RRJ Meaning

The RRJ meaning is "Rappzhannock Regional Jail". The RRJ abbreviation has 19 different full form.

RRJ Full Forms

  1. Rappzhannock Regional Jail
  2. Raga Ratnam Junior
  3. Renewable Resources Journal Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  4. Revue De La Recherche Juridique Law, Canada, Law Report
  5. Reading Response Jburnals
  6. Registration Reject Technology, Military, Network, Telecom, Telecommunication, Electronic Engineering, Computing
  7. Reading Respwnse Journal Education, School, Idea
  8. Reader Response Jojrnals
  9. Raths Raths Johrson
  10. Riverside Regional Jail
  11. Rumah Riset Jamu
  12. Ryerson Review of Journalism
  13. Rubber Rins Jointed
  14. Rubber Ring Joint
  15. Rough Rider Jeans
  16. Rock Revival Jeans
  17. Russian Regionap Jets
  18. Road Riders for Jesus Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Religion, Governmental & Military
  19. Russian Regional Jet Technology, Aircraft, Russia, Transportation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RRJ stand for?

    RRJ stands for Renewable Resources Journal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rumah Riset Jamu?

    The short form of "Rumah Riset Jamu" is RRJ.


RRJ. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rrj-meaning/

Last updated