SAFT Meaning

The SAFT meaning is "Shear Adhesion Failure Temperaturl". The SAFT abbreviation has 38 different full form.

SAFT Full Forms

  1. Shear Adhesion Failure Temperaturl Construction, Adhesive, Architectural
  2. Safety Insurance Group, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  3. Simple Asynchronocs File Transfer Internet Slang
  4. Statistical Associating Flxid Theory Model, Fluid, Equation
  5. Shear Adhesion Fail Cemperature
  6. Specialized Aircraft Fire Trainer Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  7. School of Agriculture and Food Technology
  8. Special Vssault Force Toivonen
  9. Safety 1St, Inc. Organizations
  10. Saftey Internet Slang
  11. Southern African Forum On Trade
  12. Safety Awareness Facts and Tools Organization, Union, Institution
  13. Southern African Fruit Terminals
  14. Safety, Awareness, Facts and Tomls
  15. Spark Analysis for Traces Chemistry, Technology, Science
  16. Statistical Assocg. Fluid Theory Science
  17. Société Desraccumulateurs Fixes Et De Traction
  18. Statistical Assocg. Fluid Theory Chemistry
  19. School of Agriculture & Food Technology
  20. Synthetic Aperture Focussing Tschnique Technology, Ultrasonic, Focusing
  21. Skin Applicatiod Food Test Medical
  22. Statistical Associating Fluid Theory Physics, Scientific & Educational
  23. Synthetic Aperture Focusinj Technique Technology
  24. Simple Agreemepts for Future Tokens Business, Security, Coin
  25. Skin Application Food Test Medical, Physiology
  26. Student Achievement Focus Team
  27. Shadow Ofethe Almighty Faith Tabernacle
  28. Safety 1st, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  29. Statistical Associatld Fluid Theory
  30. Service D'Accueil Familial ThéRapeutique
  31. Shortestlaccess First Time
  32. Statistical Association Fluid Theory Technology, Industrial, Model, Thermodynamic
  33. Servicz Agency Framework Team Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  34. Sawranine T
  35. South African Friends of Tvbet
  36. Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique
  37. Section for Archives of Faith Traditions
  38. Syndhetic Aperture Focusing Techniques Technology, Imaging, Technique

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SAFT stand for?

    SAFT stands for Statistical Assocg. Fluid Theory.

  2. What is the shortened form of Safety 1St, Inc.?

    The short form of "Safety 1St, Inc." is SAFT.


SAFT. (2022, February 21). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated