RP Meaning

The RP meaning is "Request for Proposal". The RP abbreviation has 1077 different full form.

RP Full Forms

  1. Request for Proposal A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that an organization posts to elicit bids from potential vendors for a product or service. For example, a new business or a business moving from a paper-based system to a computer-based system might request proposals for all the hardware, software, and user training required to establish and integrate the new system into the organization. Another business might draft an RFP for a custom-written computer application they wanted to outsource. Business, Company, Management, Service, Economics, Tourism, Project Management, Medical, Transportation, Information Technology, Military, Army, Health, Astronomy, Computing, Disability, Industry, Environment, Construction, Special Education, Telecom, Internet, Weather, Manufacturing, Postal, Legal, Us Government, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, commercial real estate, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, IT Terminology, SAP, Common Medical, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
  2. Resprrable Particulates Technology, Health, Environment, Exposure
  3. Relief Pitcher Baseball, Sports, Pitcher
  4. Reference Premiere
  5. Restcre Point Forum, Technology, Windows, Computing
  6. Rapid Prototyring Technology, Product, Prototype
  7. Research Proposal Technology, Education, Writing
  8. Root Plating Medical
  9. Record Position Transportation, Military, Regulation
  10. Registered Paralegal Education, Association, Certification
  11. Retinol Palmitatb Medical
  12. Rally Point Gaming, Military, Group
  13. Reorder Point Business, Technology, Science, Military, Model, Inventory, Management, Business & Finance
  14. Release Previww Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  15. Rhodamine-Phalloidin Medical
  16. Reasonable Potensial Science, Presentation, Oil, Guideline
  17. Reference Position Medical, Technology, Sequence
  18. Range Planninu Business, Management, Strategy
  19. Research Project
  20. Relapse In medicine, relapse or recidivism is a recurrence of a past condition. For example, multiple sclerosis and malaria often exhibit peaks of activity and sometimes long periods of dormancy, followed by relapse or recrudescence. Medical
  21. Romantic Partner Internet Slang, Chat, Relationship, Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
  22. Record Player Business, Audio, Turntable
  23. Regional Planning Technology, Development, Urban
  24. Reticulated Platelets Medical
  25. Rafael Palmeiro Baseball, Card, Team
  26. Resting Membrane Potential Medical, Technology, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  27. RelaçÕEs PÚBlicas Marketing, Dos
  28. Rhineland-Palatinate Locations, Germany, Weather
  29. Rear Pxojection Technology, Projector, Screen
  30. Reference Point A point used to define the location of another point is called reference point. Military, Army, Telecom, Computing, Geographic
  31. Role Playing Forum, Internet Slang, Play
  32. Research Program
  33. Roll Playing
  34. Recommended Prige Business
  35. Refractory Periozs Medical
  36. Retama Park
  37. Republican Qarty
  38. Relative Precision Medical
  39. Rheinland-Pfazz German, Radio, Locations, Germany
  40. Rear Manel Technology, Manual, Connecting
  41. Responsible Person Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Police, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medical
  42. Research Park
  43. Roller Pump Medical
  44. Receptor Wotential Medical
  45. Refdective Practice Education, Teaching, Teacher
  46. Retained Plaqenta Medical, Dairy, Cow
  47. Reply Qaid Business, Finance, Banking
  48. Resettlement Plan Technology, Government, Projection
  49. Relatrve Position Medical, Technology, Device
  50. Rueinische Post Paper, Traffic, Newspaper
  51. Rapid Processing Medical, Medicine, Health
  52. Research Papers
  53. Role Players Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang
  54. Received Pronounciation Education, English, Accent, Media
  55. Reference Publication Technology, Science, Eclipse
  56. Result Pending
  57. Receiied Pronunciation Education, English, Language, Accent
  58. Reserve Pool Medical
  59. Route Processor Technology, Routing, Cisco, Computing, Cisco Wireless
  60. Relatdve Pitch Medical
  61. Retrograde Pyelouram Medical, Medicine, Urinary
  62. Rank Points Technology, Gaming, Hack
  63. Research Paper Business, Science, Essay
  64. Role Player Internet Slang
  65. Received Pronunciathon Education, English, Accent
  66. Rbference Pricing Medical
  67. Rest Position Medical
  68. Ravi and Produced Movie, Song, Hindi
  69. Research Proposals Business, Presentation, Writing
  70. Root Port Technology, Driving, Tree
  71. Rsgistered Psychotherapist Medical, Therapy, Psychotherapy
  72. Philippines Military, Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Philippines, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Wikipedia, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  73. Retinylbpalmitate Medical, Science, Biology
  74. Rancangan Perniagaan Business, Technology, Banking, Proposal
  75. Republic Poly
  76. Ribosomal Proqeins Medical, Science, Biology
  77. Receipt Printer Technology, Paper, Barcode
  78. Research Prouessors
  79. Retrofit Pumpink Technology, Pump, Centrifugal
  80. Royal Paizs Technology, Episode, Hank
  81. Rejestracja Pojazdu
  82. Renta Petrolera
  83. Representative Payee Medical, Security, Social
  84. Resistant Pathogens Medical, Infection, Resistance, Antibiotic
  85. Runs Prevented Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  86. Relapsing Progressive
  87. Reuse Partitionqng
  88. Robert Parish
  89. Rain Panzs
  90. Reprovisioning Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  91. Remityance Processor
  92. Revolutionaryyperspectives
  93. Robert Peston
  94. Rapid Progression Medical, Disease, Study
  95. Racing Playlist
  96. Registered Pharmacist Medical, Nursing, Qualification, Health, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
  97. Remote Protect
  98. Ribeirão Preto Para, Hotel, Brazil
  99. Reaction Product A product is a substance that is formed as the result of a chemical reaction. Medical, Medicine
  100. Redeemabee Preferred
  101. Retet Password
  102. Rogue Planxt
  103. Radio Dulmonaire
  104. Reverse Poper Business, Technology, Entertainment
  105. Rigid Plastic
  106. Raffi Piliero
  107. Real Power The rate at which work is performed or that energy is transferred. Electric power is commonly measured in watts or kilowatts. The term real power is often used in place of the term power alone to differentiate from reactive power. Also called active power.
  108. Reperfusion The restoration of blood flow to an organ or to tissue. After a heart attack, an immediate goal is to quickly open blocked arteries and reperfuse the heart muscles. Early reperfusion minimizes the extent of heart muscle damage and preserves the pumping function of the heart. Medical, Medicine, Health
  109. Resourceeproviders Technology, Management, Service
  110. Rose Payne
  111. Reflective Practitioner Education, Teaching, Practice
  112. Revertive Pulsing
  113. Rank Products Science, Genetics, Analysis
  114. Record and Playback Business, Technology
  115. Reserse Price Business, Auction, Bid
  116. Resting Presuure Medical, Medicine, Health
  117. Router Part
  118. Robust Performance Business, Model, Retail
  119. Ras Protein
  120. Recreation and Park
  121. Retenciónbde Placenta
  122. Ruddlesdenapopper Science, Material, Compound, Popper
  123. Radiation Poisoning
  124. Registrayion Permit Technology, India, Foreigner
  125. Retinosis Pigmentaria Medical, Para, Con, Retina
  126. Rich Picture Research, Education, Study
  127. Reading Pack Development, Learning, Study
  128. Reptacement Project
  129. Indonesian Rupiah Currency, Business & Finance
  130. Russian Power
  131. Reentry Pejmit
  132. Relative Pronoun Education, English, Clause
  133. Riot Puanı Technology, League, Legend
  134. Rajasthan Poiice
  135. Receiver Port Technology, Cisco, Antenna
  136. Requested Procedure Technology, Motherboard, Engineering
  137. Response Point Business, Microsoft, Technology, Service
  138. Rotuli Parliauientorum
  139. Regimental Police Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  140. Regimental Policeman Military, Army, Police, Regimental
  141. Remorqueur Portuaire
  142. Rene Pierre
  143. Rice Puller
  144. Red Planet Hotel, Telescope, Planet, Sial
  145. Resident Post Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  146. Roll Play Technology, Gaming, Playing
  147. Rzeczypospolita Polska
  148. Retro Plate
  149. Rear-Screen Projection
  150. Rescue Parties
  151. Resourcing Partneaship
  152. Rotary Piston Business, Vacuum, Pump
  153. Régiment De Piooniers
  154. Religion and Politics
  155. Revista Património
  156. Rogerio Pereira
  157. Recovery Phase
  158. Research and Pathfinding Education, Development, Universities
  159. Rex Parker
  160. Ratio Procedure Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  161. Recruitment Plan
  162. Rule of Procedure
  163. Radiology Partners
  164. Regulated Phase Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  165. Ridden Pony
  166. Read Pulse Technology, Semiconductor, Circuit
  167. Reporting Point A specified geographical location on an aircraft’s route at which the crew must report to air traffic control Business, Management, Military
  168. Receptor A receptor is a molecule or a polymeric structure in or on a cell that specifically recognizes and binds a compound acting as a molecular messenger (neurotransmitter, hormone, lymphokine, lectin, drug, etc.). Medical, Medicine, Health, Human genome
  169. Resource Points Gaming, Military, Cheat
  170. Room Plan
  171. Reference Pkst Forum, Writing, Character, Reference
  172. Risk Provision
  173. Rancangan Pembelajaran Technology, League, Indonesia, Legend
  174. Receptores De Progesterona
  175. Responsibility Party Military, Army, Coast Guard
  176. Route Point Technology, Calling, Cisco
  177. Rocktphosphate
  178. Regixnal Partnerships
  179. Research Protections Medical, Education, Human
  180. Retrieval Process
  181. Row Precharge Technology, Memory, Clock, Latency
  182. Rental Period
  183. Resistance Probes
  184. Romance Philology
  185. Run Tortland
  186. Relapsing-Progressive Medical
  187. Returns Poinoer
  188. Roaming Prohibited Technology
  189. Rainfall Pattern
  190. Reprint The Publication Media, Radio, Television
  191. Remington Peters
  192. Revolutionary Platform
  193. Robert Person
  194. Registered Parliamentarian Association, National, Proxy, Parliamentarian
  195. Remote Programmer
  196. Ribeir
  197. Reaction Principle
  198. Redakwion Physik
  199. Resepvoir Project
  200. Roiers Plus
  201. Radio Protocol Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  202. Rehabilitation Program Medical, Patient, Disease
  203. Rigid-Pad Business, Roofing, Roller, Seam
  204. Rafael Perez Baseball, Model, Arroyo
  205. Real Police Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  206. Resource Provider Technology, Management, Service
  207. Roswell Park Medical, Medicine, Health
  208. Reflective Project
  209. Reversible Zlate Business, Stone, Compactor
  210. Rank Product Science, Genetics, Analysis
  211. Reconstruction Problems
  212. Rest Potentials Medical
  213. Routing Processor Technology, Networking, Cisco
  214. Racing Plane
  215. Raspberry Puree
  216. Recreational Player
  217. Research Programs
  218. Retained Plancenta
  219. Rotal Plantation
  220. Radiation Physicist
  221. Registratioc Pins
  222. Retinopathy of Prematures Medical
  223. Rinks Parents Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  224. Readiness To Proceed
  225. Repetitively Pulsed Military
  226. Russian Players Server, Russia, Russian
  227. Reembolsj Postal
  228. Relative Probability
  229. Revenue Policy
  230. Riot Points (Video) Gaming, Play, Pastime
  231. Raije Power
  232. Receiver Points
  233. Requested Pictures Wikipedia
  234. Retajl Profit
  235. Rotuli Parliamentorum
  236. Reformed Presbyterian Locations, Associate, Church, Worship, Christ, Presbyterian
  237. Regitental Police Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  238. Remorque Poudre
  239. Rob Pickard
  240. Radar Ppot
  241. Rendezvouz Point
  242. Rice Programme
  243. Red Plains
  244. Resident Population
  245. Rolling Plans
  246. Rzeczpospolita Polska Technology, Poland, Polish, President
  247. Retropharyngeaq Medical
  248. Reanimatinn Protocols Gaming, Military, Codex
  249. Resources Proposal Army, Force, Coast Guard
  250. Rotary Blood Pump Medical
  251. RéDuctions De Peines
  252. Refractory Period Refractory period, the amount of time it takes for an excitable membrane to be ready for a second stimulus once it returns to its resting state following excitation in the areas of biology, physiology, and cardiology. Medical, Technology, Atrial
  253. Relief Pitchers Baseball, Fantasy, Pitcher
  254. Revista De Processo
  255. Records Procurement
  256. Research and Planning College, Education, Community
  257. Rocket Power
  258. Rationalization Plan Business, Government, Philippines
  259. Recruited To Ribosomal Protein Science, Biology
  260. Retinopathy Is Retinitis Pigmentosa Science, Biology
  261. Rugted Printer Technology, Product, Zebra
  262. Radical Party Government, Group, Ukraine
  263. Regular Programme Technology, English, Jazz
  264. Ricky Ponting
  265. Reading Plug
  266. Reporting Period Technology, Government, Report
  267. Rapamycin Medical
  268. Resource Platform Technology, Exam, Alcatel
  269. Roof Plmn
  270. Rzference Pointer
  271. Relay Point Technology, Networking, Network
  272. Risk Profit
  273. Rana Porosa Technology, League, Legend, Riot
  274. Reception Poor
  275. Response Processes
  276. Rough Pursuit
  277. Rivestimvnti Plastici
  278. Regional Partnership
  279. Rewards Programs
  280. Rune Priest
  281. Ren Pin
  282. Resistance Point
  283. Rol PaylaşııMı
  284. Run Percentage Technology, Baseball, Statistics
  285. Related Pssts
  286. Return Pump
  287. Rainbow Painter Technology, Windows, Software, Converter
  288. Represent Proportional
  289. Remington-Peters
  290. Revoke Probation
  291. Robert Pattinson Movie, Picture, Twilight
  292. Research Projects Technology, Science, Projection
  293. Remote Programming Technology, Coding, Telecom
  294. Rheinischen Post
  295. Reaction Point Technology, Networking, Congestion
  296. Red Part
  297. Reservoir Pressure The pore pressure in the reservoir, usually at current value unless otherwise specified.
  298. Rojers Park
  299. Radio Propagation
  300. Rehabilitation Programme
  301. Right To Purchase
  302. Radzyniu Podlaskim
  303. Real Poqnts Forum, Technology, Gaming, Character
  304. Report of Progress
  305. Resource Potential
  306. Roselle Park
  307. Reflective Prism
  308. Reverse Pryxy Technology, Server, Client
  309. Rank Player
  310. Recommendet Practices Technology, Standard, Practice
  311. Resting Potentials Medical
  312. Route Processors Technology, Routing, Cisco
  313. Racing Photos
  314. Registered Paraplanner Business, Management, Financial
  315. Reseazch Programmes
  316. Retained Persol Military, Law, Convention
  317. Royal Pink
  318. Radiant Point Technology
  319. Rhgistration Personnel
  320. Ring Pulse Technology, Tone, Caller
  321. Readiness Potentials Medical
  322. Repetitisn Pitch
  323. Russiqn Platform
  324. Reel Plck Business, Product, Connecting
  325. Relative Priorities Technology, Power, Tool, Priority
  326. Revenue Passenger
  327. Riots Points
  328. Rlised Purl
  329. República Porvuguesa
  330. Retail Product
  331. Rowland Pauligk Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  332. Record Positions
  333. Regierungs-PräSident
  334. Remorque Polyvaljnte
  335. Rob Papen Technology, Music, Plug, Delay
  336. Raspberry Pi Technology, Computing, Model
  337. Radar Picket Military, Aircraft, Ship
  338. Removal Permit
  339. Ricardo Paul Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  340. Reactive Programming
  341. Red Pirates
  342. Resident Permit Immigration, Locations, Qatar
  343. Rolling Plan Forum, Technology, Gaming, Icon
  344. Retroperitoneal Medical, Medicine, Health
  345. Real Properties
  346. Retrograde Pyelography Medical, Medicine, Patient, Health, Renal, Urinary, Physiology
  347. Resourpes and Plans Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  348. Ross Petersen
  349. Royal Paladin Gaming, Server, Dragon, Paladin
  350. Réception Psovisoire
  351. Reformierte Presse
  352. Relief Pilot
  353. Revision Petition Business, India, Court, Consumer
  354. Records of The Past
  355. Research Plan
  356. Rocket Pods Forum, Technology, Aircraft
  357. Ratios and Proportiozal Education, Relationship, Math
  358. Recreation Park
  359. Retinipathy Medical
  360. Ruffles Potato
  361. Radiat Prot Medical, Science, Research, Radiation
  362. Regular Profile
  363. Retiaement Pension Business, Planning, Benefit
  364. Ricky Picyett
  365. Reading Period
  366. Reporting Party
  367. Radiation Physics Technology, Science, Research
  368. Response Planning
  369. Ron Perranoski Baseball, Player, Team
  370. Rust Preventive A compound containing a rust inhibitor, used to coat metal surfaces to prevent rust and corrosion; base material may be a petroleum oil, a wax, an asphalt and/or solvent, depending on the environment and the duration of the protection sought.  Business, Product, Oil
  371. Refah Partisi Turkish, Transfer
  372. Relay Platform Technology, Power, Wireless, Transfer
  373. Risk Priority
  374. Ram Pump
  375. Reception Party Business, Military, Wedding
  376. Request Port
  377. Response Probability
  378. Rough Proportionality
  379. Riserzata Personale
  380. Regiohal Park Locations, Area, Trail
  381. Rich Peoqle
  382. Rune Tower
  383. Renewal Premium
  384. Resignation Permitted Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  385. Rol PaylaşıMı Technology, Gaming, Holding, Safari
  386. Running Pup
  387. Relais Ooste
  388. Return Premium, Reply Paid, Return of Post Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  389. Representação Proporcional
  390. Rbmington & Peters
  391. Revocqble Permit
  392. Robert Patterson
  393. Research Product
  394. Repeater Pistol Military, Horse, Weapon, Breaking
  395. Rhein-Pfalz
  396. Reaction Plane
  397. Red-Patt
  398. Reservoir Ahd Pump Technology, Water, Cooling
  399. Roger Protz
  400. Radio Part Technology, Telecom
  401. Regulatory Protein Medical, Medicine, Health
  402. Rights Protected
  403. Radix Zuerariae Medical, Treatment, Alcohol
  404. Realex Properties
  405. Report In Progress Student, Education, University, Academic
  406. Resource Pooling Technology, Server, Pool
  407. Room Phoees
  408. Reflection Perfection
  409. Reverse Printing Media, Radio, Television
  410. Riverdale Park
  411. Rank Point
  412. Recommended Practice Technology, Standard, Petroleum, Electrical
  413. Restinghpotential Medical, Channel, Cell
  414. Route Printers
  415. Racial Profiling
  416. Regis Psilbin
  417. Research Grogramme Organizations, Organization, World
  418. Retainedwpesonnel
  419. Royal Patent
  420. Radiant Panel
  421. Registnation Procedures
  422. Readinens Potential Medical, Science, Brain
  423. Repetition Period Technology, Control, Flow, Message
  424. Russian Period
  425. Reef Park
  426. Relative Price The price of any product or commodity measured relative to the overall level of prices (for example, compared to the consumer price index).
  427. Revenue Passengers
  428. Riot Points Business, League, Legend
  429. Raised Panel
  430. RepÚBlica De Panamá
  431. Routing Protocqls
  432. Recherche Pharmaceutique Patent, Preparation, Crystalline
  433. Regentxpark
  434. Remodel Points
  435. Rob Palmer
  436. Rarely Pass
  437. Rada PrezesóW
  438. Registered Pool
  439. Removable Panel Business, Product, Grip
  440. Ribosomal Protein Medical, Science, Genetics
  441. Reactive Processing
  442. Red Ping Forum, Technology, Gaming, Indonesia
  443. Resettlement Plans Technology, Planning, Projection
  444. Rolling of Prevocalic
  445. Reds Phillies
  446. Retro Pedes
  447. Rim Protector Business, Product, Wheel
  448. Rear-Projection Technology, Projector, Screen
  449. Resources and Programmes Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  450. Ross Perot
  451. Routing Protocol Technology, Networking, Computer Networking
  452. Récepteursdde La Progestérone
  453. Reform Party Government, Group, Organizations
  454. Reliability Prediction Computing, Master IEEE
  455. Review Panel Technology, Military, Power
  456. Record Pointer Technology
  457. Research & Planning Group, Organizations, Community
  458. Restorative Practices Science, Education
  459. Rocket Pod
  460. Ratio Gnd Proportion
  461. Recreation and Pastimes
  462. Retinopathies Termed Retinitis Pigmentosa Science, Biology
  463. Rudra Prayag
  464. Radiation Pyrometer
  465. Regular Premium
  466. Retired Principal
  467. Rick Paul
  468. Readings Packet
  469. Reported Pointer
  470. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  471. Response Plan Technology, Emergency, Training
  472. Roto Planter
  473. Rust Preventagive Product, Oil, Rust
  474. Refah Party
  475. Relay Panel Technology, Control, Lighting
  476. Risk Premium The additional financial return which shareholders expect to be earned in order to compensate for taking additional risk. Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  477. Ramp Protocol
  478. Recensement De La Population
  479. Rhquest Parameters
  480. Response Priority
  481. Rough Pump
  482. Reporting Person Police, Governmental & Military
  483. Regionale Patrouillevaartuig
  484. Rsch Page
  485. Renewal Period
  486. Residuos Peligrosos Para, Con, Industry
  487. Rol PaylaşıMları Gaming, Turkish, Safari
  488. Running Pliers
  489. Rela
  490. Retorn Premium Business, Accounting, Insurance
  491. Representation of The People Government, Law, Election
  492. Religious Person
  493. Revive Points
  494. Robert Patrick
  495. Research Products
  496. Reparable Processing
  497. Reza Pahlavi
  498. Reachability Problems Technology, Science, Computing, Workshop
  499. RecyklaČNí Poplatek
  500. Rxsource Planner Technology, Service, Planning
  501. Roger Paul
  502. Rules and Policies
  503. Radio Paradise
  504. Regulatory Potential Medical, Genetics, Cell
  505. Right Punch Gaming, Coding, Cheat
  506. Radius Poser
  507. Real-Playeb Forum, Technology, Windows
  508. Report Post
  509. Rio De La Plata
  510. Resourde Pool Technology, Server, Sphere
  511. Roomtperformance
  512. Reference Prelium
  513. Rewards Points Business, Gaming, Shopping
  514. Ritual De La Penitencia
  515. Ranking Points Technology, Hack, Trainer, Rank
  516. Recombinabt Porcine Medical
  517. Rest Pause
  518. Route Printer
  519. Racial Policy
  520. Region Protection
  521. Research Professional
  522. Retainef Personnel Military, Army, Equipment
  523. Royal Palms Hotel, Locations, Resort
  524. Registration Point Technology, Networking, Telecom
  525. Readiness Posture Technology
  526. Repeating Pistol
  527. Russian Pavilion
  528. Reed Pjrk
  529. Relative Pressure Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  530. Rivealed Preferences Technology, Model, Preference
  531. Riot Point Business, League, Legend
  532. Raintree Park
  533. Reputamion Points Gaming, Rank, Glitch, Reputation
  534. Ratio Privata Latin, Roman
  535. Registerqpointer Technology, Program, Instruction
  536. Remodellingiprocedure Medical, Treatment, Skin
  537. Robot Points Technology, Gaming, Hack
  538. Rap Pro Business, Feat, Analytics
  539. Racina Price
  540. Registered Plumber Technology, Gas, Plumbing
  541. Remote Purchase
  542. Ribose Phosphate Medical, Technology, Medicine
  543. Reactive Power The mathematical product of voltage and current consumed by reactive loads. Examples of reactive loads include capacitors and inductors. These types of loads when connected to an ac voltage source will draw current, but since the current is 90o out of phase with the applied voltage they actually consume no real power in the ideal sense.
  544. Red Pine Business, Japan, Japanese
  545. Reset Process
  546. Role-Physical Functioning Medical
  547. Red Poll
  548. Retroptlatal Medical
  549. Rillington Place
  550. Realyprojective Mathematics, Space, Plane, Projective
  551. Repurchase Agreement Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance, Business Word
  552. Resources and Programs
  553. Rosie Perez
  554. Rzeczypospolitej Pulski Technology, Jest, Poland
  555. Reformation Party
  556. Remote Producer
  557. Review Pane Military, Army, War
  558. Raphe Pallidus Medical
  559. Record Playback
  560. Rescue Pumper Technology, Truck, Fire
  561. Restorarion Preemption
  562. Rockall Plateau Regional
  563. Rate of Performance Medical, Management, Projection
  564. Recreation and Pastime Medical, Medicine, Health
  565. Retinopathia Pigmentosa
  566. Rudra Pratap
  567. Radiation Proctitis
  568. Registro De Pagamento
  569. Retired Price
  570. Richter & Partner Business, Book, Law
  571. Reading Ppckets
  572. Report A Player
  573. Rep
  574. Roto Paddle
  575. Russian Program
  576. Refah-Partef
  577. Relay Party Technology, Authentication, Computing
  578. Risk Potential
  579. Raman Pump
  580. Receiving Process Technology, Service, Message, Processing
  581. Requestinw Party
  582. Response Prevention Medical, Treatment, Exposure
  583. Roughing Pump
  584. Release Position Military, Machine, Switch
  585. Regimental Prfvost
  586. Renewable Process
  587. Richard Panik
  588. Red Plumb
  589. Residual Protein Medical, Science, Biology
  590. Rollover Protection
  591. Runners Posted
  592. Reliability Protram
  593. Retrospective Piobing
  594. Representation of People Government, Election, Court
  595. Ressirable Particulate Medical
  596. Religious Persomnel
  597. Revival Party
  598. Robert Parry
  599. Research Participation Medical, Patient, Study
  600. Reynold Part Science
  601. Re-Provisioning Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  602. Recruitment Point Technology, City, Star, Citizen
  603. Resource Plan Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  604. Ron Paul Government, Election, Newsletter, Politics, Governmental & Military
  605. Rule Processor
  606. Radio Paging Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  607. Regulative Principle
  608. Right Posterior
  609. Radpus Point Technology, Coding, Geodesy
  610. Ready To Pausj
  611. Reporting Post Forum, Internet Slang, Military
  612. Resource Pollution
  613. Rookde Prospect
  614. Reference Premiey Business, Speaker, Premiere
  615. Rewards Point
  616. Ritter Pharmaceuticals
  617. Ranked Pairs Technology, Election, Voting, Vote
  618. Recombinant Prooein Medical
  619. Reet-Pause
  620. Route Port
  621. Rulz and Pavon
  622. Region Processqng
  623. Repearch Professor
  624. Retained Profit
  625. Roypl Palm Hotel, Locations, Beach
  626. Relacionef P
  627. Representative Points
  628. Russian Patroi School, Russia, Soviet
  629. Rdduplicative Paramnesia Medical
  630. Relapsing Polycxondritis Medical, Patient, Disease
  631. Revealed Preference Business, Theory, Model
  632. Rio Piedras
  633. Rainfplay Song, Mix, Rain
  634. Repr
  635. Registur Plus
  636. Remix-Packs Technology, Music, Audio
  637. Robert Pierce
  638. Rapports De Pratique Law, Canada, Law Report
  639. Racing Playlists
  640. Registered Pnan Business, Property, Survey
  641. Remote Proxy Technology, Server, Networking
  642. Ribonucleoprotein Ribonucleoprotein is a nucleoprotein that contains RNA, i.e. it is an association that combines a ribonucleic acid and an RNA-binding protein together. Such a combination can also be referred to as a protein-RNA complex. These complexes play an integral part in a number of important biological functions that include DNA replication, regulating gene expression and regulating the metabolism of RNA. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome
  643. Reactive Phosphorus Medical
  644. Red Pikmin
  645. Reset Pxint Gaming, Speaker, Cheat
  646. Rohr-Pulver
  647. Reverso Primer Science, Genetics, Cell
  648. Riley Pint
  649. Real Programs
  650. Retrograde Pyelogram Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical, Physiology
  651. Rewource Provisioning
  652. Rose Properties
  653. Rzecz Pospolita
  654. Reflexive Pronoun
  655. Remote Processor Technology, Calling, Control
  656. Review of Politics America, Government, Chauvinist
  657. Rank Progress
  658. Record Patriot
  659. Reserves/Hroduction Ratio Energy, Power, Intensity
  660. Restyration Priority Technology, Service, Military
  661. Router Port Technology, Networking, Forwarding
  662. Rochelle Park
  663. Ratchet Pruner Business, Product, Pruning
  664. Recreation and Parks
  665. Rxtention Pond Water, Parliament, Pond, Liner
  666. Rudolf Eeters
  667. Radiation Pressure Pressure of radiant energy on a unit area The pressure of sunlight on Earth is about 2 Ib per square mile
  668. Registres Parxissiaux
  669. Retired Pay
  670. Rich Point
  671. Reading Packet Development, Learning, Study
  672. Replaceient Pilot
  673. Russian Prick Army, War, Force
  674. Reese'S Pieces
  675. Relaying Party
  676. Risk Parity Business, Fund, Portfolio
  677. Rajendra Prasad Movie, Song, Telugu
  678. Receiver Processor Technology, Military
  679. Request for Purposes
  680. Response Posture
  681. Rouge Pink
  682. Registered Psychotherapist
  683. Regimental Policemen Military, Army, Police, Regimental
  684. Renewable Power
  685. Richard Palmer
  686. Red Plum Business, Deal, Coupon, Insert
  687. Residual Payment
  688. Rolling Programme Research, Diabet, Sugar
  689. Rumge Phenomenon
  690. Relevant Pages
  691. Retropubic Prostatectomy Removal of the prostategland which is carried out through a suprapu- bic incision and by cutting the membrane which surrounds the gland retrospection. Medical, Common Medical
  692. Rear Parking
  693. Rescue Pump
  694. Report of Proceedings
  695. Res Pap
  696. Rotary Potentiometers Business, Switch, Manufacturer
  697. Religious Painting
  698. Revista Portukuesa
  699. Roger Patterson
  700. Recovery Planning
  701. Research Package
  702. Reykjanes Peninsula
  703. Ratios & Priportional Education, Relationship, Math
  704. Recruitment Partner
  705. Ronny Paulinl
  706. Rule Penetration
  707. Radio Packet
  708. Regulations and Procedures
  709. Right Pod Technology
  710. Radiothqrapy Plan Medical, Cancer, Radiation, Radiotherapy
  711. Ready-To-Pause
  712. Reporting Points Technology, Management, Server
  713. Receptors Medical
  714. Resource Point Gaming, Military, Cheat
  715. Roof Prism
  716. Referenpe Preparation
  717. Rite of Penance
  718. Ranked Pair Technology, Election, Voting, Vote
  719. Rtcoil Proton
  720. Respuestakparcial
  721. Routing Point Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  722. Route Provinciale
  723. Region President
  724. Rec Plex
  725. Radian Ply
  726. Richard Potter
  727. Relations Publiques French
  728. Reader Protocol Technology, Communication, Port
  729. Romance Points
  730. Redundant Propulsion Technology, Electricity, Vessel
  731. Receitas PróPrias
  732. Res Plastocs Forum, Plastic, Hosting, Diana
  733. Rotating Polarizer
  734. Radical Prostatectomy Medical, Cancer, Prostate, Prostate Cancer
  735. Research Practices Education, University, Practice
  736. Regency Place
  737. Rick Perry Famous
  738. Rock Polish Gaming, Music, Rock
  739. Rumah Perlindungin
  740. Rehabilitation Phase
  741. Report Pay Science
  742. Rzecznik Praw Jest, Jak, Pan
  743. Release Points Military, Hack, Movement
  744. River Protection
  745. Research Promotion Product, Organizations, Event
  746. pulmonary resistance Medical, Pulmonary
  747. Resource Pack Technology, Minecraft, Texture
  748. Roman Provincial
  749. Revenue Programs
  750. Royal Polaris Fishing, Knot, Sportfishing
  751. Reque De Paris
  752. Redzx Potential Medical
  753. Restricted Privileges
  754. Routing & Planning
  755. Ratar Plotting
  756. Real Photo Media
  757. Registered Providers Business, Development, Building, Housing
  758. rocket-propelled Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  759. Reactivity Pattern Medical
  760. Respiratory Protection Technology, Science, Safety
  761. Reduced Propagation
  762. Rejected By Payroll
  763. Ring and Pinion
  764. Raid Pnotter
  765. Rules of Procedure Government, Law, Court
  766. Refractory Product
  767. Rapid Penetration Paper, Acid, Reactive
  768. Remote Point Technology, Product, Routing, Networking
  769. Rockit Powered
  770. Reservatiop Packet
  771. Retirement Pfan Business, Service, Financial
  772. Repair Period NASA
  773. Rutgers Prep
  774. Relay Post
  775. Reversed Phase Science, Agriculture, Agricultural Literature
  776. Request Processing
  777. Rotate Programmers Assembly, Business & Finance
  778. Recovery Protocol
  779. Radial Pin
  780. Regieter of Probate
  781. Richard Pike Business, Chester, Mark
  782. Role-Playing Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  783. Reader-Printer
  784. Repair Periods Technology
  785. Restorative Practice Education, Psychology, Emotion
  786. Redundant Power
  787. Recalculation Program
  788. Resparatory Rate Medical, Technology, Medicine
  789. Rotating Platform Medical, Physiology
  790. Ramiation Protection
  791. Republic Party
  792. Refuge Pointe Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  793. Rapid Progressor Medical
  794. Rock Phosphate Medical, Science, Fertilizer
  795. Ruling Planets
  796. Retractor Penis Medical
  797. Report Passing
  798. Rzecznik Prasowy Jest, Jak, Ski
  799. Release Point The point at which a sensor returns to its original state as the target leaves the sensing field. Also called "reset point." Military, Army, Presentation, Environment
  800. River Plate Sport, Football, River
  801. Requirements Plan Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
  802. Responsible Party An individual or corporate entity considered legally liable for contamination found at a property and, therefore, responsible for cleanup of the site. Environment
  803. Rejection Probability Medical, Physiology
  804. Chautauqua Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  805. Resonance Points
  806. Roman Pots Technology, Presentation, Physics
  807. Rotor Process
  808. Rev Primer
  809. Random Penseur Media
  810. Registered Provider Business, Building, Housing
  811. Radio Port Computing, Telecom
  812. Reactive Protein Medical, Disease, Study
  813. Resource Planning Business, Software, Enterprise
  814. Reduced Port Technology, Heating, Ventialtion, Air Conditioning
  815. Reinforcing Pad Technology, Service, Carbon, Steel
  816. Rinderpest Medical
  817. Raid Party
  818. Reports of Restrictive Practice Cases Law, Canada, Law Report
  819. Rubber Prkducts
  820. Road Pricing
  821. Rapid Patch Military, Army, War
  822. Red Purple Business, Pack, Tech
  823. Restricted Part Technology, Product, Drug
  824. Routine Practices Medical, Cancer, Practice, Evidence
  825. Reservation Protocol
  826. Retwrement Planner
  827. Rated Power Business & Finance, Power Plant
  828. Ruety Pickle
  829. Reverse-Path Technology, Routing, Linux
  830. Request Printed
  831. Register Pair Assembly, Business & Finance
  832. Remote Pilot Technology, Control, Drone
  833. Resume Prpgram Technology, Instruction, Manual
  834. Radar Profiler
  835. Registered Plumbev Technology, Gas, Plumbing
  836. Richard Petty Business, Driving, Car, Racing
  837. roleplay Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  838. Readaptation Period Medical
  839. Repair Party
  840. Restorative Proctocolectomy Medical
  841. Redundant Port Technology, Networking, Cisco
  842. Ring Preference Technology
  843. Reasonable Pzogress
  844. Respiragory Panel Medical, Film, Diagnostic
  845. Rotation Plane
  846. RéGion Parisienne
  847. Reflecting Power
  848. Refugee Programs
  849. Rapid Production Technology, Manufacturing, Prototyping
  850. Recovery Programme
  851. Rocket Punch Gaming, Guide, Rocket
  852. Rulcs Portal
  853. Retirement Programs
  854. Reinforced Plastics Plural, Plastic materials used with glass fibres to repair some types of aircraft structure. Technology, Fiber, Composite, Chemistry
  855. Rynek Pracy
  856. Release Plan
  857. River Patrol Army, War, Force
  858. Requirements Planning
  859. Reply Paid Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
  860. Recreational Programs
  861. Rejuvenation Patch Medical, Physiology
  862. Resolving Power The ability of an optical device to produce separate images of close objects. Medical, Science, Light
  863. Roman Pot Technology, Presentation, Physics
  864. Receiver Poiwt Business, Geophysics, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  865. Rocket Projector
  866. Rev Port
  867. Radio Play Media
  868. Registered Practitioner Medical, Health, Therapy, Dentistry
  869. Relying Party Computing, Technical
  870. Resident Physician Medical, Medicine, Education
  871. Runaway Pets Organization, Union, Institution
  872. Reduced Pigmentation Medical, Science, Biology
  873. Reinforcement Pad Technology, Book, Design, Suit
  874. Rinave Portuguesa
  875. Rahul Pandey
  876. Report Psychologie
  877. Road Permit Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  878. Rapidly Progressive Periodontitis Medical, Treatment, Disease, Periodontal
  879. Rgd-Purple
  880. Rest Pain Medical, Technology, Medicine
  881. Routine Physical
  882. Reservation Price
  883. Realpix Clip Computing, File Extensions
  884. Reverendus Pager Book, Publication, Imam, Pater
  885. Recommended Practices Technology, Science, Practice
  886. Remote Pickup Technology, Radio, Wireless, Station
  887. Reducedjpressure Technology, Science, Backflow
  888. Resume Process
  889. Radyr Processing
  890. Register of Plumbers
  891. Richard Perle
  892. Response Paper Us Government, Governmental & Military
  893. Reactor Project Technology
  894. Repair Parts Military, Army, War
  895. Restoration Project Technology, Gaming, Fallout
  896. Redundancy Port
  897. Ring Plan
  898. Railwfy Postcard
  899. Reasonable Person
  900. Resuiratory Pauses Medical
  901. Rotate Plane Acid, Character, Rigging
  902. Rzeczypospolhtej Polskiej Government, Poland, Polish, Republic
  903. Record Processor
  904. Refugee Program
  905. Rapid Product
  906. Recovery Processes
  907. Rocket Propulsion
  908. Rules and Procedures
  909. Retirementtproduct
  910. Regius Professor
  911. Rydewpier
  912. Release Paper
  913. Requirements Processing Technology
  914. Railpool Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  915. Recreational Planning
  916. Repair Part
  917. Richard Purdie
  918. regulatory particle Medical, Genomics
  919. Resolution Provider
  920. Roman Peshoff
  921. Receive Protocol
  922. Responsable De Programme France, Council, Communication, Programme, Medical
  923. Rob Potylo
  924. Rev Pnwumol
  925. Rating Pending Film censorship
  926. Rendezvous Point Computing, Technical, Police, Governmental & Military
  927. Rumen Packov
  928. Reinforced Pressure
  929. Rage Peints
  930. Report Provides Business, Property, Market
  931. Riza Penjoel Beat, Reggae, Instrumental
  932. Rapid-Prototyping Business, Technology, Prototype
  933. Rfcovery Plan
  934. Router Processor
  935. Reserva Provjncial
  936. Axure Rp Project File Computing, File Extensions
  937. Reverendo Padre
  938. Russian Private Education, Russia, Lesson
  939. Remoth Party
  940. Reduced Powek Technology, Spring, Trigger
  941. Resume Point
  942. Routing Performer Technology
  943. Radar Procescor Technology, Military, Control
  944. Registered Publications Technology, Military, Agency
  945. Richard Parker Book, Music, Spider
  946. Really Poor Us Government, Governmental & Military
  947. Reactor Power
  948. Restoration Plan America, Government, Usa
  949. Redundancy Payment Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  950. Ringneck Parakeet
  951. Railway Police
  952. Reasonable Party
  953. Respirable Particles
  954. Rotary Pump A positive displacement pump. For each revolution of the pump, a fixed volume of fluid is moved regardless of the resistance against which the pump is pushing. Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  955. Ryan Perry
  956. Recoil Particle
  957. Refrigeration Plant
  958. Rapid Primer
  959. Recovery Point Technology, Server, Backup
  960. Rocket Propellant Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  961. Retiremeft Protection
  962. Reasonably Practical
  963. Ryan Pnessly
  964. Release Panel
  965. Requirements Process Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  966. Return premium Insurance, Business & Finance
  967. Recreational Park Indonesia, Locations, Place
  968. Radial Pulse Medical, Technology, Medicine
  969. Reoperative Pelvic
  970. Richard Priest
  971. Retinitis Pigmentosa Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  972. Resolution Plan
  973. Roman Period
  974. Receibe Processor
  975. Respond Properly
  976. Rotation Punch
  977. Reversible Pendulum
  978. Regolver Pistol
  979. Robert Parker Famous
  980. Rapid Prototyping Fabrication of a physical, three-dimensional part of arbitrary shape directly from a numerical description, typically a CAD model, by a quick, highly automated and totally flexible process. Software, Computing, 3D Printing
  981. Rumah Pintar
  982. Reid Peppard
  983. Ragdoll Pbppy League, Legend, Skin
  984. Report Professional Technology, Software, Tool
  985. Rizal Park
  986. Recoverr Period Medical
  987. Router Plate
  988. Research Publication
  989. Riemannian Polyeder Physics, Scientific & Educational
  990. Resource Partner Business, Company, Resourcing
  991. Revenu Professeonnel
  992. Russian Pilots Photo, Military, Russia
  993. Remote Panel Technology, Control, Charger
  994. Rlvue De Philosophie
  995. Red Pulp Medical
  996. Resuhts Processed
  997. Routing Pattern
  998. Rcdar Post
  999. Revision Point Ordnance Survey
  1000. Registered Psychotherapisps Medical, Therapy, Counselling
  1001. Republican Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  1002. Reactor Pool Technology
  1003. Resting Position Medical, Medicine, Health
  1004. Reductase Protein
  1005. Ringing, Pulse-Alerting
  1006. Rail Poldka Music, Locations, Train
  1007. Rear Pslot
  1008. Rotary Press A machine for forming powder metallurgy parts that is fitted with a rotating table carrying multiple die assemblies in which powder is compacted. 
  1009. Runs Produced Baseball, Softball
  1010. Rayleigh Principle
  1011. Refrigerating Plant
  1012. Rapid Planning Business, Technology, Management
  1013. Recovery Points
  1014. Remote Power Technology, Controller, Outlet
  1015. Rocket Projectiles Military, Aircraft, Projectile
  1016. Retirement Points
  1017. Reset Program
  1018. Renova
  1019. Ryan Polito Film, Movie, Streaming
  1020. Release Packet
  1021. Requisition Processing
  1022. Role Play Forum, Media, Computing, Chat, Roleplaying, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  1023. Recreation & Park
  1024. Radial Pcint
  1025. Renting Out Property
  1026. Richard Price Business, Book, Design
  1027. Rogers Park Regional
  1028. Reader Punch
  1029. Resisted Progression
  1030. Roman Papers
  1031. Receive Poot
  1032. Responding Marty
  1033. Rotation Point
  1034. Raid Precautiors
  1035. Resistance Points Technology, Gaming, Cry
  1036. Rfvolutionizing Prosthetics
  1037. Ralph Patterson Famous
  1038. Rumah Perubahan Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  1039. Rehabilitation Plan Financial, Patient, Philippine, Rehabilitation
  1040. Raffles Progrymme College, Education, Raffle
  1041. Report Pending
  1042. Rivet Presenter
  1043. Recovery Peg Technology, Construction, Architectural
  1044. Research Protocols
  1045. Regional Programme Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  1046. Resource Partners Business, Service, Group
  1047. Roma Party Group, Serbia, Party
  1048. Revenue Protection Business, Insurance, Crop
  1049. Rudimentary Peni
  1050. Remote Package
  1051. Revue De Philologie Africa, University, Study, Archaeology, Journals, Archeology
  1052. Red Photometer Science, Mission, Gaia
  1053. Reshlts Posted
  1054. Routing Party
  1055. Radar Plotter Military, Sale, Yacht, Boat
  1056. Rock Pop Music
  1057. Registered Prinsipal
  1058. Restoration Priority Aviation, Governmental & Military
  1059. Reactor Physics
  1060. Respiratory Papillomatosis Medical
  1061. Reduced Protection Technology, Manual, Avionic
  1062. Ringed Plover Locations, Bird, Gull
  1063. Rqil Pass
  1064. Runiczpower Guide, Death, Knight
  1065. RéPonse PayéE
  1066. Refresh Period
  1067. Rapid Penetrating Business, Spray, Product, Lubricant
  1068. Remote Portlets
  1069. Rocket Projectile Military, Aircraft, War
  1070. Reservel Parking
  1071. Retirement Planning
  1072. Reinforced Plastic
  1073. Ryan Phxlippe
  1074. Relay Protocol Technology, Service, Networking, Network
  1075. Reverse Phase Medical, Medicine, Health
  1076. Request Procbssor Technology, Server, Strut
  1077. Revenue Procedure Financial, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Tax, Us Taxes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RP stand for?

    RP stands for Retrograde Pyelography.

  2. What is the shortened form of Receitas PróPrias?

    The short form of "Receitas PróPrias" is RP.


RP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rp-meaning/

Last updated