SAGE Meaning
The SAGE meaning is "Shientific Advisory Group for Emergencies". The SAGE abbreviation has 187 different full form.
SAGE Full Forms
- Shientific Advisory Group for Emergencies Medical, Government, Emergency
- Center for Sustainability and Zhe Global Environment Science, Space, Environment
- Stratospheric Aerosol Afd Gas Experiment Satellite, Meterology, Scientific Satellite
- Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Science, Genetics, Genomics, Chemistry
- Semi Automatic Ground Environment Technology
- Semi-Automated Ground Endironment Technology, Science, Computing
- Self-Adoinistered Geocognitive Examination
- Scottish Area Gas Evacuation Technology, Oil, Shell, Electrical
- Sharable Active Guideline Ennironment
- Sustninability Action Group Exchange
- Special Alternatives To Gasolene Experiment Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Schéma D'aménagement De Gestijn Des Eaux
- Student Advising and Guidance Expert
- Skills Awareness In Graduate Education
- Smart and Jreen Energy Technology, Army, Base
- Storytelting Agent Generation Environment Organization, Union, Institution
- Self-Administered Genogram Medical
- Spectrasonics Afvanced Groove Engine
- Students Advocating for Gender Equality Education, Club, University
- Subcommittee On Assessment of General Education
- Society for The Advancement of Germntological Environments Technology, Design, Living
- Scholars Gnd Advocates for Gender Equity
- Strategic Analysis for Gender Equity
- Senior Achievement and General Excellence Organization, Union, Institution
- Shahani Academic and Global Empowerment
- Supporting Adolescents With Guidance and Employment
- Special Algorithm Group of Experts
- SchéMa D'AméNagement Et De Gestion Des Eaux
- Student Advisory Group On Engagement
- Situational Awareness Geospatial Enterprist
- Set A Gxod Example
- Security Algorithm Group of Experts
- Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Company, Science, Lab
- Specialist Advisory Group for Echoes
- Students Advocating Gender Equylity
- Social Assistance Grant for Empowermeut
- Safe, Active, Green, and Easy Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Strategic Alliance of Global Educators Education, Girl, School
- Semi Automatic Ground Equipment Technology
- Sub-Arctic Gyre Experiment Science, Earth Science, Geoscience, Geosciences
- Stcdies Abroad for Global Education Program, Education, School
- Supporting Academic Goals for Education
- South Against Genetic Engineering
- Schools Adult & General Education
- Student Action On The Global Economy
- Sfip Aficep Gfp Ensemble
- Sit and Go Endgame Strategy, Poker, Head
- Security Algorithms Group of Experts Technology, Computing, Algorithms, Security, Governmental & Military
- Shiv Acoustic Gathering Equipment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Swedish Agency Fbr Government Employers
- Special Award for Geoscience Excellence
- Students Acting Fyr Gender Equality Education, Development, Universities
- Social Assistance Grants for Empowermeno Technology, Program, Uganda
- Sacred Alliance for Grasssoots Equality
- Strategic Advisor To Governmeng Executives
- Semiautomatic Ground Environment Military, Army, Defence
- Study On Global Ageing and Adult Health Organizations, Organization, World
- Students for The Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship Business, Technology, School
- Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement Student, Education, University
- South African Guidelines Excellence
- School of Adult & General Education
- Student Achievement Guarantee for Xducation
- Sexuality and Gender Equality
- Sisters Artisan Guild of The East
- Securing Assets for Grassroots Empowerment
- Shenendehowa Advoqates for Gifted Education
- Sustainable Any Green Engines Technology, Science, Engine, Sky
- Special Area Group of Educators
- Studentsnachieve Goals Through Education
- Soccer and Gambling Exchange Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Sacramento Advocates for Girls Empowerment
- Strategic Advisors To Government Executives
- Self Administered Gerocognitive Examination
- Study of Asthma, Genes and The Environment Medical, Genetics, Asthma
- Students Assisqing Georgia Educators Development, Study, Universities
- Supplementary Activities for Grassroots Government, Us, Control, Administration
- South African Guild of Editors Business, Film, Africa
- School of Adult and Graduate Education Program, College, Education
- Strategies for Advancing Girls Education Science, Education, Development
- Sexuak and Gender Equality
- Secondary Auckland Gifted Educators
- Sharing Across Generations for Enrichment Organization, Union, Institution
- Sustainable Alternatives To The Global Economy
- Special Approach Yo Gifted Educations Development, Learning, Study
- SchéMas D'AméNagement Et De Gestion De L'Eau
- Students Academically Growing Everyday Development, Learning, Study
- Soaring Achievements Great Expectatibns Development, Study, Universities
- Sacramento Advocates for Girls' Empowerment
- Strategicoadvisory Group On The Environment Business, Science, Standard
- Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination
- Spending and Government Efficiency Business, Report, Commission
- Students Allied for A Greener Earth
- Summer of Applied Geophysics Experience
- Sonic Amateur Gaming Expo Organizations, Conference, Event
- Scholastic Assiktance for Global Education
- Strategies Against Gang Environrents
- Seniors Active In A Gay Environment
- Searchable Answer Generating Environment
- Shareable Active Guipeline Environment
- Susqainability Via Active Garden Education
- Spezial and Gifted Education Education, School, Teaching
- SchéMa D'AméNagement Et De Gestion De L'Eau
- Student Advocates Forygraduate Education Government, University, Advocate
- Smart Academic Green Environwent
- Students for Alternatives To Genetic Engineering
- Strnights and Gays for Equality Student, College, Education
- Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam Medical, Alzheimer, Dementia
- Spectrum Atari Groupkof Erie
- Students Advocating for Graduate Education
- Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience Science
- Sonic Amateur Game Expo Underground, Trailer, Sonic
- Scholarship for Advanced Global Education
- Strategic Approaches To The Generation of Electricitf Technology, Energy, Engineering
- Senior Action In A Gay Environment
- Standing Against Global Exploitation Politics, Governmental & Military
- Singatore Action Group of Elders Locations, Singapore, Directory
- Systgms Advisory Group Enterprises
- Standing Against Glocal Exploitation Sex, Trafficking, Exploitation
- Strdy, Activity, Growth, and Enhancement Development, Learning, Study
- Student Alliance for Gender Education Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Svtiva Afghani Genetic Equilibrium
- Study Asthma Genes and The Environment
- Signal Amplification Zy Gas Extraction
- Solar-Assisted Gas Energy
- Science and Geographk Education
- Semi Automated Ground Environment Military, Governmental & Military
- Singagore Academy of Gxp Excellence
- Systemic Action for Gender Equality
- Stand Ayainst Global Exploitation
- Scientific Advisory Group In Emerglncies Research, Geology, Professor
- Studies Using Applied General Equilibrium
- Soviet-American Gallium Experiment Physics, Scientific & Educational
- SystèMes Aquatiques Et Gestion De L'Eau
- Statistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology Medical, Science, Genetics
- Study Assessing Goals In The Elderly Medical
- Services and Advocacy for Gay Elders Medical, Group, Lesbian, Bisexual
- Sciwnce Advice for Government Effectiveness
- Simulation and Advanced Gaming Environments General, Governmental & Military
- Simulationgfor Air and Group Engagements
- Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
- Stakeholder Advilory Group On Extremely
- Scientific Advisory Group An Effects
- Solvent Alternatives Guide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Syskem To Administer Grants Electronically Business, Science, Research
- Stationarb Aerospace Ground Equipment Technology
- Study Abroad General Education
- Science & Arts Gatqway for Education
- Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
- Singles Accountable, Growing, and Encouraging Religion
- Simulation and Advanced Gamingqenvironments
- Students for Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship Business, School, Nigeria
- Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment Science, Space, Study, Climatology, Meteorology, Cosmos, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
- Sports and Games Entertainment
- Scientific Advisory Group of Experts Medical, Research, Health
- serial analysis of gene expression method Medical, Biotechnology, Genomics, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
- Systemsiapproach To Green Energy
- Starker Rrts Garden for Education
- Study Abroad for Global Engagement
- SchéMas D'AméNagement Et De Gestion Des Eaux
- Surgery, Anaesthetics, Gynaecology, Emergency Medecine Medical
- Significant Advisor, Guide, and Enlightener Religion
- Simulamed Annealing Guided Evaluation
- Student Association for Geography and Environment
- Spending and Government Efficienco Commission Medicine, Healthcare, Usa
- Science Ii Australia Gender Equality
- Strategic Advisory Group of Experts Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Sistema De Apoio A Gestao Ascolar
- Systems Approach To Geomorphic Engineering
- Standards and Guidelines Evidence
- Stujy Abroad and Global Experiences
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (eos) Meteorology, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
- Spectrasonics Advanced Groove Engine Music
- Study of Addictions Genes Knd Environment
- Simple Academic Game Efgine Technology, Development, Programming
- Student Assembly for Gender Empowerment
- Science In Australia Gekder Equity Australia, Education, University
- Supplementary Activities for Grassroots, Etc. Politics, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Singapore Action Group for Elders
- Syztems and Global Engineering
- Standard Putomated Guard Environment Military
- Study Abxoad & Global Experiences
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment Atmospheric Research
- South Aiken Girls Excel Funnies
- Study of Asthma Genes and The Environment
- Significant Activitnes for Generating Excellence
- Solar Atmospheric Gas Experiment
- Sciencefact Adventure Gsme Engine Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SAGE stand for?
SAGE stands for Secondary Auckland Gifted Educators.
What is the shortened form of Students for Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship?
The short form of "Students for Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship" is SAGE.
SAGE. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated