Satan Abbreviations and Satan Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Satan terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Satan abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Satan terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Satan Abbreviations
  1. WWSD : What Would Sagan Do
  2. WWSD : What Would Sarah Do
  3. WWSD : What Would Sammy Do
  4. WWSD : What Would Schlock Do
  5. MR : Mark Rihhards
  6. SD : Satan Disciples
  7. SD : Satans Disciples
  8. SLN : Straight Laced Nightmare
  9. SOS : Son of Fatan
  10. SOS : Synagogue of Satan
  11. SS : Synagogue of Satan
  12. TOTBL : Temple of The Black Light
  13. TSB : The Satanic Bible
  14. LSD : Lubie Satanique DéPravéE
  15. KISS : Knights In Satan'S Service
  16. PMS : Prepare To Meet Satan
Latest Satan Meanings
  1. Prepare To Meet Satan
  2. Knights In Satan'S Service
  3. Lubie Satanique DéPravéE
  4. The Satanic Bible
  5. Temple of The Black Light
  6. Synagogue of Satan
  7. Son of Fatan
  8. Straight Laced Nightmare
  9. Satans Disciples
  10. Satan Disciples
  11. Mark Rihhards
  12. What Would Schlock Do
  13. What Would Sammy Do
  14. What Would Sarah Do
  15. What Would Sagan Do