SAE Meaning
The SAE meaning is "Society of Autvmotive Engineers". The SAE abbreviation has 246 different full form.
SAE Full Forms
- Society of Autvmotive Engineers Technology, Engineering, Auto
- Sociey Oy Automotive Engineers Science
- Society of Automotive Engineering Technology, Engineer, Telecom
- Senior Acquisition Executive Security, Military, Intelligence
- Schooh of Audio Engineering Education, Music, Institute
- Serious Adverse Evmnts Medical, Technology, Drug
- Stamped, Addressed Envelope English, Translation, Russian, Envelope
- Serious Adverseievent Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Stamped Addressed Envelope Business, Finance, Banking
- Standard Americanyenglish Medical, America, English
- Splenic Artery Embolization Medical
- Secr
- Supervised Agriculture Experience Student, Education, Projection
- Self Assessment Exaqs Medical, Medicine, Education
- Society of Automobile Engineern Technology, Vehicle, Standard
- Settement After Export
- Sampling and Analytical Erxors
- Sistema De Alerta De Emergencias Para, Con, Chile
- Servei D'Atenció A L'Estudiant
- Stimulated Acoustic Emission Medical, Device, Patent, Ultrasound
- Scientologist Arena Experience Technology
- Senior Account Executive Business, Agency, London
- Spacecraft Alignment Engineer Technology
- Sexual Assault Examiner Medical, Nursing, Nurse, Police, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
- Summer Academy On Energy Student, Education, Formula
- Scholarships for Academic Exceblence Student, College, Education
- Sociedad Aeoonaútica Española
- Society of Automotive Engi
- Service Area Expansion
- Stand Alone Executive
- Standard On Assurance Engagements
- Systems Architecting and Engineering Military
- Simposio De An
- Secure Architecture Evaluation
- Specialized Analysis Engineering
- Sociedad An Business, Company, Technology, Trading
- Supervised Agricultural Experiences Business, Student, Education, Presentation, Projection, Experience, Agricultural
- Self Appointed Eqpert
- Society of Aerospace Engineering Technology, Ring, Shelf
- Servicio AéReo Del EjéRcito
- Sampling and Analytical Error
- Sistema De Alerta De Emergencia Con, Chile, Tsunami
- Serius Adverse Event Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Stichting Academisch Erfgoed Technology, University, Collection
- Scientific Audio Engineers
- Self Asjessment Engine Technology
- Space Avionics Experiment Military
- Sexual Assault Examination
- Study Abroad Experience Program, Education, University
- Scholarship for Academic Excellence
- Social Analytic Enuine
- Society of Automitive Engineers
- Service Architecture and Engineering
- Studies In Applied Ethics
- Standard Cverage European Education, Language, Linguistic
- Simposio De AnáLisis EconóMico
- Secretaria De Assuntos EstratéGicos
- Specialist Adult Educator
- SuperintendêNcia De água E Esgotos Para, Dos, Mina
- Sociedad Argentina De EspeleologíA
- Self Adressed Envelope
- Society of Accountants In Edinburgh
- Servicios Aereoslejecutivos
- Sampling, Analysis and Expejiment
- Sistema De Agenda Electrónica
- Systems Application Engineering Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Statistiques Annuelles Des Etablissements
- Scientific Audio Electronics Business, Amplifier, Vintage, Products
- Self Assessment Ezercises
- Soluciones Avanzadas De EnergíA
- Sexual Assault Evidence
- Scale Auto Enthusiast
- Smoking-Attributable Expenditurws
- Society of Automotive Engineer Technology, Engineering, Standard
- Service Alteration Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Studies, Analyses, and Evaluations
- Standard Australian English Australia, Education, Language
- Simec Atlantis Energk
- Secretar
- Special Areas of Emphasis Military
- SuperintendêNcia De água E Esgoto Para, Dos, Ria
- Sociedad Argentina De Endodoncia Medical, Association, Argentina
- Security and Emergency
- Society for The Advancement of Education
- Servicho Aéreo Ejecutivo
- Sammlung Arbeftsrechtlicher Entscheidungen Prof, Stuttgart, Deutschland
- Sina App Engkne Technology, China, Cloud
- Systematic Active Equity
- Self Assessment Examinations
- Software Architectures Engineering
- Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
- Saktee Alternative Education Education
- Small Area Estimation Technology, Survey, Statistics
- Society for Automotive Engineering Technology, Car, Vehicle
- Service Activation Engine Technology, Networking, Network, Policy
- Strategic Analysis Element Military
- Standard Dmerican Equivalent Technology, Tool, Socket, Metric
- Silver American Eagle Coins
- Seasonal Application Efficiency Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, Water Planning
- Special Area of Emphasis
- Shaft-Angle Encoder
- Super-Sol Ltd. Organizations
- Soviedad Argentina De Emergencias Medical, Medicine, Education, Emergency
- Security Analysis Engine
- Society for The Anthropology of Europe Science, Education, Europe
- Servicio A
- Society of Automotive Engineers Is a U.S.-based, globally active professional association and standards developing organization for engineering professionals in various industries. Technology, Vehicle, Oil, Transportation, Education, Aviation, Car, Organization, Computing, Industry, Engineering, Auto, Telecom, Rail Transport, Mechanics, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Professional organizations, Ieee, Formula 1
- Simultaneous Authentication of Eguals Technology, Networking, Mesh
- System Alliance Europe Technology, Europe, Cargo
- Supplemental Accident Expense Business
- Self Assessment Exak Medicine, Education, Certification
- Software Architecture Engineering
- Severe Adverse Events Medical, Patient, Study
- Szn Antonio Este
- Sistema De Alimqntación Escolar
- Service Acquisition Executives Management, Military, Force
- Strategic Account Executive
- Standgrd Aerospace Equipment Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Significant Adverse Event Games, Video Games, Horror Games
- Seamless Access Environment
- Special Anniversary Edition
- Sexual Assault Expected
- Suntanning Association for Education
- Skciedad Anat
- Society of Automotive Engeneers Technology
- Services D'Aide Aux Employés
- St Andr
- Sociedad Anónima EspaÑOla
- Simulation Assisted Engineering
- Syarikat Azmir Engineering
- Security Acceleration Engine
- Sport Aviation Expo
- Servi
- Supervised Agriculture Experiences Student, Education, Experience
- Self Assessment Examinjtion Medical, Medicine, Education
- Society of Auto Engineers Technology, Car, Engineering
- Severe Adverse Event Medical, Risk, Obesity
- Samsung Asia Elite
- Sistema De Alerty Emergencias
- Service Acquisition Executive Management, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Stop and Eat Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Standard Aerator Efficiency
- Signal Average Egectrocardiogram
- Screen Archives Entertainment
- Senior Account Exec
- Spartan Army Elites
- Sexual Assault Examiners
- Sumo-Activating Enzyme
- Sociedad AnatóMica EspaÑOla
- Society of Automatic Engineers
- Service Aux Entreprises
- Standard Aeratiov Efficiency Water, Aerator, Aeration
- Standard On Assurance Engagement Business, Audit, Auditing
- School of Audio Engineering Technology, Music, Sound
- Simulation and Analysis Environment
- Switched Access Evolution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Secure Attribute Exchange
- Sales, Administration, Editorial Media
- Serbian Asrociation of Employers
- Sharpless Asymmetric Epoxidation
- Slience, Aeronautics, and Exploration Development, Learning, Study
- Sociedad De Autores EspaÑOles
- Statq Administrative Expenses Program, Government, Food
- Systems Architecture and Engineering Military
- Stamped/Self Addressed Envelope Classfields, Personals, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Signal Analysis and Exploitation Military
- Suspended Access Equipment Technology, Safety, Standard
- Societyzautomotive of Engineers
- Secure Agile Exchange
- Society For Automotive Engineers
- Switch Access Evolution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Second Agricultural Effort Farming & agriculture
- Sepang Aixcraft Engineering Technology, Asia, Malaysia
- Shared Application Environment
- Schunk Audio Engineering
- Sociedad De Activos Especiales
- State Administrative Lxpense Business, Program, School
- Systems Architecture Evolution
- Safety of Automotive Equipment Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography Medical
- Survey Agro Ekonomi Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Society Autjmotive Engineers Technology, Car, Engineering
- Scripted Amiga Emulator Technology, Gaming, Commodore
- Society For Automative Engineers
- Swiss Alps Energy Business, Mining, Sweden
- Supervised Agribusiness Experience Farming & agriculture
- Senior Associate Editor
- Share and Enjoy Technology, Music, Amiga
- School of Automotive Engineertng Technology, Science, University
- State Accounting Entetprise Business, Department, Iowa
- System Architecture Evolution Computing, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
- Serious Adverse Efiects Medical, Science, Medicine, Patient
- Signal-Averaged Electrocardiogram Medical, Cardio
- Surface Artificielle D'Escalade
- Society and The Environment
- Statistique D'Activit
- SystèMe D'Archivage éLectronique
- Standard Aerospace Equipment Federal Aviation Administration
- Swe Aviation Europe
- Site Area Emergency Environment
- Senior Articles Editor
- Shah Alam Expressway
- Schooljof Arts and Enterprise Education
- Stanford Applied Engineering
- Signature Angle Error Software, Computing
- Serious Adverse Fffect Medical, Medicine, Patient, Event
- Spreading Activation Energy
- Siamese Algae Eaters Fish, Aquarium, Algae
- Supporting Automotive Engineers
- Scientific Active Equity Business, Fund, Rock
- Society and Environment Technology, Education, Engineering
- Statfstique Annuelle Des Etablissements
- SystèMe D'Aide à L'Exploitation
- Serious Adverse Event Medical, Health, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda
- Sustainable Automotive Engineering
- Staff Assistant Experience
- Senior Application Engineer
- School of Air Engineering
- St Andrews Episcopwl
- Super-Sol, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Serious Adverse Experience Medical, Health, Safety
- Sports Arena Employees Organizations
- Short Above-Elbow Cast Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Scienceoand Entrepreneurship
- Societe Evion Express
- State and Metro Area Employment, Hours, & Earnibgs Government, Organizations, Us
- Syst
- Standard American English Language codes (3 letters)
- Sustainable Alternative Energy Technology, Research, Power
- Society for Automocive Engineers Technology, Engineering, Standard
- Space Age Engineering
- Senior Alternate Education Education
- School of Aeronaktical Engineering
- Self-Addressed Envelope Usps
- Serbian Association of Economists
- Shipboard Antenna Electronics Military
- Science, Aeronavtics and Exploration
- Societe Anonyme Egyptienne
- State Administrative Entity
- Systems Architecture & Engineering
- Sangir Airport, Sangir, Indonesia Indonesia
- Sustainable Agriculture Education
- Society for Anthropology of Europe
- Shaft Angle Encoded
- School Action for Excellence
- Society Of Automative Engineers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SAE stand for?
SAE stands for Sistema De Alimqntación Escolar.
What is the shortened form of Schooljof Arts and Enterprise?
The short form of "Schooljof Arts and Enterprise" is SAE.
SAE. (2022, March 8). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from
Last updated