RVO Meaning

The RVO meaning is "Recovered Vegetable Oil". The RVO abbreviation has 33 different full form.

RVO Full Forms

  1. Recovered Vegetable Oil
  2. Rother Valley Optics
  3. Rabaul Volcanological Observatory Science, Island, Volcano
  4. Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles Technology, Agent, Obstacle
  5. Request for Variation Order
  6. Rabaul Volcano Observatory Locations, Papua, Caldera, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  7. Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle
  8. Renewable Volume Obligations Business, Energy, Fuel, Ethanol
  9. Retinal Vein Occlusions Medical, Macular, Edema
  10. Retinal Venous Occlusion Medical
  11. Real Voice Output
  12. Renewable Volume Obligation Business, Energy, Fuel
  13. Rare Vinyl Online
  14. Renal Vein Occlusion Medical
  15. Raglan Von Oben Man, Tube, Pullover, Raglan
  16. Remote Virtual Office
  17. Royal Victorian Order Military, Prince, Queen, Awards & medals
  18. Racing Vaunage Organisation
  19. Roof Vent Opener
  20. Right Ventricular Outflow Medical, Medicine, Health
  21. Roger Van Overstraeten
  22. Return Value Optimization Technology, Coding, Constructor
  23. Rock Valley Oil
  24. Reivilo Airport, Reivilo, South Africa South Africa
  25. River Valley Ordnance
  26. Remediation Venture Office Military, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  27. Russian Virtualuobservatory Technology, Science, Russia
  28. River Valley Orchidworks
  29. Reichsversicherungsordnung Law
  30. Runway Visibility By Observer
  31. Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Technology, Traffic, Subsidy
  32. Rosa Viacava De Ortega
  33. Right Ventricular Output Study, Cardiac, Preterm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RVO stand for?

    RVO stands for River Valley Ordnance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle?

    The short form of "Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle" is RVO.


RVO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rvo-meaning/

Last updated