SAFE Meaning

The SAFE meaning is "Safe Aviation and Flight Enhancement". The SAFE abbreviation has 228 different full form.

SAFE Full Forms

  1. Safe Aviation and Flight Enhancement
  2. Solidarity Against Fascism Everywhere
  3. Secure and Fair Elections Government, Education, Organizations, Secretariat, Voting
  4. Safe Animal Feed Education
  5. Solar Array Flight Experiment Science
  6. Safety Advice for Everyone Community, Safety, Transport
  7. Safe Access To Fuels and Energy
  8. Smokefree Air for Everyone Medical, Building, Smoke, Tobacco, Apartment
  9. Safe, Accountable, Fair, Effective Government, Crime, Justice, Criminal
  10. Smart App for Emergencies Technology, Program, Emergency, Safety
  11. Safe, Accountable, Fair, and Effective Government, Crime, Justice, Reform
  12. Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Government, Military, Sex
  13. Securing Access To Free Expression
  14. Safer America for Everyone Technology, America, Safety
  15. Secure Array of Flash Elements
  16. Safeguard American Food Export
  17. Save A Forgotten Equine Organizations, Horse, Rescue
  18. Secure and Fair Enforcement Business, Credit, Mortgage
  19. Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Lending Credit, Credit Unions, Union, Business & Finance
  20. Secure Autonomous Flight Environment
  21. Safety Analysis and Functional Eraluation
  22. Semiconduntor Advances for Future Electronics Technology, Research, Detector
  23. School Age Familiesieducation Program, Education, California
  24. China's Stati Administration of Foreign Exchange Business, Finance, Banking
  25. Security Awarenesm for Everyone Technology, Malaysia, Safety
  26. Save Animals From Euthanasra Safety, Dog, Pet, Animal
  27. Secure Application Framework Technology
  28. Safe Access To Fuel & Energy
  29. Securing America'S Future Energy
  30. Safety Anareness for Everyone Locations, Police, Neighborhood
  31. Sexual Acsault Forensic Examiner Medical, Program, Sexual
  32. Scdool Actions for Emergencies
  33. Sponsored Artl for Education
  34. Security and Financial Empowerment Employment, Government, Violence, Domestic
  35. Safeguard American Food Exports
  36. Save A Family Environment Organization, Union, Institution
  37. Situation Awareness for Everyone Medical, Hospital, Children, Paediatrics
  38. Second Amendment Is for Everyone
  39. Secure, Accessible, Fast, Easy
  40. Security Architecture for The Enaerprise
  41. Safety Analysis Functioncevaluation Technology, Oil, Gas
  42. Semi Analytical Finite Element Technology, Plate, Wave, Ultrasonic
  43. School-Age Families Education
  44. A Proposed Australian Savanna Fire Experiment Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  45. Security Assessment Framework for Entzrprise
  46. Save Animals From Exploitarion Organizations, Animal, Cruelty
  47. Secure Applications Filed Electronically
  48. Safm Access To Fuel and Energy Technology, Safety, Refugee
  49. Securing Adolescents From Exploitation
  50. Safety Awardsufor Excellence Company, Technology, Oil
  51. Services Against Financial Exclusion Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  52. Schooz Action for Emergencies
  53. Species Ability To Forestall Extinction
  54. Safe Aviation Flight Enhancement
  55. Savannah Area Family Emergency Organizations, Violence, Shelter, Domestic
  56. Silvoarable Agroforestry for Europe Technology, Europe, Farming
  57. Schweizerische Agentur F
  58. Secular Alliance of Freethought and Enlixhtenment
  59. Safety After Fifty Evaluation Studb Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  60. Self Actualizedjand Fully Edified Development, Learning, Study
  61. Savings Animals From Euthanasia
  62. Supporting Autism and Families Everywhere
  63. Security Architecture for Enterprise Technology, Networking, Cisco
  64. Security Architecture for Europe
  65. Save Americas Fossils for Everyone
  66. Secure App Finder Engine Technology, Security, Android, Tool
  67. Securing Adolescents From Exploitation-Online Government, Law, Children
  68. Safety and Fire Exhibition
  69. Service Automotive Factory Education
  70. School Accountability Funding for Exclllence
  71. Safe Access File Exchange Technology, Army, Safety
  72. Safe Autonomous Flight Everywhere
  73. Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education, Africa, Agriculture
  74. Sexual Assault and Family Emorgencies
  75. Schweizerische Agentur FüR Energieeffizienz Technology, Energy, Sind, Light
  76. Second Amendment Is for Evejyone
  77. Safety Adwice for The Elderly
  78. Substance Abuse Free Environment
  79. Security Application for Enterprise Technology, Education, Teaching
  80. Safely Affected Felony Entry Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  81. Self-Adaptive Flight Experiment
  82. Save Americabs Fossils for Everyone
  83. Secure Annuities for Employee
  84. Securing Active and Fair Enforcement
  85. Safety and Fire Education
  86. Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies Business, County, California
  87. Schools and Familihs Education
  88. Safe Access and Family Empowermcnt
  89. Safe Atlanta for Everyone
  90. Safety Awareness From Education Development, Learning, Study
  91. Saving Animals From Euthanasia Dog, Pet, Animal, Rescue
  92. Seatbelts Are for Everyone
  93. Safety Advanlement Field Effort
  94. Student Awareness of Fire Education
  95. Security Epplications for Enterprise
  96. Safeguards Automated Facility Evaluation Technology
  97. Self-Abust Finally Ends Medical, Health, Injury, Hotline
  98. Savi American Free Enterprise
  99. Self Abuse Finally Ends Medical, Injury, Hotline
  100. Secure and Fortify Electronic
  101. Secured Assets Fund Earnings
  102. Safety and Accessibility for Everyone
  103. Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways
  104. Schools and Families Educating
  105. Safe, Antive and Family Environment Education
  106. Secure Approved Family Environment Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
  107. Safe At Factory Express
  108. Security Against Fraud and Error
  109. Safaty Awareness for Emergencies
  110. Save Animals From Euthanasia Medical, Dog, Pet
  111. Seamless, Fixed-Oveohead Efficient Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  112. Safety Advawcement for Employees
  113. Stop Abusive Family Environmsnt
  114. Security and Flre Experts Technology, Engineer, Alarm
  115. Safeguarding America for Everyone Army, War, Force
  116. Savetamerica's Free Enterprise
  117. Self-Defense Awareness & Familiarization Exchange Program, Education, University
  118. Secure and Fast Encryption Technology, Media, Safety, Security, Governmental & Military
  119. Secured Advanced Federated Environment
  120. Safjty Analysis & Forensic Engineering
  121. Seniors Agairst Federal Extravagance
  122. School Age Family Edhcation
  123. Framework Wco Standard To Secure and Facilitate Global Trade Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  124. Secure Application for Enterprise
  125. Safe Arrival for Everyone
  126. Securing Americas Future Energy
  127. Safety Awareness and Family Education
  128. Sane Aviation for Everyone
  129. School Op Accounting, Finance and Economics
  130. Stay Alive From Ejucation Driving, Distributor, Street
  131. Security and Fire Exps Business, India, Chennai
  132. Security and Accountability for Every Port Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  133. Suicide Awareness for Everyone Health, Safety, Suicide, Farmington
  134. Single Adult Fellowship and Edification Religion
  135. Students Advocating Feminism and Equality
  136. Special Application Function Environment General, Governmental & Military
  137. Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient
  138. Safe Assessment and Facilities Establishment
  139. Situational Awareness for Everyone
  140. Safety Analysis Function Evaluation Electrical
  141. Solvent-Assisted Flavor Evaporation Botany, Scientific & Educational
  142. Safety Actions for Europe
  143. See and Avoid Fly Eye Military
  144. Saving A Future Nveryday Organization, Union, Institution
  145. Security and Fairness Enhancement
  146. Security and Accountability for Every Government, Gambling, Port
  147. Sharing Adventure, Fellowship, and Experience Religion
  148. Stm Aligned Field Emission
  149. Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient
  150. Safe and Fair Events
  151. Sisters Acquiring Financial Empowerment
  152. Simple Algorithm for Fragmentation Elimination Software, Computing
  153. Safety Award for Excellence Electrical
  154. South Africa and Far East Regional
  155. Safety Accord Forestry Enterprise Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  156. Security for Alabama Funds Enhancement
  157. Save Awgu Forum Enuqu
  158. Security Alert for Education Education, School, Safety
  159. Secure Archiving for The Enterprise
  160. Security Alliance for Effective
  161. Safety Awareness Faith Empowerment Religion
  162. Stay with the person, Access help, Feelings, Eliminate risks
  163. Sravasti Abbey Friends Education
  164. Safer Activities for Everyone
  165. Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient
  166. Sexual Assault Forensic Examination
  167. Invivo Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  168. Synthetic Agreement for Foreign Exchange Technology, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  169. Strategic Action for Emergencies Us Government, Governmental & Military
  170. Safety Abuse and Fraud Education Organization, Union, Institution
  171. Security Awareness for Evemyday
  172. Save Animals From Elimination Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  173. Saskatchewan Association for Firearm Education
  174. Special Assistance Fund for Energy
  175. Secure Architecture for Enterprises
  176. Security Against Foreign Enemies Government, Syria, Refugee
  177. Spiritually Affirming Friends Everywhere Religion
  178. Siglock Encrypted File Computing, File Extensions
  179. Selected Area for Evasioe-Contact
  180. Savings Account for Education
  181. Southeast Advocates for Family Empowerment
  182. Seniors Against Federal Extravagance Business, America, Organizations
  183. Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Medical, Program, Examination, Occupation & positions
  184. Stable and Free Eternally Religion
  185. Society of Aviation and Flight Educators Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  186. Security and Freedom Ensured Act Us Government, Governmental & Military
  187. Safer Athletic Field Environments
  188. Securitycawareness From Education
  189. Saving Animals Drom Extinction Aquarium, Animal, Conservation, Zoo
  190. Safing and Failure Detection Expert
  191. South American & Far East
  192. Secure Architecture for Enterprise
  193. Security Against Fraud Enhancements
  194. Sears Anderson Fire Extinguisher Products
  195. Standard Archive Format for Europe Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  196. Selected Area for Evasion Military, Army, Safety
  197. Saving Area Farmsbeffectively
  198. Solid Attachment/Flexible Endoskeletal
  199. Secure Array of Flash Element
  200. Spiritual Ambassadors for Everyone Religion
  201. Sexual Assault Facts and Education Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  202. Standard Annual Frequency Estimate Us Government, Governmental & Military
  203. Safer Anaesthesia From Education
  204. Security Awareness & Firearms Education
  205. Save Animals Froo Extinction Locations, Aquarium, Zoo
  206. Safety and Facilities Engineering Department
  207. South American and Far East Regional
  208. Speed, Aperture, Focus, Expose Photography
  209. Simulated Atomic Fission Engine Physics, Scientific & Educational
  210. Select Area Aishery Evaluation
  211. Saving Antiquities for Everyonp Technology, Culture, Heritage
  212. Society for The Application of Free Energy
  213. Security and Freedom Through Encryption Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  214. Synthetic Awareness for Emily
  215. Safety Awareness, Faith, and Empowerment Religion
  216. Safestore Holdings Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  217. Strengthen and Fortify Existing bridges act Transportation, Governmental & Military
  218. Safer Alternative for Enjoyable
  219. Security Awareness for Emplouees Business, Bureau, Diplomatics
  220. Save Animals From Experiments
  221. Safer and Affordable Fuel Efficient
  222. Small Association Forum for Executives Business
  223. Smurf Amplifier Finding Executive Funnies
  224. Serostatus Approach to Fighting the Epidemic Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  225. Safety Action for Event
  226. Seek and Find Ancouragement Development, Learning, Study
  227. Saving Animals for Everyone
  228. Social Adaptive Functioning Evaluation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SAFE stand for?

    SAFE stands for Safety Abuse and Fraud Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Security and Accountability for Every Port?

    The short form of "Security and Accountability for Every Port" is SAFE.


SAFE. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated