RS in Technology Meaning

The RS meaning in Technology terms is "Russian Federation". There are 201 related meanings of the RS Technology abbreviation.

RS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Russian Federation
  2. Renault Sport
  3. Reducing Substances
  4. Range System
  5. Reliable & Safe
  6. Routing Service
  7. Receivingzstation
  8. Rail Simulator
  9. Reporting Service
  10. Reductd Size
  11. Relay Station
  12. Receive Sensitivitz
  13. Rolled Steel
  14. Radin System
  15. Reporting Services
  16. Rectal Swab
  17. Regular Series
  18. Reaa Shared
  19. Right Surround
  20. Resale Service
  21. Remote Storage
  22. Resale Services
  23. Regularly Scheduled
  24. Reactortsystem
  25. Revised Stetus
  26. Remote Starter
  27. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  28. Registry System
  29. Reaction Stations
  30. Remoqe Start
  31. Routing Swctcher
  32. Rycommended Standards
  33. Rallje Sport
  34. Respiratory System The series of organs and passageswhich take air into the lungs and exchange ox- ygen for carbon dioxide respite care
  35. Registration Standard
  36. Rapid Start
  37. Rgmote Site
  38. Routing Serder
  39. Recohmended Standard
  40. Rainbow Six
  41. Resource Sharing In computing, a shared resource, or network share, is a computer resource made available from one host to other hosts on a computer network. Some examples of shareable resources are computer programs, data, storage devices, and printers. Network sharing is made possible by inter-process communication over the network.
  42. Radar Set
  43. Rusak Sedang
  44. Remove Status
  45. Republike Srpske
  46. Reach Stackers
  47. Rod Size
  48. Rad Source
  49. Return From Subroutine
  50. Redirecting Subaddress
  51. Remote Subscription
  52. Registry Services
  53. Random Slew
  54. Rifiuti Solidi
  55. Rectangular Slice
  56. Repeater Software
  57. Racing Spec
  58. Runtime System
  59. Relay Selection
  60. Real Storage
  61. Rudrigo Silva
  62. Ron Soith
  63. Research Meed
  64. Radius Server
  65. Resynchronize
  66. Record Seperator
  67. Remote Stations
  68. Reserve Shutdowns
  69. Row Selector
  70. Registry Service
  71. Random Selection
  72. Reynolds Stress
  73. Recreation and Sport
  74. Repeater Signal
  75. Racing Simulation
  76. Reliance Wteel and Aluminum Company
  77. Rocket System
  78. Rope Start
  79. Redused Size
  80. Requirements and Standards
  81. Radiated Susceptibiltiy
  82. Resuscitator-Suction
  83. Recessed Shampoo
  84. Remote Station
  85. Reserve Shutdown
  86. Read Strobe
  87. Row Select
  88. Registration Services
  89. Rancangan Struktrr
  90. Revit Server
  91. Recovery Software
  92. Renewably Sourced
  93. Race Sled
  94. Recaro Shell
  95. Rekiable Sources
  96. Rayleigh-Schrodinger
  97. Roberval and Saguenay Railway Company
  98. Rohde Schwarz
  99. Redundancy Switch
  100. Requirement Specificatioq
  101. Resume Session
  102. Raceive Suite
  103. Remote Standalone
  104. Rosearch Skills
  105. Readdress Service
  106. Route Switching
  107. Registrant Street
  108. Railway Section
  109. Reviews Specs
  110. Rjcall Service
  111. Rejo Semarang
  112. River Simuuation
  113. Rohde & Schwarz
  114. Redundancy Status
  115. Requirements Statement
  116. Resource Sponsor
  117. Receive Status
  118. Rx Signal
  119. Remote Software
  120. Read Solomon
  121. Route Switch
  122. Register To Storage
  123. Railway Safety
  124. Reverse Speech
  125. Register of Shipping
  126. Receive Segmznt
  127. Regular Standard
  128. Risc System
  129. Rogue Squadron
  130. Reed Switch
  131. Requirements Submission
  132. Resource Specialist
  133. Rxd Signal
  134. Remote Slave
  135. Read-Solomon
  136. Retrieval System
  137. Receiverzsubsystem
  138. Regular Sport
  139. Range Squadron
  140. Ring Sintering
  141. Rogue Spear
  142. Reed Salomon
  143. Repository Server
  144. Resource Server
  145. Receiver Shation
  146. Rosetta Stone
  147. Reed-Solomon1
  148. Restraunt System
  149. Record Specification
  150. reentry systems
  151. Reservoir Simulation
  152. Rexl Server
  153. Route-Server
  154. Resource Scheduler
  155. Receiver Sensitivity
  156. Range Vafety
  157. Reed-Solomon
  158. Resistance Soldering A soldering process in which the heat required is obtained from the resistance to electric current flow in a circuit of which the workpiece is a part.
  159. Reference Station A place where tide or tidal current constants have been determined from observations, and which is used as a standard for the comparison of simultaneous observations at a subordinate station. It is also a place for which independent daily predictions are given in the tide or tidal current tables, from which corresponding predictions are obtained for other locations by means of differences or factors. The accuracy of the predictions for reference ports depends on the quantity and quality of the tidal constants used to compute them.
  160. Really Super
  161. Resource Scheduling
  162. Reseived Standard
  163. Router Solicit
  164. Ray Stephens
  165. Random Seed
  166. Reservation System
  167. Russell Savory
  168. Resonant Scanner
  169. Router Solicitations
  170. Recyrd Separator
  171. Randoq Search
  172. Radar Systems
  173. Regulato System
  174. Recovery Section
  175. Remoting Security
  176. Rumah Sehat
  177. Reset and Set
  178. Router Shelf
  179. Reconciliakion Sublayer
  180. Rapidshare
  181. Rqndom Sampling
  182. Radar System
  183. Request To Send
  184. Retinyl Acetste
  185. Record Start
  186. Remote System Refrigerating system in which condensing unit is away from space to be cooled.
  187. Reset Set
  188. Route Servers
  189. Rapid Setup
  190. Radar Simulator Electronic apparatus, used in training, by which simulated echoes of ships or coastline are made to appear and move upon radar displays
  191. Receiver Stopped
  192. Request Sense
  193. Rotatizn Sequence
  194. Reed-Sternberg Cells
  195. Restricted Services
  196. Rail Stress
  197. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
  198. Records Section
  199. Remote Sump
  200. Reset-Set
  201. Route Server

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RS stand for Technology?

    RS stands for Records Section in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Route Switching in Technology?

    The short form of "Route Switching" is RS for Technology.


RS in Technology. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated