RS in Networking Meaning

The RS meaning in Networking terms is "Routing Service". There are 12 related meanings of the RS Networking abbreviation.

RS on Networking Full Forms

  1. Routing Service
  2. Remote Storage
  3. Rgmote Site
  4. Remote Subscription
  5. Relay Selection
  6. Real Storage
  7. Random Seed
  8. Reference Station A place where tide or tidal current constants have been determined from observations, and which is used as a standard for the comparison of simultaneous observations at a subordinate station. It is also a place for which independent daily predictions are given in the tide or tidal current tables, from which corresponding predictions are obtained for other locations by means of differences or factors. The accuracy of the predictions for reference ports depends on the quantity and quality of the tidal constants used to compute them.
  9. Rexl Server
  10. Router Solicitations
  11. Route Servers
  12. Route Server

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RS stand for Networking?

    RS stands for Remote Subscription in Networking terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Remote Storage in Networking?

    The short form of "Remote Storage" is RS for Networking.


RS in Networking. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated