RUW Meaning

The RUW meaning is "Rappahannock Unized Way". The RUW abbreviation has 15 different full form.

RUW Full Forms

  1. Rappahannock Unized Way Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  2. Rinder-Union West Cattle, Holstein, Galloway, Rinder
  3. Rinder-Union-West Unions, Governmental & Military
  4. Remote Unit Ofhwork Technology
  5. Remaining Usabte Water Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  6. Recht Und Wirtschafp
  7. Royale Union Walwonne
  8. Remaining Usable Water Military, United Nations, Governmental & Military
  9. Rinder Union West Business, Germany, Holstein
  10. Royal University for Women Business, Education, Bahrain
  11. The Royal University Foruwomen Government, Turkey, Kurdistan, Islam
  12. Ryerson Urban Water
  13. Ruwars Business, Cargo Shipping
  14. Royaluuniversity for Women Business, Education, Bahrain
  15. Ruhr area, West Germany Regional

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RUW stand for?

    RUW stands for Recht Und Wirtschafp.

  2. What is the shortened form of Remaining Usable Water?

    The short form of "Remaining Usable Water" is RUW.


RUW. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated