S in Engineering Meaning

The S meaning in Engineering terms is "Square". There are 3 related meanings of the S Engineering abbreviation.

S on Engineering Full Forms

  1. Square In deck terminology, it is the term for 100 square feet of deck or roofing surface.Formula: number of squares = sum of(length of deck sheet in feet * width of deck sheet in feet * number of pieces)divided by 100. A unit of measure-100 square feet-usually applied to roofing and siding material. Also, a situation that exists when two elements are at right angles to each other. Also a tool for checking this. OR Rectangular, or at a right angle; the tool used for checking rectangularity.
  2. Standard A vertical tube in scaffolding. A workstation that can perform tasks without being connected to other resources such as servers or host systems. A document, or an object for physical comparison, for defining product characteristics, products, or processes, prepared by a consensus of a properly constituted group of those substantially affected and having the qualifications to prepare the standard for use.
  3. Sink Dimples or other distortion in the surface of the part as different areas of the part cool at different rates. These are most commonly caused by excessive material thickness. A depression on the part surface over a thick wall feature i.e., a rib, boss, thick sprue gate or change in wall section. Caused by the delayed cooling effects of the center of the thick area. When the hot center cools, it shrinks and pulls down the skin on the surface.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does S stand for Engineering?

    S stands for Standard in Engineering terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Standard in Engineering?

    The short form of "Standard" is S for Engineering.


S in Engineering. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/s-meaning-in-engineering/

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