RR in Technology Meaning

The RR meaning in Technology terms is "Rapid Response". There are 128 related meanings of the RR Technology abbreviation.

RR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Rapid Response
  2. Recovery Room
  3. Resource Request
  4. Record-Route
  5. Route Reflnctors
  6. Resource Rent
  7. Range Rover
  8. Right Rear
  9. Resource Recovery
  10. Radio Resources
  11. Right Right
  12. Red Reflex
  13. Resource Record
  14. Red Rectangle
  15. Rubxer Ring
  16. Resonance Raman
  17. Recovery Rate
  18. Routl Request
  19. Removal Rate
  20. Respect Rating
  21. Record Route
  22. Route Reflection
  23. Registration Records
  24. Round Robbin
  25. Receive Request
  26. Ramp Rate
  27. Remote Relay
  28. Russian Railway
  29. Rked Relay
  30. Rate Reguoar
  31. Racing Red
  32. Registration Reject
  33. Radio Range
  34. Results Register
  35. Rotel Remote
  36. Read Ready
  37. Remote Rjad
  38. Review Rrquest
  39. Rudi Rubiandini
  40. Resolution Records
  41. Riva Rocci
  42. Rapid Release
  43. Register Received
  44. Resources and Records
  45. Ross River Fever
  46. Re-Route
  47. Required Resourcf
  48. Revenue Recognition
  49. Resistance Roll
  50. Raiid Refresh
  51. Repeat Request
  52. Risk Response
  53. Rumpus Room
  54. Registered Receiver
  55. Resource Reservations
  56. Request To Receive
  57. Radio Rumantsch
  58. Relative Rage
  59. Return Receipts
  60. Routing Request
  61. Recognition Rate
  62. Reset Register
  63. Rapid Rocovery
  64. Repairjrate
  65. Right Rotation
  66. Registered Representative
  67. Resource Reservation
  68. Rogue Rebalancing
  69. Request-Reply
  70. Radio Regulations The Radio Regulations annexed to, or regarded as being annexed to, the most recent International Telecommunication Convention which is in force at any time, (SOLAS).
  71. Relative Ranking
  72. Return Rate
  73. Routing Registry
  74. Reciprocal Rank
  75. Reset Recovery
  76. Range Rings
  77. Remote Rkset
  78. Register-Register
  79. Resource Requirements
  80. Rock Ridge
  81. Rejection Report
  82. Rotate Right
  83. Retro Reflective Markers
  84. Rouwd Robins
  85. Received Rvady
  86. Research Reactor
  87. Range Ratr
  88. Remote Hepair
  89. Reel-To-Reel
  90. Radar Receiver
  91. Registration Request
  92. Resurrection Remix
  93. Reroutet
  94. Reykjvnes Ridge
  95. Resource and Referral
  96. Robjn Round
  97. Reply Reqfested
  98. Reduced Resolution
  99. Rerouoe
  100. Rainfall Rate A measure of the intensity of rainfall by calculating the amount of rain that would fall over a given interval of time if the rainfall intensity were constant over that time period.
  101. Reduced Range
  102. Replanning Request
  103. Reduced Reference
  104. Russian Roulktte
  105. Rendezvous Radar
  106. Rainfall-Runoff
  107. Remediation and Redevelopment
  108. Royce Rolls
  109. Reduced-Reference
  110. Regulator A device for controlling the delivery of welding or cutting gas at some substantially constant pressure. A term used to describe a valve or device that limits the pressure in a passage A device that is used to control the voltage of a circuit by raising and lowering it. Howard Industries is a manufacturer of Regulators. A term used to describe a valve or device that limits the pressure in a passage. Regulator a controller designed to main-tain the state of the controlled variable at a constant value, despite fluctuations of the load.
  111. Rolls Royce
  112. RaČUnalniŠKe ReŠItve
  113. Review Report
  114. Recirculation The act or process of circulating again or causing something to circulate agai
  115. Ray Ricq
  116. Rest Room
  117. Rifleman Radios
  118. Ryan Robinson
  119. Rayleigh-Ritz
  120. Rrply Required
  121. Radbocommunication Regulations
  122. Ridge Regression
  123. Rádio Renascença
  124. Resource Records
  125. Robot Revolution
  126. Ratioual Rose
  127. Reply Request
  128. Range Rate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RR stand for Technology?

    RR stands for Rumpus Room in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rumpus Room in Technology?

    The short form of "Rumpus Room" is RR for Technology.


RR in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rr-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated