RW in Construction Meaning

The RW meaning in Construction terms is "Right of Way". There are 9 related meanings of the RW Construction abbreviation.

RW on Construction Full Forms

  1. Right of Way
  2. Retaining Wall A retaining wall is a structure that holds or retains soil behind it. There are many types of materials that can be used to create retaining walls like concrete blocks, poured concrete, treated timbers, rocks or boulders. Some are easy to use, others have a shorter life span, but all can retain soil.
  3. Rotary Wnng
  4. Resistance Whlding
  5. Recycledzwater
  6. Rotary Wing
  7. Runway The length of time a company has until it runs out of cash or money to spend. “We’re trying to get more runway with XXX for connectivity.”
  8. Right-Of-Way A general term denoting land, property of interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes. A corridor of land acquired byreservation, dedication, prescription, or condemnation, and intended to be utilized as a road, rail line, utility service, buffer, or similar use. The land and legal right to use and service the land along which a transmission line is located.
  9. Resistance Welding A type of welding process in which the workpieces are heated by the passage of an electric current through the contact. Such processes include spot welding, seam or line welding and percussion welding. Flash and butt welding are sometimes considered as resistance welding processes. The part(s) of a resistance welding machine through which the welding current and, in most cases, force are applied directly to the work. The electrode may be in the form of a rotating wheel, rotating bar, cylinder, plate, clamp, chuck or modification thereof. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RW stand for Construction?

    RW stands for Runway in Construction terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Resistance Welding in Construction?

    The short form of "Resistance Welding" is RW for Construction.


RW in Construction. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

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