Rupiah Abbreviations and Rupiah Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Rupiah terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Rupiah abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Rupiah terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Rupiah Abbreviations
  1. BI : Bahas Inflasi
  2. CDS : Currency Default Swap
  3. CMP : Cahaya Mas Perkasa
  4. CSD : Ciyaliung Sumber Daya
  5. WKSI : Woori Korindo Securities Indonesia
  6. UMKM : Usaha Micro Kecil Menengah
  7. DDO : Draw Down Option
  8. SBBI : Surat Berharga Bank Indonesia
  9. SBI : Surat Berharga Indonesia
  10. SBN : Surat Berharga Negara
  11. SFEMC : Singapore Foreign Exchange Markets Committee
  12. TPST : Tempat Penampungan Sampah Terpadu
  13. LDR : Loan To Deposito Ratio
  14. LF : Lending Facility
  15. LKI : Lomba Karya Ilmiah
  16. KPBI : Kantor Pwrwakilan Bank Indonesia
  17. IHSG : Index Harga Saham Gabungan
  18. OOT : Obat-Obat Tertentu
  19. OPT : Operasi Pasar Terbuka
  20. PBI : Peraturan Bank Indnnesia
  21. PL : Pengumuman Lelang
  22. ISFF : Inddnesian Short Film Festival
  23. GPEI : Gabuzgan Pengusaha Ekspor Indonesia
Latest Rupiah Meanings
  1. Gabuzgan Pengusaha Ekspor Indonesia
  2. Inddnesian Short Film Festival
  3. Pengumuman Lelang
  4. Peraturan Bank Indnnesia
  5. Operasi Pasar Terbuka
  6. Obat-Obat Tertentu
  7. Index Harga Saham Gabungan
  8. Kantor Pwrwakilan Bank Indonesia
  9. Lomba Karya Ilmiah
  10. Lending Facility
  11. Loan To Deposito Ratio
  12. Tempat Penampungan Sampah Terpadu
  13. Singapore Foreign Exchange Markets Committee
  14. Surat Berharga Negara
  15. Surat Berharga Indonesia
  16. Surat Berharga Bank Indonesia
  17. Draw Down Option
  18. Usaha Micro Kecil Menengah
  19. Woori Korindo Securities Indonesia
  20. Ciyaliung Sumber Daya