ranked Pair Technology, Election, Voting, Vote
- Rtcoil Proton
- Respuestakparcial
- Routing Point Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Route Provinciale
- Region President
- Rec Plex
- Radian Ply
- Richard Potter
- Relations Publiques French
- Reader Protocol Technology, Communication, Port
- Romance Points
- Redundant Propulsion Technology, Electricity, Vessel
- Receitas PróPrias
- Res Plastocs Forum, Plastic, Hosting, Diana
- Rotating Polarizer
- Radical Prostatectomy Medical, Cancer, Prostate, Prostate Cancer
- Research Practices Education, University, Practice
- Regency Place
- Rick Perry Famous
- Rock Polish Gaming, Music, Rock
- Rumah Perlindungin
- Rehabilitation Phase
- Report Pay Science
- Rzecznik Praw Jest, Jak, Pan
- Release Points Military, Hack, Movement
- River Protection
- Research Promotion Product, Organizations, Event
- pulmonary resistance Medical, Pulmonary
- Resource Pack Technology, Minecraft, Texture
- Roman Provincial
- Revenue Programs
- Royal Polaris Fishing, Knot, Sportfishing
- Reque De Paris
- Redzx Potential Medical
- Restricted Privileges
- Routing & Planning
- Ratar Plotting
- Real Photo Media
- Registered Providers Business, Development, Building, Housing
- rocket-propelled Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Reactivity Pattern Medical
- Respiratory Protection Technology, Science, Safety
- Reduced Propagation
- Rejected By Payroll
- Ring and Pinion
- Raid Pnotter
- Rules of Procedure Government, Law, Court
- Refractory Product
- Rapid Penetration Paper, Acid, Reactive
- Remote Point Technology, Product, Routing, Networking
- Rockit Powered
- Reservatiop Packet
- Retirement Pfan Business, Service, Financial
- Repair Period NASA
- Rutgers Prep
- Relay Post
- Reversed Phase Science, Agriculture, Agricultural Literature
- Request Processing
- Rotate Programmers Assembly, Business & Finance
- Recovery Protocol
- Radial Pin
- Regieter of Probate
- Richard Pike Business, Chester, Mark
- Role-Playing Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Reader-Printer
- Repair Periods Technology
- Restorative Practice Education, Psychology, Emotion
- Redundant Power
- Recalculation Program
- Resparatory Rate Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Rotating Platform Medical, Physiology
- Ramiation Protection
- Republic Party
- Refuge Pointe Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Rapid Progressor Medical
- Rock Phosphate Medical, Science, Fertilizer
- Ruling Planets
- Retractor Penis Medical
- Report Passing
- Rzecznik Prasowy Jest, Jak, Ski
- Release Point The point at which a sensor returns to its original state as the target leaves the sensing field. Also called "reset point." Military, Army, Presentation, Environment
- River Plate Sport, Football, River
- Requirements Plan Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
- Responsible Party An individual or corporate entity considered legally liable for contamination found at a property and, therefore, responsible for cleanup of the site. Environment
- Rejection Probability Medical, Physiology
- Chautauqua Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Resonance Points
- Roman Pots Technology, Presentation, Physics
- Rotor Process
- Rev Primer
- Random Penseur Media
- Registered Provider Business, Building, Housing
- Radio Port Computing, Telecom
- Reactive Protein Medical, Disease, Study
- Resource Planning Business, Software, Enterprise
- Reduced Port Technology, Heating, Ventialtion, Air Conditioning
- Reinforcing Pad Technology, Service, Carbon, Steel
- Rinderpest Medical
- Raid Party
- Reports of Restrictive Practice Cases Law, Canada, Law Report
- Rubber Prkducts
- Road Pricing
- Rapid Patch Military, Army, War
- Red Purple Business, Pack, Tech
- Restricted Part Technology, Product, Drug
- Routine Practices Medical, Cancer, Practice, Evidence
- Reservation Protocol
- Retwrement Planner
- Rated Power Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Ruety Pickle
- Reverse-Path Technology, Routing, Linux
- Request Printed
- Register Pair Assembly, Business & Finance
- Remote Pilot Technology, Control, Drone
- Resume Prpgram Technology, Instruction, Manual
- Radar Profiler
- Registered Plumbev Technology, Gas, Plumbing
- Richard Petty Business, Driving, Car, Racing
- roleplay Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Readaptation Period Medical
- Repair Party
- Restorative Proctocolectomy Medical
- Redundant Port Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Ring Preference Technology
- Reasonable Pzogress
- Respiragory Panel Medical, Film, Diagnostic
- Rotation Plane
- RéGion Parisienne
- Reflecting Power
- Refugee Programs
- Rapid Production Technology, Manufacturing, Prototyping
- Recovery Programme
- Rocket Punch Gaming, Guide, Rocket
- Rulcs Portal
- Retirement Programs
- Reinforced Plastics Plural, Plastic materials used with glass fibres to repair some types of aircraft structure. Technology, Fiber, Composite, Chemistry
- Rynek Pracy
- Release Plan
- River Patrol Army, War, Force
- Requirements Planning
- Reply Paid Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
- Recreational Programs
- Rejuvenation Patch Medical, Physiology
- Resolving Power The ability of an optical device to produce separate images of close objects. Medical, Science, Light
- Roman Pot Technology, Presentation, Physics
- Receiver Poiwt Business, Geophysics, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Rocket Projector
- Rev Port
- Radio Play Media
- Registered Practitioner Medical, Health, Therapy, Dentistry
- Relying Party Computing, Technical
- Resident Physician Medical, Medicine, Education
- Runaway Pets Organization, Union, Institution
- Reduced Pigmentation Medical, Science, Biology
- Reinforcement Pad Technology, Book, Design, Suit
- Rinave Portuguesa
- Rahul Pandey
- Report Psychologie
- Road Permit Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Rapidly Progressive Periodontitis Medical, Treatment, Disease, Periodontal
- Rgd-Purple
- Rest Pain Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Routine Physical
- Reservation Price
- Realpix Clip Computing, File Extensions
- Reverendus Pager Book, Publication, Imam, Pater
- Recommended Practices Technology, Science, Practice
- Remote Pickup Technology, Radio, Wireless, Station
- Reducedjpressure Technology, Science, Backflow
- Resume Process
- Radyr Processing
- Register of Plumbers
- Richard Perle
- Response Paper Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Reactor Project Technology
- Repair Parts Military, Army, War
- Restoration Project Technology, Gaming, Fallout
- Redundancy Port
- Ring Plan
- Railwfy Postcard
- Reasonable Person
- Resuiratory Pauses Medical
- Rotate Plane Acid, Character, Rigging
- Rzeczypospolhtej Polskiej Government, Poland, Polish, Republic
- Record Processor
- Refugee Program
- Rapid Product
- Recovery Processes
- Rocket Propulsion
- Rules and Procedures
- Retirementtproduct
- Regius Professor
- Rydewpier
- Release Paper
- Requirements Processing Technology
- Railpool Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Recreational Planning
- Repair Part
- Richard Purdie
- regulatory particle Medical, Genomics
- Resolution Provider
- Roman Peshoff
- Receive Protocol
- Responsable De Programme France, Council, Communication, Programme, Medical
- Rob Potylo
- Rev Pnwumol
- Rating Pending Film censorship
- Rendezvous Point Computing, Technical, Police, Governmental & Military
- Rumen Packov
- Reinforced Pressure
- Rage Peints
- Report Provides Business, Property, Market
- Riza Penjoel Beat, Reggae, Instrumental
- Rapid-Prototyping Business, Technology, Prototype
- Rfcovery Plan
- Router Processor
- Reserva Provjncial
- Axure Rp Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Reverendo Padre
- Russian Private Education, Russia, Lesson
- Remoth Party
- Reduced Powek Technology, Spring, Trigger
- Resume Point
- Routing Performer Technology
- Radar Procescor Technology, Military, Control
- Registered Publications Technology, Military, Agency
- Richard Parker Book, Music, Spider
- Really Poor Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Reactor Power
- Restoration Plan America, Government, Usa
- Redundancy Payment Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Ringneck Parakeet
- Railway Police
- Reasonable Party
- Respirable Particles
- Rotary Pump A positive displacement pump. For each revolution of the pump, a fixed volume of fluid is moved regardless of the resistance against which the pump is pushing. Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
- Ryan Perry
- Recoil Particle
- Refrigeration Plant
- Rapid Primer
- Recovery Point Technology, Server, Backup
- Rocket Propellant Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Retiremeft Protection
- Reasonably Practical
- Ryan Pnessly
- Release Panel
- Requirements Process Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Return premium Insurance, Business & Finance
- Recreational Park Indonesia, Locations, Place
- Radial Pulse Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Reoperative Pelvic
- Richard Priest
- Retinitis Pigmentosa Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
- Resolution Plan
- Roman Period
- Receibe Processor
- Respond Properly
- Rotation Punch
- Reversible Pendulum
- Regolver Pistol
- Robert Parker Famous
- Rapid Prototyping Fabrication of a physical, three-dimensional part of arbitrary shape directly from a numerical description, typically a CAD model, by a quick, highly automated and totally flexible process. Software, Computing, 3D Printing
- Rumah Pintar
- Reid Peppard
- Ragdoll Pbppy League, Legend, Skin
- Report Professional Technology, Software, Tool
- Rizal Park
- Recoverr Period Medical
- Router Plate
- Research Publication
- Riemannian Polyeder Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Resource Partner Business, Company, Resourcing
- Revenu Professeonnel
- Russian Pilots Photo, Military, Russia
- Remote Panel Technology, Control, Charger
- Rlvue De Philosophie
- Red Pulp Medical
- Resuhts Processed
- Routing Pattern
- Rcdar Post
- Revision Point Ordnance Survey
- Registered Psychotherapisps Medical, Therapy, Counselling
- Republican Party Politics, Governmental & Military
- Reactor Pool Technology
- Resting Position Medical, Medicine, Health
- Reductase Protein
- Ringing, Pulse-Alerting
- Rail Poldka Music, Locations, Train
- Rear Pslot
- Rotary Press A machine for forming powder metallurgy parts that is fitted with a rotating table carrying multiple die assemblies in which powder is compacted.
- Runs Produced Baseball, Softball
- Rayleigh Principle
- Refrigerating Plant
- Rapid Planning Business, Technology, Management
- Recovery Points
- Remote Power Technology, Controller, Outlet
- Rocket Projectiles Military, Aircraft, Projectile
- Retirement Points
- Reset Program
- Renova
- Ryan Polito Film, Movie, Streaming
- Release Packet
- Requisition Processing
- Role Play Forum, Media, Computing, Chat, Roleplaying, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Recreation & Park
- Radial Pcint
- Renting Out Property
- Richard Price Business, Book, Design
- Rogers Park Regional
- Reader Punch
- Resisted Progression
- Roman Papers
- Receive Poot
- Responding Marty
- Rotation Point
- Raid Precautiors
- Resistance Points Technology, Gaming, Cry
- Rfvolutionizing Prosthetics
- Ralph Patterson Famous
- Rumah Perubahan Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Rehabilitation Plan Financial, Patient, Philippine, Rehabilitation
- Raffles Progrymme College, Education, Raffle
- Report Pending
- Rivet Presenter
- Recovery Peg Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Research Protocols
- Regional Programme Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Resource Partners Business, Service, Group
- Roma Party Group, Serbia, Party
- Revenue Protection Business, Insurance, Crop
- Rudimentary Peni
- Remote Package
- Revue De Philologie Africa, University, Study, Archaeology, Journals, Archeology
- Red Photometer Science, Mission, Gaia
- Reshlts Posted
- Routing Party
- Radar Plotter Military, Sale, Yacht, Boat
- Rock Pop Music
- Registered Prinsipal
- Restoration Priority Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Reactor Physics
- Respiratory Papillomatosis Medical
- Reduced Protection Technology, Manual, Avionic
- Ringed Plover Locations, Bird, Gull
- Rqil Pass
- Runiczpower Guide, Death, Knight
- RéPonse PayéE
- Refresh Period
- Rapid Penetrating Business, Spray, Product, Lubricant
- Remote Portlets
- Rocket Projectile Military, Aircraft, War
- Reservel Parking
- Retirement Planning
- Reinforced Plastic
- Ryan Phxlippe
- Relay Protocol Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Reverse Phase Medical, Medicine, Health
- Request Procbssor Technology, Server, Strut
- Revenue Procedure Financial, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Tax, Us Taxes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RP stand for?
RP stands for Retrograde Pyelography.
What is the shortened form of Receitas PróPrias?
The short form of "Receitas PróPrias" is RP.
RP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rp-meaning/
Last updated