RVD Meaning

The RVD meaning is "Remote Valve Diagnosis". The RVD abbreviation has 42 different full form.

RVD Full Forms

  1. Remote Valve Diagnosis
  2. Relative Vertebral Density Medical, Medicine, Health
  3. Right Ventricular Decompression Medical
  4. Rainbow Versatile Disc Technology, Paper, Storage, Computing, Hardware
  5. Regulatory Volume Decrease Medical, Channel, Cell, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  6. General Leite De Castro Airport Rio Verde, Goiás,Brazil Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  7. Right Ventricular Dysplasia Medical, Science, Medicine
  8. Rail Vehicle Detection
  9. Regulatory Cell Volume Decrease Medical
  10. Right Ventricular Diameter Medical
  11. Radar Vehicle Detector
  12. Regulatory Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  13. Right Ventricular Dimension Medical, Medicine, Health
  14. Rabbit Vas Deferens Medical
  15. Robert Van Damme
  16. Reference Vessel Diameter Medical, Coronary, Stent
  17. Rex Virtual Drilling
  18. Right Ventricular Dysfunction Medical, Pulmonary, Embolism
  19. Road Vehicle Descriptors Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  20. Raritan Valley Disposal
  21. Retro Viral Disease Medical, Health
  22. Renovascular Disease Medical
  23. Road Vehicle Descriptor
  24. Rainbow Versatile Disk
  25. Rogue Valley Door
  26. Ryan Vs Dorkman
  27. General Leite de Castro, Rio Verde, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  28. Rob Van Dam Wrestling, Championship, Dam
  29. Rugged Vehicle Dock
  30. Really Very Dumb Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  31. Rob Van Da
  32. Rotary Viscous Damper
  33. RealView Debugger Software, Computing
  34. Robot Vs Dinosaur
  35. Rotary Viscous Dampers
  36. Raydon Virtual Driver Software, Computing
  37. Rotary Vacuum Dryers Business, Oil, Manufacturer
  38. Remote Virtual Disk Computing, Hardware
  39. Roids, Vicodin, and Depacote Medical, Physiology
  40. Rotary Vacuum Dryer Technology, Product, Manufacturer
  41. Rapid Vapor Doping
  42. Rare Vaginal Disease Medical, Physiology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RVD stand for?

    RVD stands for General Leite de Castro, Rio Verde, Brazil.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rabbit Vas Deferens?

    The short form of "Rabbit Vas Deferens" is RVD.


RVD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rvd-meaning/

Last updated