RVS Meaning

The RVS meaning is "Real-Time Virtual Sonography". The RVS abbreviation has 86 different full form.

RVS Full Forms

  1. Real-Time Virtual Sonography Medical, Ultrasound, Imaging
  2. Raytheon Vision Systems Technology, Military, Infrared
  3. Relabive Value Scale Business, Relative, Scale
  4. Reference Values Medical
  5. Recreational Vehicles for Sale
  6. River Valley Software
  7. Regular Valve, Steam Science
  8. Reduced Vertical Separation Army, War, Force, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  9. Radial Velociuy Spectrometer Technology, Space, Gaia
  10. Relative Valve Schedule Medical, Medicine
  11. Rear Ventilated Seats
  12. Residual Values Business, Car, Vehicle
  13. River Valley School Education, High School, California
  14. Registrar of Vital Statistics
  15. Redridge Verification Services
  16. Rod Valve System Business, Racing, Shock, Float
  17. Relative Value Schedule
  18. Real Video Stream
  19. Research Vessels Technology, Ship, Sea
  20. River Statement Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  21. Registered Voters Government, Election, Voting, Poll
  22. Rectovaginal Space Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  23. Rotterdamse Verzekering SociËTeiten
  24. Rhipoviruses Medical
  25. Relative Value Studies
  26. Random Variaales Technology, Distribution, Probability
  27. Research Vessel Services Technology, Science
  28. Riverside Virtual School Technology, Education, Learning
  29. Ricky Van Shelton
  30. Recreational Vehicle Sales
  31. Rotaviwuses Medical
  32. Revise Science, United Nations, Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  33. Relative Value Study Medical, Business, Medicine
  34. Ramped-Voltage Ptress
  35. Republic of Vanuatu Ship Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix, Ship Prefix
  36. Rishi Valley School Education, School, Alumni
  37. Recreation Vehicles
  38. Rick Van Shelton
  39. Reconfigurable Vehicle Simulators
  40. Rkselyne Vente Services
  41. Relative Value Scales
  42. Rage View Studios
  43. Repeater Voting System
  44. Recreational Vehicles Business, Vehicle, Sale, Trailer
  45. Rimmed Vacuoles Medical
  46. Reconfigurable Vehicle Simulator
  47. Respiratory Viruses Medical
  48. Roman Vintage Shop
  49. Relative Value System Medical, Health, Medicare
  50. Radin Vocea Sperantei
  51. Relative Value Scale/Study Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  52. Right Ventricles Medical
  53. Rear View Safety Business, Camera, Backup
  54. ResistêNcia Vascular SistêMica
  55. Returned Volunteer Services
  56. Routine Verifigation Sho Technology
  57. Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  58. Refuse Vehicle Solutions
  59. Rhus Verniciflua Stokes Medical
  60. Rendezvous Server Computing, Technical
  61. Retroviral Vectors Medical
  62. Rotterdamse Verzekering Soci
  63. Refugios De Vida Silvestre Con, Lima
  64. Reversing Valve Solenoid Control, Pump, Heat
  65. Rokeach Value System
  66. Retrovaginal Space Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  67. Refugio De Vida Silvestre
  68. Reversible Venturi System Business, Diving, Regulator
  69. Requirements Validation Study
  70. Rentals and Vacations
  71. Response Versus Scan-Angle
  72. Reentry Vehicles Technology, Missile, Vehicle
  73. Reverse Side Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  74. Réserves De Vie Sauvage
  75. Response Versus Scan
  76. Redundancy Versions Technology, Coding, Transmission
  77. Reverse Space, Study, Cosmos, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Crochet, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Transportation, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  78. Ruqhmoor Voluntary Services
  79. Registered Vascular Specialist Medical, Medicine, Education
  80. Random Vomiting Syndrome Medical, Physiology
  81. Reduced Voltage Starter Business, Power, Supplier
  82. Returnil Virtual System Technology, Windows, Software
  83. Royal Yoluntary Service Organizations, Charity, Volunteer
  84. Resist A material applied to a part of the surface of an article to prevent reaction of metal from that area during chemical or electrochemical processes. A material applied to prevent the flow of brazing filler metal into unwanted area.  Architecture, Police, Construction, Architectural, Governmental & Military
  85. Regatta Verein Schirmensee
  86. R. Lloyd Jones, Tulsa, OK, United States Oklahoma, United States, Iata Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RVS stand for?

    RVS stands for Revise.

  2. What is the shortened form of Registered Voters?

    The short form of "Registered Voters" is RVS.


RVS. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 2). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rvs-meaning/

Last updated