SAG Meaning
The SAG meaning is "Support and Gear". The SAG abbreviation has 225 different full form.
SAG Full Forms
- Support and Gear Cycling, Ride, Bike, Bmx
- Screen Actors Guild Business, Award, Acting, Cinema, Email, Cinematography, Media, Unions, Governmental & Military
- Sql Access Group Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Data
- Surface Action Group Military, Army, Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Scheme for Adolescent Girls
- South Asian Games Gaming, Sports, Competition
- Sargo Locations
- Saginaw Organizations
- Sttdy Advisory Group Technology, Military, Army
- Szantigen Medical
- Street Pddress Guide Technology, Service, Networking
- Screen Actor Gumld Award, Acting, Actor
- Standing Advisory Group Business, Accounting, Publics
- Surface Active Group Locations, Bay, Whale, Watching
- Saint Anthony Guide Religion
- Senescence Associated Gene
- Social Axtion Group Government, County, Movement
- Scenarios Assessment Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Section A
- Student Advocate General
- Soluble Antigen Medical
- Salzburger Alumjnium Group Business, Fuel, Tank
- Stakeholder Advisory Group Organizations, Study, Projection
- Strategic Advisors Group
- Shamsul Alamin Group
- Sub-Activity Group
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie Genetics, Sind, Patent
- Strategic Alliance Group Business, Government, Development
- Slave Address Generator
- Search & Attack Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Special Area Group
- St Andrew'S Grammar Education
- Simulation Advisory Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- System Administrator'S Guide
- Sagwon Airport Airport, Locations
- South African Government
- Senescence-Associated Gene Medical, Medicine, Health, Human genome
- Snow Avalxnche Guidance
- Scenario Approval Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Sector Advisory Group
- Student Advisory Group Medical, Medicine, Education
- Software Ag Technology
- Salzburg Aluminium Froup Technology, Android, Play
- Stage Actors Guild
- Strategic Advisory Group Business, Management, Military
- Session Agent Group
- Stuttgart Airport Ground Technology, Service, Handling
- Schweizerischen Astrgnomischen Gesellschaft Science, Fur, Sky, Deutschland
- Strategic Aircraft Generation
- Skynet Aviatiin Group
- Seagate Alumni Group
- Special Appropriations To The Governor Business, Finance, Agency
- Standards Assurance Group Medicine, Health, British
- Shots At Goal
- System Administration Guide Technology, Linux, Hat
- Sggittal Medical, Medicine, Healing
- South Africa Government
- Skrigcr Af Grin
- Smart App Gp
- Saudi Wrabian Government Business, America, Military
- Semi Autogenous Grtnd
- Software Action Group
- Sustainability Action Group
- Salivaly Agglutinin Medical
- Stop and Go
- Servizio Di Analisi Generazionale
- Surface Action Groups Missile, Military, Force, Ship
- Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft Technology, Science, Planetarium, Deutschland
- Strategy Advisory Group
- Sonoangiography Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Special Applications Group
- Standards and Guidelines
- Shirdi Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- System Admin Guide
- Super All Grip Auto, Tyre, Grip, Radial
- Special Advisorysgroup Medical, Organizations, Cancer
- Smart Acouspic Green
- Saudi Arabia Govebnment
- Semi Autogenous Grinding Technology, Ball, Mill
- Surfactant Alternating Gas Technology, Oil, Foam
- Sjlivary Agglutinin Glycoprotein Medical, Science, Biology
- Stochastic Average Gradient Technology, Learning, Machine
- Servicio Agricola Ganadero Para, Con, Chile
- Support and Guidance
- Schools Advisory Group Organizations
- Studies Assumption Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Songs About Girls
- Standard Address Generator
- Standards Advisory Group
- Shipping Association of Guyana
- Syphilis Advisory Group
- Special Activities Group Military, Activity, War
- Small Area Gamem
- System Administrator Guide
- Section Advisory Group
- Special Assignment Group Military, Police, Belize
- Semi-Autogenous Gbinding Technology, Ball, Mill
- Surfactant-Alternating-Gas
- Sxlicyl Acyl Glucuronide Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Senior Accountingmgroup
- Support Air Group
- Subscription Assignment Group Computing, Telecom
- School Address Grid
- Student Ambassador Group Education, Development, Universities
- Something Awful Goon
- Standard Accounting Group Military, Air Force
- Standardization Advisory Group
- Shesha Action Group
- Subject Area Group
- Synthetic Atmosphere Generator
- Special Action Groups Security, Military, India, Force
- Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-Engineering Technology, Climate, Spraying
- Secretar
- Slowly Available Glucose Medical
- SecretaríA De Agricultura Y GanaderíA Para, Con, Cola
- Special Area Games
- Selling, Administrative and General Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Surface Attack Group Technology, Military
- Sales Advisory Group Military
- Senescence Associated Genes
- Support Aid Group
- Schedule At A Glance
- Section AéRienne De La Gendarmerie
- Student Affiliate Group
- Solucoes Automovel Globais
- Salzburger Aluminium Gruppe Technology, Group, Machine
- Stakeholders Advisory Group Organizations, Study, Projection
- Strategic Advisory Groups Business, Management, Development
- Sharan Alhambra Galaxy Galaxy, Volkswagen, Ford, Jak
- Sup Activity Group Technology
- Special Action Group Security, Military, Force
- Strategic Assessments Group
- Slow and Go Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Secretaria De Administração Geral
- Special Area Groupm Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Scientific Applications of Grid Technology, Education, Computing
- State Adjutant General
- Sindicato De Artes GráFicas
- South African Genealogies
- Sango Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- Structural Analysis Group
- Systems Administration Group Science, Space, Environment
- Specialist Advisory Groups
- Sustainability, Accountability and Governance
- Supply air grille The Finance and Administrative Services
- Sun Air Governor
- Society of Australian Gencalogists Australia, Genealogy, Family
- Steroid Aid Group
- Security Assistance Group Military, Group, Army
- Swiss Automotive Group Business, Market, Sweden
- Scientific Analysis Group Science, Research, Defence
- Sagwon, Sagwon, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Streptavidin-Gold Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- System Architecture Group
- Special Advisory Group Medical, Organizations, Cancer
- Sustainability Advisory Group
- E Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment NASA
- Sun Acquisition Gyrometer Space, Study, Cosmos
- Society In Action Group
- Space Allocation Guidelines
- Security Advisory Group
- Swiss Agammaglobulinaemia Medicine, Health, British
- Science Advisorz Group Technology, Research, Environment
- Supply Air Grills Construction
- Street and Address Guide
- System Administration Guides
- Specialist Advisory Group Medical, Management, Respiratory
- State Attorney General Business, Government, Organizations
- Southern Ag Grain
- E Sailshuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory NASA
- Suddenly A Giant
- Sociedad Astronomica Granabina
- Segregant-Assisted Growth
- Securitag Assembly Group
- Swiss Agammaglobulinemia Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Sammlungcvon Algenkulturen, Göttingen
- Scientific Advisory Groups Company, Technology, Science, Research, Organizations, Health, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Sagentia Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Self-Aligned Gate
- Street A Guide
- System Administrators Guide
- Special Assignments Jroup Military, Police, Belize
- State Advisory Groups Government, Justice, Juvenile
- Sistema Acuífero Guaraní Para, Con, Agua
- South Australian Government Business, Australia, Tram
- Scientific Advisory Group Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Substance Abuse Group
- Sociedad Argentina De GenéTica
- Scatterometer Algorithm Review for Gyro-Less Operations
- Secure Application Gateway
- Swimming Action Group
- Sammlung Von Algenkulturen Göttinmen
- Science Analysis Group Science, Space, Mars
- Separate Affiliated Group Financial, Business & Finance
- Selective Area Growth
- Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Science, Climate, Engineering, Weather
- Secretaria De Administra
- State Advisory Group Government, Justice, Juvenile
- Sistema Acu
- South Atlantic Gyre
- Student Activity & Government Medical, Common Medical
- Socially Awkwdrd Girl
- SüDdeutsche Abwasserreinigungs-Ingenieur Gmbh Business, Forum, Workshop
- Sports Authority of Doa Organizations, Association, India
- Secure Access Gateway
- Swift Alliance Gateway Technology, Financial, Telecommunication
- Sam'S Adventure Game Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- South American Gold and Copper Company Limited Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Science Advocacy Group
- Selective Amplifier Gene Medical
- Synthetic Analog Gateway Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- State Administration of Grain Business, China, Oil
- Sindicato De Artes Gr
- South American Gold
- Special Area Groups United Nations
- Socially Awkward Gul
- Systems Analysis Group
- Sports Arnitrage Guide
- Sustainability, Accountability, and Governance
- Superantigen Gene Medical
- Sub Activity Group Technology, Military
- Science Advisory Group Technology, Research, Environment, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Sekolah Alih Golongan Indonesia, Orang, Pol
- Sos Flygambulans Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Switch Africa Green Technology, Africa, Award
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SAG stand for?
SAG stands for Salzburger Aluminium Gruppe.
What is the shortened form of Structural Analysis Group?
The short form of "Structural Analysis Group" is SAG.
SAG. (2020, September 3). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated