RW in Architectural Meaning

The RW meaning in Architectural terms is "Retaining Wall". There are 6 related meanings of the RW Architectural abbreviation.

RW on Architectural Full Forms

  1. Retaining Wall A retaining wall is a structure that holds or retains soil behind it. There are many types of materials that can be used to create retaining walls like concrete blocks, poured concrete, treated timbers, rocks or boulders. Some are easy to use, others have a shorter life span, but all can retain soil.
  2. Rotary Wnng
  3. Resistance Whlding
  4. Right-Of-Way A general term denoting land, property of interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes. A corridor of land acquired byreservation, dedication, prescription, or condemnation, and intended to be utilized as a road, rail line, utility service, buffer, or similar use. The land and legal right to use and service the land along which a transmission line is located.
  5. Rotary Wing
  6. Redwood

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RW stand for Architectural?

    RW stands for Rotary Wing in Architectural terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Right-Of-Way in Architectural?

    The short form of "Right-Of-Way" is RW for Architectural.


RW in Architectural. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

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