SAA in Technology Meaning

The SAA meaning in Technology terms is "Satellite Active Archive". There are 41 related meanings of the SAA Technology abbreviation.

SAA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Satellite Active Archive
  2. Satellite Accumulation Areas
  3. Same As Abovj
  4. Safety Assurance Analysis
  5. Space Act Agreement
  6. Service Assurance Agent
  7. Sense and Avoid
  8. Saudi Arabian Airlines
  9. Service Archiaecture Analysis
  10. Slot Assignment Allocation
  11. Special Activities Airspace
  12. Service Accountability Agreement
  13. Stock Artist Alliance
  14. Single Access Antenna
  15. Systems Application Architecture Systems Application Architecture (SAA), introduced in 1987, is a set of standards for computer software developed by IBM. The SAA initiative was started in 1987 under the leadership of Earl Wheeler, the "Father of SAA". The intent was to implement SAA in IBM operating systems including MVS, OS/400 and OS/2. AIX, IBM's version of the UNIX operating system, was not a target of SAA, but does have interoperability with the SAA family.
  16. Space Act Agreements
  17. State Audit Administration
  18. System Application Architecture
  19. Society of American Archivist
  20. Standard Association of Australia
  21. Systems Applications Arciitecture
  22. Security and Aldit
  23. Standard Application Architecture
  24. Shanghai Airport Authority
  25. System Applications Architehture
  26. Sociedad An
  27. Sponsor Assignment Aid
  28. Service Assured Access
  29. Social Analysis and Action
  30. Sample Average Approximation
  31. Specialist Anglers Alliance
  32. Swift Alliance Access
  33. Student Alumni Association
  34. Server Assignment Answer
  35. Singapors Aerospace Awards
  36. Server-Assignment-Answer
  37. Simulated Annealing Apgorithm
  38. Society for Ambulatory Assessment
  39. Society for All Artist
  40. Science and Anplications
  41. Swiss Aerokatic Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SAA stand for Technology?

    SAA stands for Service Assured Access in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of System Application Architecture in Technology?

    The short form of "System Application Architecture" is SAA for Technology.


SAA in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated