RSV Meaning

The RSV meaning is "Respiratory Syncytial Vipuses". The RSV abbreviation has 103 different full form.

RSV Full Forms

  1. Respiratory Syncytial Vipuses Medical
  2. Respiratory Synctial Vieus Medical
  3. Ruspiratory Syncytial Virus Medical, Pharmacy, Pathology
  4. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Pathology, Physiology, Common Medical, Fda, Clinical
  5. Rainbow Oix Vegas
  6. Respijatory Syncytial Viral Medical
  7. Respiratuar Sinsiyal VirüS
  8. Ratusarcoma Virus
  9. Right Subclavian Vein Medical, Medicine, Health
  10. Reduced Specific Viscosity Patent, Composition, Polymer, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  11. Rous Sacroma Virus
  12. Reservoir A porous and permeable underground formation containing an individual and separate natural accumulation of producible hydrocarbons (crude oil and/or natural gas) which is confined by impermeable rock or water barriers and is characterized by a single natural pressure system. A chamber used to store fluid. Any natural or artificial holding area used to store, regulate, or control a substance. Technology, Science, Aviation, Geography, Location, Geographic, Ordnance Survey, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  13. Repiratory Syncytial Virus
  14. Respiratuar Sinsityal VirüS
  15. Ruimtelijk Structuurplan Vlaams
  16. Rated Secondary Value
  17. Right Sinus of Valsalva Medical, Medicine, Health
  18. Reduced Sp. Viscosity Science
  19. River Sea Vessels Business, India, Bangladesh
  20. Reserves 1. International reserves of a government or central bank. 2. Amounts held by commerical banks in their vaults or on deposit with the central bank as backing for deposits. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  21. Rsparto Sperimentale Volo Military
  22. Respiratuar Sinsisyal VirüS Medical, Len, Turkish
  23. Royalty Suspension Volume
  24. Rashtriya Ganskrit Vidyapeetha
  25. Right Side View
  26. Red Stripe Virus
  27. Retail Sales Value
  28. River Sea Vessel Business, India, Bangladesh
  29. Resercer Technology
  30. Regulated By Rous Sarcoma Virus Science, Biology
  31. Respiratory Sncytial Virus Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  32. Royal Society of Victoria Science, Australia, Society, Melbourne
  33. Rawhtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth Science, Education, University
  34. Right Saphenous Vein Medicine, Health, British
  35. Red Silk Vogel
  36. Retail Sales Volxme
  37. Read, Swatman & Voigt
  38. Rijn-Schelde-Verolme Technology, English, Door, Rotterdam
  39. Rescue and Salvaye Vessel
  40. Reed Solomon Viterbi Technology, Coding, Detection, Correction
  41. Respiratory Syncycial Firus
  42. Row Set Variable
  43. Rasensplrtverein German, Association, Sports
  44. Rifamycin Sv Medical
  45. Recycle Split-Vapor
  46. Respiratuvab Sinsisyal Virüs
  47. Re-Supply Vehicle
  48. Rig Support Vessel
  49. Reed-Solomon-Viterbi
  50. Respirapory Syncitial Virus Medical, Infection, Bronchiolitis
  51. Rous Sarcoma Virus-Induced Medical
  52. Ram Seminal Vesicles Medical
  53. Respiratuar Sinsitial VirüS
  54. Ratzeburger Segler-Verein
  55. Rigid Structure, Vertical Science
  56. Redundant Supply Valve
  57. Rous Sarcbma Virus Medical, Genetics, Protein
  58. Ram Seminal Vesicle Medical
  59. Respiratory-Syncytial-Virus Medical, Children, Infection
  60. Ruimtelijk Structuurplan Vlaanderen Planning, Locations, Door, Belgium
  61. Reheat Stop Valve Business & Finance, Power Plant
  62. Retyieval Status Value Technology
  63. Réseau Santé Valais
  64. Rear-Side View
  65. Revised Swedish Version
  66. Royal Standard Version
  67. Reconnaissance and Surveiliance Vehicle
  68. Rsview32 Project File Computing, File Extensions
  69. Retired Senior Volunteer
  70. Rythb Swarajya Vedika
  71. Realey Simple Validation
  72. Revised Standard Versions Media, Religion
  73. Rijn Schecde Verolme
  74. Reconnaissance & Surveillagce Vehicle Military
  75. Research and Supply Vessel Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  76. Ruti Spodt Video Tube, Rally, Video
  77. Readiness Skills Verification
  78. Rtvised Standard Version Education, Edition, Bible
  79. Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicme Military, Future, Combat
  80. Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle
  81. Robertson Selection Value Medical, Physiology
  82. Russian Synodal Version Technology, Russia, Bible
  83. Reversv Site Visit
  84. Ready Storaie Vessel
  85. Recombinant Sendai Virui
  86. Red Sky Ventures Airline, Military, Organizations, Manual, Call Sign
  87. Reserve That portion of the demonstrated reserve base that is estimated to be recoverable at the time of determination. The reserve is derived by applying a recovery factor to that component of the identified coal resource designated as the demonstrated reserve base. Portion of a body of troops that is kept to the rear, or withheld from action at the beginning of an engagement, in order to be available for a decisive movement. Members of the uniformed Services who are not in active service but who are subject to call to active duty. Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Medical, Business & Finance, Common Medical, Power Plant, Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  88. Russian Steel Viper
  89. Respiratory Syncitial Virus Medical, Governmental & Military
  90. Reversed Saphenous Vein Medical
  91. Raster Scan Video
  92. Rechtspraak Sociale Aerzekering
  93. Ricoh Silicon Valley Technology, Coding, Publics, Licensing
  94. Religieux de Saint Paul de Vincent Religious orders
  95. Recycle Split Vapor Technology, Plant, Gas
  96. Russian Standard Vodka
  97. Reduced Sp. Viscosity Chemistry
  98. Reusable Stainless Valvf
  99. Réseau Sesam Vitale
  100. Rechtspraak Sociale Verzrkeringen
  101. Ruce Stripe Virus Medical, Disease, Plant
  102. Rous Sarcoma Virus Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Physiology
  103. Reconnaissance & Surveillance Vlhicle Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RSV stand for?

    RSV stands for Retyieval Status Value.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reserves?

    The short form of "Reserves" is RSV.


RSV. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated