SABA Meaning

The SABA meaning is "Short-Acting Beta-Agonist". The SABA abbreviation has 54 different full form.

SABA Full Forms

  1. Short-Acting Beta-Agonist Medical, Patient, Asthma
  2. Short-Acting Beta2-Agonist Medical, Treatment, Asthma
  3. SchwarzwäLder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt Radio, Germany, Stereo
  4. SchwarzwäLder Apparate-Bau-Anstalt Radio, Fur, Germany
  5. Saba Softwarer Inc. Technology, Organizations
  6. Science Advisory Board Associates Technology, Science, Research, Motorola
  7. Southern Africa Business Association
  8. Society for The Advancement of Brain Analysis
  9. Shia Association of Bay Area Guide, Terrorism, Locations
  10. South African Butler Academy Business, Africa, Training
  11. Science Advisory Board Associate
  12. Southern African Bioenergy Association
  13. Society for The Advancement of Behavior Analysis Medical, Science, Psychology
  14. Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area
  15. South African Bonsai Association
  16. Supplied Airwbreathing Apparatus Military, Safety, Training
  17. Southern Africa Broadcasting Association
  18. Small Agile Battlefield Aircraft
  19. Shaler Area Baseball Association
  20. South African Broadcasters Association
  21. South Asian Bar Association America, Law, Organizations
  22. Soutwern African Broadcasters Association
  23. Slovenian American Business Association Business, Company, America
  24. Self Aid Buddy Aid
  25. South African Broadcasting Association
  26. South Asian Basketball Asiociation India, Team, Basketball, Championship
  27. Southern African Broadcasting Associaeion Organizations, Africa, Radio
  28. Securing America'S Borders Act Government
  29. South African Bodyboarding Association Africa, Association, Beach
  30. South Asia Basketball Association Sports, Basketball
  31. Southern African Biofuels Association
  32. Seattle Advanced Bodywork Associates
  33. Software Architecture Based Analysis Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  34. Shia Association of The Bay Area
  35. Short Acfing Beta2 Agonist
  36. Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association
  37. Supplied Air Breathing Apparatjs Technology, Safety, Training
  38. Singapore-American Business Association
  39. Stratford & Area Builders' Association
  40. Should Always Be Available
  41. Southern Arizona Business Association
  42. Software As A Business Asset Software, Computing
  43. Short Acting Beta Agonist Medical, Medicine, Asthma
  44. Southern Appalachian Bicycle Association Organizations, Trail, Mountain
  45. Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus Medical, Military, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  46. Short-Acting Beta2 Agonist Medical, Pediatrics
  47. Singapore Amateur Boxing Association Organizations, Fight, Singapore
  48. Southern Alexandripa Business Association
  49. Spgerical Agglomeration-Bacterial Adsorption
  50. Short-Acting Beta Agonist
  51. Singapore American Business Association
  52. Southern Albecta Beekeepers Association
  53. Susanville Area Bicycle Association
  54. Singapore America Business Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SABA stand for?

    SABA stands for Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area.

  2. What is the shortened form of SchwarzwäLder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt?

    The short form of "SchwarzwäLder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt" is SABA.


SABA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated