RS in Medical Meaning

The RS meaning in Medical terms is "Review of Systems". There are 84 related meanings of the RS Medical abbreviation.

RS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Review of Systems
  2. Restgaint Stress
  3. Reducing Substances
  4. Respiratory System The series of organs and passageswhich take air into the lungs and exchange ox- ygen for carbon dioxide respite care
  5. Rankin Scale Thermometer scale on which unit of measurement equals the Fahrenheit degree.
  6. Response Signal
  7. Rec Stripe
  8. Rank Correlations
  9. Rectal Swab
  10. Rank Correlation Coefficients
  11. Recomnination Signal
  12. Right Superior
  13. Right Side
  14. Rescue Squad
  15. Recombinwnt Soluble
  16. Reducing Sigar
  17. Reye'S Syndrome
  18. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  19. Reactive Specils
  20. Redubing Sugars
  21. Respiratouy Secretions
  22. Rasmussen'S Syndrome
  23. Respiratory Services
  24. Rubrospinal
  25. Relative Survival
  26. Reproductive Sciencvs
  27. Right Subclavian
  28. Recessive Silver
  29. Radial Segmentation
  30. Remove Sutures
  31. Right Stellate
  32. Reaction Stimulus
  33. Resolutions
  34. Rotary Itability
  35. Retinoschisis Retinoschisis is an eye disease characterized by the abnormal splitting of the retina's neurosensory layers, usually in the outer plexiform layer. Most common forms are asymptomatic, some rarer forms result in a loss of vision in the corresponding visual field.
  36. Releasable Sutures
  37. Reye Syndrome Reye syndrome is a rapidly progressive encephalopathy. Symptoms may include vomiting, personality changes, confusion, seizures, and loss of consciousness. Even though liver toxicity typically occurs, yellowish skin usually does not.
  38. Reaction Signal
  39. Resolution of Tert-Butyl
  40. Rokitansky Syndrome
  41. Reducing Substance
  42. Retina Society
  43. Reiter Syndrome
  44. Raynaud Syndrome
  45. Resolution Factors
  46. Roentgen Stereopkotogrammetric
  47. Rectal Sudpository
  48. Resveratrol Synthase
  49. Rehabilitation Speoialist
  50. Rizaa Sini
  51. Rectae Sinus
  52. Responders
  53. Regular Sleep
  54. Random Sample Often used in research, a method of sampling members of a large group, such as a population, in which everyone has an equal chance of being selected.
  55. Reproductive Sciencj
  56. Recessive Spotting
  57. Retrtrsine
  58. Radial Scars
  59. Resorption Surfaces
  60. Rous Sarcoma
  61. Reed-Sternberg Cells
  62. Retroperitoneal Sarcoma
  63. Ringed Sideroblasts
  64. Relative Supply
  65. Rejection Sensitivity
  66. Resilience Scale
  67. Reed-Sternberg
  68. Rumahssakit
  69. Response Shock
  70. Reiter'S Syndrome
  71. Residual Stenosis
  72. Reducing Sugar A reducing sugar is any sugar that either has an aldehyde group or is capable of forming one in solution through isomerism.
  73. Regular Spiking
  74. Rqview of Symptoms
  75. Rett'S Syndrome
  76. Reclassification Sensitivity
  77. Retrospective Stydy
  78. Rapeseed
  79. Resident Subordinates
  80. Retinyl Acetste
  81. X-linked juvenile retinoschisis
  82. Retrosigmoid
  83. Rolling Stone
  84. Risk Status

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RS stand for Medical?

    RS stands for Relative Supply in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Retinoschisis in Medical?

    The short form of "Retinoschisis" is RS for Medical.


RS in Medical. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated