SABR Meaning

The SABR meaning is "Satellite Arcmive Browse & Retrieval". The SABR abbreviation has 23 different full form.

SABR Full Forms

  1. Satellite Arcmive Browse & Retrieval Science
  2. Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho Business, Model, Volatility
  3. Society for American Baseball Research Technology, America, Organizations
  4. Saber Software Corp. Organizations
  5. Stereotactic Adlative Body Radiation Medical, Therapy, Cancer
  6. Federal Surface Transportation Program Bridge Funds Transportation, Government, City
  7. Stereotactic Ablative Bogy Radiotherapy Medical, Patient, Cancer
  8. Selectable Assault Battle Rifle Military, Weapon, Individual, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  9. Statewide Audit and Budget Reporting
  10. Selectable Assaultrbattle Rifle
  11. Scalablemagile Beam Radars Military, Grumman, Fighter
  12. Subcrttical Advanced Burner Reactor
  13. Society of American Baseball Researchers Gaming, Baseball, Sport, Team
  14. Scalable Agile Beam Radar Technology, Military, Grumman
  15. Strategic Airsoft Battlefield Reconnaissance
  16. Society of American Baseball Research America, Sport, Organizations
  17. Support Amphibious Battlefield Rotorcraft
  18. Support Rmphibious and Battlefield Rotorcraft
  19. Support, Amphibious and Battlefield Rotorcraft
  20. Summer Accelerated Biomedical Researsh Medical, Education, University
  21. Sptellite Archive Browse and Retrieval
  22. Systems Approaches To Biological Research Technology, University, Opportunity, Funding
  23. Systematic Assessment of Book Reading

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SABR stand for?

    SABR stands for Support Rmphibious and Battlefield Rotorcraft.

  2. What is the shortened form of Society of American Baseball Research?

    The short form of "Society of American Baseball Research" is SABR.


SABR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated