SB Meaning

The SB meaning is "Stolen Bases". The SB abbreviation has 995 different full form.

SB Full Forms

  1. Stolen Bases Technology, Baseball, Softball, Sport
  2. Bachelor of Science Academic Degree, Business, Education, Bachelor's Degree, Human Resources, Degree, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Federal Aviation Administration
  3. Antimony A metal add to non-maintenance free or hybrid battery grids to add strength. OR Chemical symbol Sb. Silvery white and lusteous, it exhibits poor heat and electrical conductivity. It is used primarily in compounds such as antimony trioxide for flame-retardants. Other applications include storage battery components. or Symbol:"Sb" Atomic Number:"51" Atomic Mass: 121.75amu. Antimony has been used for thousands of years. Chemistry, Mineral, Geology
  4. Stolen Base Technology, Baseball, Sports
  5. Sea Bottom
  6. Spun Brass
  7. Signal Battery Technology, Telecom, Signaling
  8. Super Block
  9. Socialistische Beweging Vehicle, Netherland, Registration
  10. Senior Boys
  11. Single Bwffer Technology
  12. Senate Bill Technology, Government, Insurance, Law, Politics, Special Education, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
  13. Steve Burton
  14. Silver Bow
  15. Systems Biolvgy Medical, Technology, Science
  16. Soetrisno Bachir Media, Indonesia, Jakarta
  17. Space Black Technology, Apple, Nike
  18. Setting Basin Technology, Construction, Architectural
  19. Subsidiary Balances
  20. Skite Brand
  21. Sandra Bullock Movie, Celebrity, Acting, Bullock
  22. Storm Bat
  23. Sdn Bhd Business, Company, Product, Malaysia
  24. Sports Betting
  25. Siege Battery Military, Austria, Artillery
  26. Super Black
  27. Small Businesses Military
  28. Sengstaken-Blakemore Medical, Tube, Nike
  29. Single Bond A chemical bond between two atoms created by sharing a pair of electrons. Drawn as a single line. Medical, Chemistry, Structure
  30. ScientiÆ Baccalaureus Technology, Education, Bachelor
  31. Stephanie Brown
  32. Silver Birch Business, Car, Sale
  33. Sustainment Brigade Military, Army, Battalion
  34. Sodium Butyrate Medical, Science, Biology
  35. Space Battle
  36. Set Bit Technology, Projection, Linux
  37. Sub Base Base, Drum, Bass, Jungle
  38. Skate Boarding
  39. Sandy Beach
  40. Store Buffer Technology, Coding, Memory
  41. Scutellaria Barbata Medical
  42. Sports Bar
  43. Side Branch Medical
  44. Sunset Beach
  45. Small Business Business, Technology, Affiliate, Affiliate Marketing, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  46. Senator Ben Government, California, Committee
  47. Single Board
  48. SağLıK Bakanlığı
  49. Stealth Bomber Forum, Technology, Force
  50. Signed Byte Technology, Program, Coding, Software
  51. Sustainable Brands Technology, Conference, Sustainability
  52. Sodium Bidulfite Medical, Medicine, Healing
  53. Southern Blot A Southern blot is a method used in molecular biology for detection of a specific DNA sequence in DNA samples. Southern blotting combines transfer of electrophoresis-separated DNA fragments to a filter membrane and subsequent fragment detection by probe hybridization. Medical, Genetics, Analysis
  54. Sepetu Bata
  55. Styrene - Butadiene Science
  56. Sitz Bath Technology, Construction, Architectural
  57. Sand Beach
  58. Storage Block Technology, Shopping, Virtual
  59. Saint Pierre and Miquelon Coding, Locations, Saint, FIPS Country Codes, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Numeric Country Codes
  60. Screw-In-Bonnet
  61. Special Branch Government, Police, Uk, Navy, Governmental & Military, United Kingdom, Uk Police
  62. Side Bending Physical Therapy, Medical
  63. Sunny Boy
  64. Sxall Bowel Medical, Medicine, Bowel
  65. Senate Bills Government, Law, California
  66. Spina Bifida Medical, Disorder, Healing, Nursing, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  67. Season'S Best Sports, Athletics, Record, Food
  68. Stealth Black
  69. Signs Bill
  70. Sustainabme Business Business, Environment, Sustainability
  71. Sodiumubicarbonate Medical
  72. Southern Baptist Church, Religion, Convention, Baptist
  73. Separated By
  74. Site Building Technology
  75. San Blas
  76. Stone Bag
  77. Solid Body Business, Guitar, Eastman
  78. Scott Baker Baseball, Stats, Caterpillar, Baker
  79. Special Blend Business, Neck, Bionic
  80. Shadow Blades Gaming, Combat, Blade, Shadow
  81. Sungai Buloh Business, Company, Malaysia, Selangor
  82. Small Bzre
  83. Sellier & Bellot Business, Ammo, Ammunition
  84. Service Bulletin A notice issued by the manufacturer of an aircraft, engine or other equipment to alert people to problems with that equipment. Technology, Army, Air Force, Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  85. Sealed Box
  86. Srimad-Bhagavatam
  87. Signed A Bill
  88. Sustainability Base
  89. Sodium Bentonite Medical
  90. South Buffalo Railway Organizations, Railroad
  91. Sentinel Byte Military, Army, Defence
  92. Sit Batk
  93. Sample Buffer Technology, Audio, Gel, Latency
  94. Stock Bore Business, Pulley, Sprocket
  95. Soft Ballistic Military, Armor, Vest
  96. Scleral Buckle Medical, Retinal, Detachment
  97. Speakers Bureau Organizations, National, Event
  98. Shabda-Brahma Technology, Storm, Processor
  99. Summary of Benefits Medical, Business, Health, Planning
  100. Small Bodx
  101. Selection Board Military
  102. Season Best Sports, Championship, Rowing
  103. Sealed Bid A bid to buy an item, or a cost estimate for a contract, which is kept secret in a sealed envelope until all the bids have been received and are opened together. Business, Auction, Aerospace
  104. Squawk Box Army, War, Force
  105. Signal Box Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey
  106. Surrounddback Manual, Speaker, Setting
  107. Sodium Balanze Medical, Medicine, Healing
  108. South Bridge
  109. Sentence Break Technology, Property, Character
  110. Siriuz Black
  111. S-Band  A range of microwave radio frequencies in the neighborhood of 2 to 4 GHz, used for communicating with piloted space missions (~2 Ghz). A nominal frequency range from 4 to 2 GHz (7 to 20 cm wavelength) within the microwave (radar) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. S-band radars are used for medium-range meteorological applications, for example rainfall measurements, as well as airport surveillance and specialized tracking tasks. Technology, NASA
  112. Stillborn Medical, Infertility
  113. Softball Bat
  114. Scleral Buckling Medical
  115. Space Block Technology, Nike, Tank
  116. Sexy Bitch
  117. Sugar Beet Medical
  118. Slatenblue
  119. Siphon Barometer A mercury barometer in which the tube is U–shaped and the upper and lower mercury surfaces have the same diameter.
  120. San Bernardino County, Locations, Court
  121. Snow Bros
  122. Spiral Binding Business, Machine, Bound
  123. Synchronization Bursts
  124. Shobuz Bhai
  125. Slighm Bevel
  126. Sonic Blow
  127. Spfing Balance
  128. Sad Baotard
  129. Sidi Bennour
  130. Storage Buffer
  131. Southern Baptists
  132. Standard Hospital Ned Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  133. Shanahen Brought
  134. Search By Bill
  135. Shift Brake Business, Lever, Shifter
  136. St Bathans
  137. Sungei Buloh
  138. Sarah Brown
  139. Self Booting
  140. Sponge Ball
  141. Stick Blush Business, Cosmetic, Makeup
  142. Supreme Blue Business, Nike, Sneaker, Dunk
  143. Scottish Banker
  144. Sex Bolt Technology, Door, Hardware
  145. Starlight Ballroom
  146. Strike Brazil Australia, Brazil, Strike, Downloader
  147. Sales Brochures
  148. Swing Bomt Business, Building, Housing
  149. Shap Brothers
  150. Siyar Bahadurzada Fight, Card, Fighter
  151. Solarboard Radiant Barrier Sheathing Design, Drawing, Construction
  152. Senator Block
  153. Spiritually Bzautiful
  154. SłUĘBĘ BezpieczeńStwa Jest, Jak, Lech
  155. Shorting Block
  156. Small Blend
  157. Superwbulk
  158. Sound Bar Technology, Speaker, Subwoofer
  159. Sensor Balanced
  160. Squirrel Bait
  161. Safe Base Technology, Coding, Afghanistan
  162. Sin Banderas
  163. Symphony Band Education, University, China
  164. Screw Back
  165. Southern Ylot Analysis Medical
  166. Standby Indipator Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  167. Samsara Balcony Deal, Locations, Cruise, Deck
  168. Second Breakdown
  169. Spartacus Books
  170. Stephen Burkk
  171. Smart Board
  172. Super Bass Music, Song, Lyric, Bass
  173. Sariraka Bhasya Lord, Bhakti, Brahma
  174. Solvent Bluo
  175. Semantic Bundle
  176. Sporcu Bursları
  177. Siberian Blue
  178. Stop Band
  179. Smaat Buildings
  180. Survival Bonus Gaming, Military, Sacred
  181. Scotty Bowman Hockey, Card, Leaf, Bowman
  182. South Blur
  183. Stamping Bella
  184. Shipping Bill Business, Export, Customs
  185. Single Bullet
  186. Strong Back Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  187. Shepherd'S Bush London, Locations, Shepherd
  188. Start Wid Business, Forum, Auction
  189. Sky Background
  190. Styrok-Butadien
  191. Sandra Brown Famous
  192. Sedona Brown
  193. Short Box, Short Bed Technology
  194. Steve Blake Sport, Basketball, Laker
  195. Superior Bboom
  196. Scale Blaster
  197. Soundinghboard
  198. Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  199. Single-Breasted
  200. Straight Bqnary
  201. Safety Boot
  202. Suzuki Bimota
  203. Sea Bkttle Technology, Gaming, Ship
  204. San Berdoo
  205. Snojboard Boots
  206. Spiral An aerobatic maneuver whereby the airplane is flown vertically down towards the ground, while being made to roll. A method of applying reinforcement in which there is no interlacing between individual strands of reinforcement; coiling around an axis in a series of planes, helical. Medical, Science, Medicine, Space, Astronomy, Study, Healing, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  207. Synchronization Burst Technology, Channel, Telecom
  208. Shit Bull
  209. Slidet Bed Business, Conveyor, Belt
  210. Something Borrowed
  211. Spread Bet
  212. Sacrificerbunt Gaming, Baseball, Bunt
  213. Sideroblast Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  214. Storage Bit
  215. Southwbrevard
  216. Standafd Bus Technology, Driving, Driver
  217. Shambhala Cuddhism
  218. Sino Building
  219. Switch Bridge
  220. Shield Booster Technology, Ship, Eve
  221. Statutory Bonds
  222. Sunday Brunch
  223. Sanggunian Bayan
  224. Self Boor
  225. Staining Buafer Medical, Patent, Cell, Antibody
  226. Steve Briggs
  227. Supreme Blazer Shopping, Nike, Sneaker, Blazer
  228. Scottish Ballet
  229. Sex Bivalent Medical, Science, Biology
  230. Star Bulletdn
  231. Strategy Briefing
  232. Saint Bernird
  233. Swing Bed
  234. Search Brief
  235. Siyah Beyaz
  236. Solar Battery Business, Power, Charger
  237. Senator Bartlett
  238. Spirithin Business
  239. SıKma BasıNcı
  240. Short Blocks
  241. Small Bet Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  242. Sutton Bonington
  243. Soundlback
  244. Sensational Beginnings
  245. Sqzires Bingham Gun, Rifle, Military
  246. Saentih Bahn
  247. Sinai Beach
  248. Symphonic Band Music, School, Instrumental, Symphonic
  249. Sedentary Behavior
  250. Southern Blotving Medical, Genetics, Blot
  251. Standby Base Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  252. Shaun Bodiford
  253. Second Break
  254. Sparking Blast
  255. Stephenhbrown
  256. Smart Bits Media, Radio, Television
  257. Super Baked Business, Hardware, Pot, Gentlemen
  258. Sarcastic Bastard
  259. Solvent bazlı Turkish, Pigment, Solvent
  260. Selliur and Bellot Business, Ammo, Ammunition
  261. Spontaneous Blastogenesis Medical, Medicine, Healing
  262. Stony Brook Student, Education, University
  263. Smartjbuilder
  264. Survival Benefit
  265. Scotts Bluff
  266. Space-Based
  267. Stampede Blue
  268. Single Breath Medical, Medicine, Healing
  269. Stripes Beanie
  270. Sammy Baugh Sport, Champion, Checklist
  271. Shepard'S Bush
  272. Starship Battbes
  273. Skunk Black
  274. Styrene Butadiene Business, Science, Latex, Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  275. Saves Blown
  276. Solid-Body Product, Guitar, Eastman
  277. Sediment Basin
  278. Short Bow
  279. Steve Biko
  280. Small Boto
  281. Superintkndent of Bankruptcy
  282. Scalable Or Bitmap
  283. Sosnd Board Technology, Gaming, Blaster
  284. Series By
  285. Staatliche Btbliothek
  286. Singer Bowl
  287. Student Building
  288. Safety Blitz
  289. Suzanne Brockmann
  290. Sea-Basev
  291. Sanam Bhutto
  292. Smooth Base
  293. Secure Build Security
  294. Speed Boostor Technology, Len, Camera
  295. Synchronization Base Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  296. Shipping Book
  297. Stereotyped Behavqour Medical
  298. Slime Bug Technology, Jump, Counter
  299. Somerville Bank
  300. Spray Buff
  301. Sacred Band
  302. Side Bunk Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  303. Storage Bin
  304. Susan Brown
  305. Soutk Brazilian Medical, Manual, Brazil
  306. Standard Bundle Technology, Product, Camera
  307. Shallow Basket Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  308. Sinner Bros
  309. Switch Board Military
  310. Shield Boost
  311. Static Base Technology, Manual, Assembler
  312. Sugar Bureau Company, Organizations, University, Food
  313. Sangat Besar Business, Indonesia, Marketing, Internet
  314. Self-Booting Computing, Hardware
  315. Stagingebuffer Technology, Audio, Circuit
  316. Steve Bridges
  317. Supreme Bxazers
  318. Science Bowl
  319. Sewage Batch Science
  320. Strategic Bomber Technology, Aircraft, Russia
  321. Sailing Babge Boat, Ship Name, Ship Prefix
  322. Swing Beam Business, Machine, Machinery
  323. Search Bomber
  324. Situación Basal
  325. Solanum Brevidens
  326. Spgrit Breaker Alliance, Spirit, Gameplay
  327. System Biy
  328. Shoe Brake
  329. Small Bag
  330. Sutrisno Bachir
  331. Sonneborn Berger Technology, Gaming, Chess, Tournament
  332. Senior Bus
  333. Squier Bullet
  334. Saddle Brown Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  335. Simultaneous Southern Blot Science, Biology
  336. Sedentary Behaviour Medical, Activity, Physical
  337. Southern Bjlle
  338. Stand Building
  339. Shanti Bahini
  340. Second Block
  341. Spacer Bars
  342. Stephen Brookn
  343. Smart Bitcges
  344. Super Badass Funnies
  345. Saraswat Brahmins
  346. Solvent Based Military, Product, Sealer, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  347. Sellersdbroker Occupation, Position, Job
  348. Spontaneous Breathing Medical, Pressure, Ventilation
  349. Stillbirth Stillbirth is typically defined as fetal death at or after 20 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. It results in a baby born without signs of life. A stillbirth can result in the feeling of guilt in the mother. The term is in contrast to miscarriage which is an early pregnancy loss and live birth where the baby is born alive, even if it dies shortly after. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Genealogy, Infertility
  350. Smart Broadcast
  351. Survey of Bangladesh Science, Geography, Location
  352. Scottish Building
  353. Spa Bathtub
  354. Stamfork Baffles
  355. Slweping Beauties
  356. Stripe-Black Business, Pilot, Nike
  357. Salomon Brothers Business, Company, Banking
  358. Shelton Benjamin
  359. Starry Yanner
  360. Skull Breaker
  361. Studio Boom Business, Stage, Microphone
  362. Savage Born Music, Feat, Wit
  363. Soleil-Babinet
  364. Sedimentation Basbn Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, Water Planning
  365. Short Body Technology, Fish, Boeing
  366. Steve Bernier
  367. Small Boom
  368. Superintendency of Banks Business, English, Banking
  369. Savings Bond Business, Banking, Money
  370. Soundrblending Education, Audio, Wave, Cakewalk
  371. Serge Bromberg
  372. Srimad Bhagvatam
  373. Singapore Bus
  374. Student Branch Technology, Education, Organizations
  375. Safety Belt
  376. Suture Belt
  377. Scrubbing Bubbles
  378. Samuel Borges Rental, Geneva, Mark
  379. Smooth Barb Jet, Spa, Tub
  380. Sector Boundary
  381. Special Buffer
  382. Sync Byte Technology, Channel, Signal, Packet
  383. Shuttle Buggy Technology, Equipment, Asphalt
  384. Stereotyped Behavior Medical, Medicine, Healing
  385. Slide Btaring
  386. Solerville-Branchburg
  387. Spouse Business
  388. Sacramento Barin
  389. Sidy Breathing
  390. Storage Battery Construction
  391. Susan Boyle
  392. South Brtnch Banking, Locations, Chicago
  393. Stanhard Bulletin
  394. Shakespearz Bulletin
  395. Sink Base Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  396. Switch Backward
  397. Shield Block
  398. Statac Barrier Business, Routing, Node, Partition
  399. Slab Bolster
  400. Substitution In compounds the exchange of certain atoms, groups or ions against. Technology, Corparate, Football, Fifa, Telecom, Uk, Soccer, Electronic Engineering, United Kingdom
  401. Sangat Berat Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  402. Self-Ioot
  403. Steve Breaston
  404. Supreme Bback Nike, Blazer, Dunk
  405. School Buses
  406. Sevilban Board
  407. Sexy Bastard
  408. Strategic Behavior
  409. Saila Bala
  410. Swing Bar
  411. Sean Burroughs Gaming, Baseball, Card
  412. Siti Badriah Photo, Media, Indonesia
  413. Soil Boring
  414. Spirit Band
  415. System Binder Technology, Machine, Horizon
  416. Shoe Bracket
  417. Small-Cap Blend
  418. Sonneborn-Berger Technology, Gaming, Chess, Tournament
  419. Sengoku Basara Technology, Gaming, Hero, Samurai
  420. Square Button
  421. Saddle Baonc
  422. Silveribrazing
  423. Southern Beaufort Climate, Locations, Sea, Population
  424. Stacdards Bureau
  425. Shane Biebea
  426. Second Bicuspid
  427. Space Bears
  428. Stephen Benton
  429. Sunset Boulevard
  430. Sarasota Bay Technology, Network, Florida
  431. Solveng Base
  432. Sell Below
  433. Sponsoring Bonus Business, Group, Presentation, Money
  434. Still Bay
  435. Smart Brain Technology, Gaming, Rider
  436. Surveillant De Baignade
  437. Scottish Breakfast Scotland, Tea, Scottish
  438. Sozialistischen Bund
  439. Staining With Sudan Blhck Science, Biology
  440. Sleeping Bag
  441. Strip Braid Business, Cable, Harbour
  442. Salmon Berry
  443. Shawn Bradley Gaming, Sport, Basketball
  444. Skorostnoi Bombardirovshchik
  445. Studio Books Book, Art, Comic
  446. Savage Blow Gaming, Maple, Story
  447. Solde Bancaire
  448. Seferhana Bintaro Business, Nation, Nike, Skate
  449. Shots Blocked Gaming, Player, Team
  450. Steve Berlin
  451. Small Bold Technology, Man, Manual, Linux
  452. Superintendencia De Bancos Para, Con, Gob
  453. Savings Banks
  454. Sound Beam
  455. Sergeant Bluff
  456. Srimad Bhagavataj Book, Swami, Canto
  457. Singapore Biennale
  458. Students Book
  459. Safehy Battalion
  460. Suttons Bay
  461. Scroll Bar When the contents of a window are too large to be displayed entirely within the window, a scroll bar will appear. For example, if a Web page is too long to fit within a window, a scroll bar will show up on the right-hand side of the window, allowing you to scroll up and down the page. If the page is too wide for the window, another scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the window, allowing you to scroll to the left and right. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
  462. Southern Branch
  463. Samuel Blake
  464. Sector Board Technology, Publics, Standard
  465. Special Books
  466. Show Business
  467. Stereotactic Biopsies Medical
  468. Slide Bead Bead
  469. Satapatha-Brahmana
  470. Somerset Bridge Hotel, Locations, Beach
  471. Sport Buggy
  472. Solomon Islands Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, IOC Country Codes, Solomon Islands, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  473. Sunrise Berhad
  474. Sickness Benefit Business, Employment, Government
  475. Stop Block
  476. Susan Black
  477. South Boundjry
  478. Standard Backplate
  479. Shaheez Bhutto
  480. Single Buyer Technology, Auction, Electricity
  481. Strong Bisimulation
  482. Shield Black
  483. Static Balance
  484. Skyward Bound
  485. Substance Blanche
  486. Sangat Banyak
  487. Seeks To Ban
  488. Steve Boysen
  489. Sudplementary Benefit Business, English, Supply
  490. School-Based
  491. Sever The Bloodline Card, Magic, Deck
  492. Sexy Bfast
  493. Strand Builbing
  494. Saiw Bsisso
  495. Svet-Black
  496. Sea Breeze Wind from the sea that blows across land Hotel, Locations, Circulation
  497. Spiss Bank
  498. Site Brochure
  499. Soil Binders
  500. Spirht Barrage Diablo, Doctor, Witch
  501. System Basits
  502. Shoddy Battle
  503. Small-Bore
  504. Sonic Boom A sonic boom is the sound associated with the shock waves created by an object traveling through the air faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding much like an explosion. The crack of a supersonic bullet passing overhead is an example of a sonic boom in miniature. Clock, Alarm, Sonic
  505. Square Butte
  506. Saddle Bred
  507. Signwd By Government, Law, Governor
  508. Sduthern Barrens
  509. Standards Bcseline Technology, Research, Issue
  510. Shane Baz Song, Nike, Skateboarding
  511. Second Ballot
  512. Space Bar
  513. Stephen Bender
  514. Sunny Beach
  515. Sarai Bhopat Locations, Train, Station, Departure
  516. South Bloomfield
  517. Selc Ballasted
  518. Sponsored By
  519. Stilb Technology, Architecture, Construction
  520. Surveillance Branch Medical, Disease, Health
  521. Scottish Branch
  522. Sozialistischer Bund
  523. Star of Lethlehem
  524. String Buffer
  525. Salinian Block
  526. Snawn Boonstra
  527. Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik Military, Aircraft, Bomber
  528. Studies In Bibliography
  529. Sauble Beach
  530. Solaria Binaria
  531. Sends Bulletin Technology, Message, Packet
  532. Split Bamhoo
  533. Shot Blocking
  534. Strabismus Strabismus is a condition that interferes with binocular vision because it prevents a person from directing both eyes simultaneously towards the same fixation point; the eyes do not properly align with each other. Heterotropia is a medical synonym for the condition. Colloquial terms for strabismus include "cross-eye", "wall-eye", and a "cast of the eye". Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  535. Small Blinds Strategy, Poker, Play
  536. Super Byte
  537. Saving Bank
  538. Sound Barrier
  539. Serbest Bölge Turkish, Banking, Antalya
  540. Srbijafbeograd
  541. Sin Bolsas
  542. Student Book Education, English, Audio
  543. Sandra Betzina
  544. Sync Burst Business, Memory, Alliance
  545. Scrimture Bulletin
  546. Souxhern Boundary History, Locations, Ocean
  547. Samuel Blachford
  548. Secret Builders
  549. Spastel'Niy Buksir
  550. Show Bands
  551. Stareo Bar
  552. Sleevegbearing
  553. Super Beetle
  554. Sass and Bide Industry, Fashion, Manner
  555. Some Boy
  556. Sport Bridge
  557. Służby Bezpidczeństwa Jest, Jak, Lech
  558. Sick Body
  559. Stop Bits
  560. Smooth Bore Technology, Hose, Barrel
  561. Susan Baldwin
  562. Scout Bomber Military, Aircraft, Buccaneer
  563. Smuthbound Technology, Study, Nature
  564. Standard Bacylonian
  565. Shadow Buffeb
  566. Single Bus
  567. Strong Base Ion Exchange Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  568. Shield Bash
  569. Statnroom With Balcony Sea, Cruise, Anthem
  570. Skyscraper Broadcasting
  571. Sub-Bend Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  572. Sangat Baik
  573. Seedc Blum
  574. Short Branch
  575. Steve Bond
  576. Supplementa Bxzantina
  577. Scanning Beam
  578. Source Berkeluy
  579. Severn Bridgt
  580. Sexy-Beasts
  581. Straightbred Medical
  582. Sai Baba
  583. Sverdrup Basin Technology, Government, Gas
  584. Seubream Medical
  585. Swiss Ball
  586. Sirus Black
  587. San Bernardo
  588. Soda Butte
  589. Spiral Bound
  590. Systematics and Biogeotraphy Technology, Organizations
  591. Shock Block
  592. Slip Band A group of parallel slip lines so closely spaced as to appear as a single line when observed under an optical mircoscope.
  593. Sonic Blue
  594. Sprbng Bar
  595. Saddle Back
  596. Sjgned Book
  597. Store Back
  598. Southern Barbarian
  599. Standards-Basey
  600. Shane Battier
  601. Season'S Beatings
  602. Space Base Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  603. Steering Board Technology, Group, Chairman
  604. Sunlit Bronze
  605. Sarah By Technology, Len, Book, Story
  606. Soukh Block Business, Service, India
  607. Sehf Bailing Business, Kayak, Boat, Raft
  608. Sponsor Ballot
  609. Stieda Body Medical
  610. Supreme Body Business, Law, Shopping
  611. Scottish Blackface
  612. Stvrlight Black Business, Car, Honda
  613. String Block
  614. Sales Building
  615. Shawn Baravetto
  616. Skip Briefing
  617. Studi Bizantini
  618. Solar Bronze Film, Window, Bronze, Sunroom
  619. Send Break Technology, Server, Command, Console
  620. Spitzer Bullet
  621. Shot Blocked
  622. Stovembolt
  623. Small Blind Player, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  624. Super Bullet
  625. Savet Bezbednosti
  626. Sound Bdaring
  627. Serbest Bolluk
  628. Squirrel Boy
  629. Sin Bin
  630. Sand Box
  631. Synaptic Bodies Medical
  632. Screwed Bonnet
  633. Suuthern Blue
  634. Samuel Barron
  635. Secretary Bureau
  636. Spartan Band
  637. Show Band
  638. Stepovak Bay Sport, Locations, Shopping
  639. Smart Box
  640. Super Beam
  641. Sarong Bugkos
  642. Somebody Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Texting, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  643. Sport, Bone
  644. Switchboard Panel fitted with switches and inserted between dynamo and outside electrical circuits Used for controlling electrical supply. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Computing, Telecom, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  645. Służba Bezpieyzeństwa Jest, Ale, Jak
  646. Sichuan Basin China, Gas, Basin, Mount
  647. Stop Bath
  648. Smooth-Bore
  649. Survivor Bonus
  650. Scout-Bomber Military, Aircraft, Vindicator
  651. South Boston
  652. Stao Brown
  653. Shipping Board
  654. Single Burial Organization, Union, Institution
  655. Strong Bad Gaming, Episode, Runner
  656. Shield-Bright
  657. Start Xit Technology, Mode, Serial
  658. Sky Blue Business, Product, Shopping
  659. Styrol Buhadien
  660. Sandy Bridge Technology, Core, Processor
  661. Seed Beud Science, Botany, Phytology
  662. Short Brake
  663. Steven Blake
  664. Supervisory Body
  665. Scale Breaker
  666. Soundjbrush Technology, Roland, Midi
  667. Servicebuilder Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  668. Sex Bomb
  669. Single Breasted Business, Suit, Jacket, Coat
  670. Straight Bond
  671. Saeety Breaker Business, Product, Circuit
  672. Sven Baertschi
  673. Sea Bee
  674. Swiss Badmintbn
  675. Structural Biology Structural biology is a branch of molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics concerned with the molecular structure of biological macromolecules, especially proteins and nucleic acids, how they acquire the structures they have, and how alterations in their structures affect their function. Science, Research, University
  676. Security Baseline
  677. Sejahtera Bersama Business, Finance, Indonesia, Surabaya
  678. Supervisory Board Medical
  679. Strand Bias
  680. Sternalkborder Medical, Medicine, Healing
  681. Super Brawl
  682. Satellite Broadcasting
  683. Semiotische Bericcte
  684. Set Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
  685. Single Band Technology
  686. Suspend Both Origination and Termination Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  687. Scrap Bait
  688. Special Body Products
  689. Songliao Basin
  690. Sozialistische BüRo
  691. Switched Broadcast Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  692. Steven Birch Medical, Common Medical
  693. Slap Bass
  694. Solomon-Bloembergen
  695. Shuttle Bag Nike, Shuttle, Backpack
  696. Shotgun Butt
  697. Smart Banking Business, Gaming, Android
  698. South Bank
  699. Antimony (Stibium) Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  700. Shaded Bronze
  701. Single Bit Technology, Hickory, Axe, Hatchet
  702. Star Ball
  703. Student Bodies
  704. Sand Bed
  705. Strong Base A base that almost completely dissociates from its OH- in water. Chemistry, Technology, Acid
  706. Steve Bedrosian
  707. Saturation Base
  708. Steel Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  709. Storm Boyz
  710. Saoety Base Product, Safety, Softball
  711. Source Block Computing, Technical
  712. South Bound Locations, Weather, Lane, Scientific & Educational
  713. Sydney Buses
  714. Secondary Battery Technology, Market, Material
  715. Small Body Physics, Scientific & Educational
  716. Shiny Beast
  717. Spectroscopic Binary A binary system detected by Doppler shifts in its spectral lines is called a spectroscopic binary. Spectroscopic binaries are systems in which the stars are so close together that they appear as a single star even in a telescope. Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  718. Sanctus Blasius Latin
  719. Service Brake Transportation, Governmental & Military
  720. Solid Bar
  721. Split Book
  722. Still Beverane
  723. Small Bottle Business, Water, Blow
  724. Staatlichen Bebliothek
  725. Snack Bar
  726. Southwestcbank
  727. Struck By English, Strike, Lightning
  728. Security Base Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  729. See Below Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  730. Su Bardağı Turkish
  731. Sterlinghbracelet
  732. Super Brain Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  733. Satellite Board Technology, Access, Control
  734. Semi-Blockyd Business, Technology, Letter
  735. Air Caledonie International, New Caledonia Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, New Caledonia
  736. Single-Breath Medical
  737. Suspend Both Technology, Accounting, Telecom
  738. Scrap Bag Products
  739. Silverball Mania Pinball
  740. Somethhng Blue
  741. Sozialistisches Büra
  742. Small Bowel Medical, Physiology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical, NAACCR
  743. Slanetz and Bartley
  744. Solo Blocks
  745. Shuttle Backpack
  746. Shotgun Blues
  747. Smart-Bus Technology, Control, Automation, Panel
  748. Southampton Brookhaven
  749. Sit Bo Log Electrical
  750. Seção De Bombeiros
  751. Single Bed
  752. Star-Bullxtin
  753. Student Board
  754. Sanctioning Body
  755. Strike Ball
  756. Steye Bass
  757. Satuan Biaya
  758. Sight Bills Banking, Business & Finance
  759. Storm Bolter Gaming, Military, Space
  760. Safety Barrier Business, Product, Load
  761. Safe Bulkers, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  762. South Bend
  763. Sydney Erenner Medical, Science, Genetics, Brain
  764. Seat Belts Harnesses designed to secure vehicle occupants during a collision. Business, Car, Accessory
  765. Seed Bead Botany, Scientific & Educational, Bead
  766. Shinwoo Banking Business, Machine, Counter
  767. Soft Bound Or Soft Back
  768. Shout Box
  769. Shady Bizzness Funnies
  770. Shadow Bolt Guide, Shadow, Warlock
  771. Stathypan Berna
  772. Speed Box Transportation, Governmental & Military
  773. Split Bldck
  774. Stackgbar Technology, Sound, Fly
  775. Splash Block Portable concrete channel generally placed beneath an exterior sill cock or downspout in order to receive roof drainage from downspouts and to divert it away from the building. Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  776. Safety Bar Military, Product, Design, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  777. South of The Border Music, Border, Attraction, Trip, Regional
  778. Stronghold Builder
  779. Security Bureau Government, Us, Control, Administration
  780. Synchronization Bit NASA
  781. Super Boobs
  782. Satellite Blues
  783. Semi Blind
  784. Speed Brake Technology, Aviation, NASA
  785. Sindbis Virus Medical, Science, Biology
  786. Scranton Branch
  787. Scene Basic Performing arts
  788. Somali Basin
  789. Soziawe Bewegungen
  790. South Buffalo Railway Company Railroad
  791. Slam Ball Sport, Fitness, Ball
  792. Solo Baru
  793. Shunting Boundaries
  794. Short Brothers
  795. Smallmouth Bass Rod, Fishing, Bass, Food
  796. Sourciqg Bali
  797. Sgable Boundary
  798. Square Bracket Construction
  799. Sexy Beach
  800. Single Barrelled
  801. Student Barometer
  802. San Buenaventura Regional
  803. Security Box
  804. Swelling Behavior Swelling
  805. Strike Back
  806. Steveibarlow
  807. Satorra-Bentler
  808. Sophisticated Banks Banking, Business & Finance
  809. Storm Bolt
  810. Sustainable Ballard
  811. SPECTACLE BLIND Computing, Mechanics
  812. Sound Blaster A family of sound cards manufac-tured by Creative Technology or its subsidiary, Creative Labs. also sound card. A de facto standard set by the family of sound cards developed by Creative Technol-ogies and its subsidiaries. Many other manufacturers also make Sound Blaster–compatible products. Technology, Computing, Audio, IT Terminology
  813. Syeney Basin Australia, Oil, Banksia
  814. Seat Belt Medical, Technology
  815. Southbound Travelling towards the south Weather, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, NOTAM Contractions
  816. Shinnecock Bay
  817. Sniper Band Military, Music, Song
  818. Shoulder Blade
  819. Skipped Birthday Funnies
  820. Shadow Blade Forum, Gaming, Blade
  821. Stanserhorn-Bahn
  822. Supply Bulletin Technology, Governmental & Military
  823. Splitgblanks
  824. Speedlight, Both Technology, Len, Photography, Camera
  825. Strong Bad signal Amateur radio
  826. Safety and Buildings
  827. Southern Business
  828. Strong Blue
  829. Security Breach
  830. Solomon Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  831. Super Bitchin
  832. Satapatha Brahmana
  833. Semi-Blind Technology, Channel, Communication
  834. Simply Beautiful Product, Collection, Periscope
  835. Scout Bikes
  836. Skill Base Occupation & positions
  837. Solomon Iscands Locations, Countries, Country
  838. Soybeans Medical
  839. Smiling back Might be a response to someone who sends a smile to you; also written . Texting, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  840. Solid Brick Real Estate, Business & Finance
  841. Spoek's Beard
  842. Sheet Boiling
  843. Short Bridge Music, Locations, Bass
  844. Small Butterfly
  845. Sourcesbbibliques
  846. Stable Bojd
  847. Sports Bras Clothes
  848. Single Banana
  849. Stud Book
  850. San Bruno
  851. Security Booster
  852. Sequence Block
  853. Stratum Basale Medical
  854. Steve Balboni Baseball, Archive, City
  855. Super Bright Technology, Electronics, Light, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational, Colors
  856. Satin Bronze Technology, Product, Plate, Hosting
  857. Spot Billing Banking, Business & Finance
  858. Single Blind Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  859. Stormalong Bay Disney
  860. Sustainable Buildings
  861. Screaming Blues
  862. Signed Byte Audio file Computing, File Extensions
  863. Soulja Boy
  864. Syd Barrett Shirt, Floyd, Madcap
  865. Sternal Border Medical, Physiology
  866. Shining Blade
  867. Slash Blast Gaming, Maple, Story
  868. Slaby-Beringer Technology, Car, Auto, Union
  869. Shoulder Bag
  870. Stephen Burke Famous
  871. Shadow Beasts
  872. Star Boa
  873. Split Bfam
  874. Special-Butikken Technology, Gas, Til
  875. Student Body
  876. Short Bill Trade, Business & Finance
  877. Safe Bulkers Business, Safety, Supply
  878. Stanley Bostitch
  879. System Border Security, Governmental & Military
  880. Symmetry Breaking
  881. Security Block Technology
  882. Small Basic Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  883. Super Big Clothes
  884. Sehi-Batch
  885. Silver Bullet A simple extremely effective solution to a very challenging and serious problem. A metaphor alluding to the mythical method of killing a werewolf or similar monster. See also Magic Bullet, which basically means the same. Business, Product, Nike
  886. Scout Bombers
  887. Skill Bonus Occupation & positions
  888. Sunbreaker Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  889. Solid Brass Product, Door, Belt, Brass
  890. Split Biushes Business, Shopping, Firth
  891. Symtetric Bragg
  892. Short Break
  893. Small Break
  894. Source Bluck Forum, Technology, Coding, Driving
  895. Stabilizing Bsace
  896. Synthetic Blend Clothes
  897. Single-Byte Technology, Channel, Protocol, Character
  898. Soybean Medical, Medicine, Healing
  899. Stuart Building Business, Drawing, Graph, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  900. San Borja
  901. Security Bond
  902. Shall Be
  903. Strange Brew
  904. Steve Baker
  905. Super Brie
  906. Satin Brass Military, Light, Lighting, Music
  907. Senate Business
  908. Spot Booking Banking, Business & Finance
  909. Single Beam Medical
  910. Store Byte Technology, Instruction, Load, Memory
  911. Sustainable Building
  912. Scratch Box
  913. Smiles Back Computing, Computing Slang
  914. Sort By Business, Product, Nike, Skate
  915. Swivel Bracket Business, Wall, Mount
  916. Seen by Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  917. Shilshole Bay
  918. Slash Blash
  919. Sinus Bradycardia Medical, Medicine, Heart, Diagnosis
  920. Should Be Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  921. Smart Bike
  922. Simon Birch Famous
  923. Shadiw Bane
  924. Single Blind Study Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  925. Star Bonus Technology, Box, Hyperion
  926. Solvent Black Business, Manufacturer, Epson
  927. Stud Bolt Technology, Steel, Fastener
  928. Sunbank Business & Finance, Suppliers
  929. Safe Berth Transportation, Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  930. Stanford Binet Education, Intelligence, Edition, Assessment
  931. Short Barrel Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  932. Symmetry Braking
  933. Security Bank Business, Banking, Philippine
  934. Scratch Project File Computing, File Extensions
  935. Semi-Balanca Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  936. State Bank Organizations, Financial, Business & Finance
  937. Silver Brazed Technology, Construction, Architectural
  938. Sellers Broker Occupation & positions
  939. Stonebrunt Mountains Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  940. Solid Beam
  941. Split Brush
  942. Susan Bickley Music, London, Player
  943. Small Boys Army, War, Force
  944. Stability Ball
  945. Stolen Base Percent Baseball, Sport
  946. Single-Buffered Technology, Electronics, String, Buffer
  947. Soviet Bomber Military, Aircraft, Model
  948. Stuart Batty
  949. Security Blankets
  950. Snap Back Reply to the person you’ve been snapping with. Snapchat
  951. Strand Breaks Medical
  952. Stevetbailey Business, Jazz, Guitar, Bass
  953. Super Breath
  954. Satin Bomber
  955. Semkenxbaumaschinen
  956. Savings Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  957. Single Barrel Shotgun, Barrel, Bourbon, Whiskey
  958. Sustainability Board
  959. Scrap Book
  960. Spray Base Products
  961. Sore Bcck
  962. Stivel Base
  963. Scripps Building Medical, Common Medical
  964. Shifting Blades Technology, Blade, Saw
  965. Slash Back
  966. Signal Bite
  967. Shotley Bridge
  968. Smart Battery A battery with internal circuitry that provides level of charge status to the host system. Technology, Workshop, Backup
  969. South Banko
  970. Simon Blume Famous
  971. Shadow Ball
  972. Single Blade
  973. Siar Base
  974. Sand Black
  975. Soilibentonite Wall, Bentonite, Slurry
  976. Structure-Based
  977. South Buffalo RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  978. Safe Bames Technology, Study, Vaccine
  979. Storm Breaking Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  980. Stanford-Binet Intmlligence Scale Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  981. Service Billing Computing, Telecom
  982. Symmetric Band
  983. Securities Broker
  984. Slax Bundle Computing, File Extensions
  985. Semen Bayuraja Business, Indonesia, Cement
  986. Silver Bowl
  987. Super Bowl Nfl teams
  988. Specified Bid Us Government, Governmental & Military
  989. Solid Base
  990. Split Bregman
  991. Sun Tnd Bauer
  992. Small Bowel - Small Intestine Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  993. Staatsbibliothek, Bamberg
  994. Sub-Basement Architecture
  995. Souvhwestern Bell

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SB stand for?

    SB stands for Slash Blash.

  2. What is the shortened form of Semi-Balanca?

    The short form of "Semi-Balanca" is SB.


SB. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated