S in Medical Meaning
The S meaning in Medical terms is "Without". There are 26 related meanings of the S Medical abbreviation.
S on Medical Full Forms
- Without If 70 were bid in the market and there was no offer, the quote would be "70 bid without." The expression "without" indicates a one-way market.
- Seconds The designation given to sheet or strip that has imperfections in moderate degree or extent, which may be classified in two general groups imperfections in the base material, or other manufacturing defects. This term not used in connection with non ferrous alloys.
- Second Sixtieth part of a minute of time.Sixtieth part of a minute of arc
- Small
- Superior Word used for denoting one of two similar occurrences or positions, differentiating it from the other which is termed the 'inferior' position or occurrence A signal is said to be superior to another when hoisted before, either in regards time or hoist It is said to be inferior when it is after either in time or hoist.
- Slow
- Standard A vertical tube in scaffolding. A workstation that can perform tasks without being connected to other resources such as servers or host systems. A document, or an object for physical comparison, for defining product characteristics, products, or processes, prepared by a consensus of a properly constituted group of those substantially affected and having the qualifications to prepare the standard for use.
- Supersaturation A solution that contains a concentration of solute greater than the equilibrium solubility value.
- Sleep Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles, and reduced interactions with surroundings. It is distinguished from wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, but is more easily reversed than the state of being comatose. Sleep occurs in repeating periods, in which the body alternates between two distinct modes known as non-REM and REM sleep.
- Safety
- Squint A special brick for use on a corner which is not a right-angle. A hole in a wall usually to allow sight of the altar. Also called Hagioscope
- Serum The clear liquid that can be separated from clotted blood. Serum differs from plasma, the liquid portion of normal unclotted blood containing the red and white cells and platelets. It is the clot that makes the difference between serum and plasma.Terms in this dictionary with the word serum include maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), and serum hepatitis.
- Supervisor
- School A large body of fish.
- Stumble
- Sweet Absence of hydrogen sulfide, H2S.
- Sinister
- sacrum In vertebrates with pelves, the fused portion of the vertebral column to which the pelvis is attached.
- Serine A naturally occuring amino acid with an hydroxyl group on its side chain.
- without (usually written with a bar on top of the "s")
- sine - without (usually written with a bar on top of the "s")
- second (do NOT use "sec" for "second;" use "sec" for "secant")
- Sickness
- Support The all-important function of keeping the mine workings open. As a verb, it refers to this function; as a noun it refers to all the equipment and materials - timber, roof bolts, concrete, steel, etc that are used to carry out this function.
- Sensory Relating to sensation, to the perception of a stimulus, to the voyage made by incoming nerve impulses from the sense organs to the nerve centers or to the senses themselves.
- Specimen A test object, often of standard dimensions and/or configuration, that is used for destructive or nondestructive testing. One or more specimens may be cut from each unit of a sample. That portion of a sample taken for evaluation of some specific characteristic or property.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does S stand for Medical?
S stands for Serine in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Sinister in Medical?
The short form of "Sinister" is S for Medical.
S in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/s-meaning-in-medical/
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