RP in Medicine Meaning

The RP meaning in Medicine terms is "Retrograde Pyelouram". There are 22 related meanings of the RP Medicine abbreviation.

RP on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Retrograde Pyelouram
  2. Rapid Processing
  3. Resting Membrane Potential
  4. Retrograde Pyelography
  5. Resting Presuure
  6. Retrograde Pyelogram
  7. Roswell Park
  8. Reperfusion The restoration of blood flow to an organ or to tissue. After a heart attack, an immediate goal is to quickly open blocked arteries and reperfuse the heart muscles. Early reperfusion minimizes the extent of heart muscle damage and preserves the pumping function of the heart.
  9. Ribose Phosphate
  10. Resident Post
  11. Receptor A receptor is a molecule or a polymeric structure in or on a cell that specifically recognizes and binds a compound acting as a molecular messenger (neurotransmitter, hormone, lymphokine, lectin, drug, etc.).
  12. Ribonucleoprotein Ribonucleoprotein is a nucleoprotein that contains RNA, i.e. it is an association that combines a ribonucleic acid and an RNA-binding protein together. Such a combination can also be referred to as a protein-RNA complex. These complexes play an integral part in a number of important biological functions that include DNA replication, regulating gene expression and regulating the metabolism of RNA.
  13. Regulatory Protein
  14. Recreation and Pastime
  15. Retroperitoneal
  16. Reaction Product A product is a substance that is formed as the result of a chemical reaction.
  17. Rest Pain
  18. Radial Pulse
  19. Resparatory Rate
  20. Resting Position
  21. Resident Physician
  22. Reverse Phase

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RP stand for Medicine?

    RP stands for Resident Post in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rapid Processing in Medicine?

    The short form of "Rapid Processing" is RP for Medicine.


RP in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rp-meaning-in-medicine/

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