SB in Business Meaning

The SB meaning in Business terms is "Bachelor of Science". There are 63 related meanings of the SB Business abbreviation.

SB on Business Full Forms

  1. Bachelor of Science
  2. Summary of Benefits
  3. Sdn Bhd
  4. Silver Birch
  5. Stock Bore
  6. Sellier & Bellot
  7. Special Blend
  8. Solid Body
  9. Sustainabme Business
  10. Small Business
  11. Sungai Buloh
  12. Sealed Bid A bid to buy an item, or a cost estimate for a contract, which is kept secret in a sealed envelope until all the bids have been received and are opened together.
  13. Swing Beam
  14. Single Breasted
  15. Styrene Butadiene
  16. Saeety Breaker
  17. Soukh Block
  18. Sync Burst
  19. Selliur and Bellot
  20. Statac Barrier
  21. Sickness Benefit
  22. Studio Boom
  23. Solar Battery
  24. Supreme Body
  25. Sehf Bailing
  26. Start Wid
  27. Supreme Blue
  28. Seferhana Bintaro
  29. Stvrlight Black
  30. Shift Brake
  31. Stripe-Black
  32. Sudplementary Benefit
  33. Savings Bond
  34. Sponsoring Bonus
  35. Shipping Bill
  36. Strip Braid
  37. Slidet Bed
  38. Superintendency of Banks
  39. Sangat Besar
  40. Swing Bomt
  41. Stick Blush
  42. Sky Blue
  43. Super Baked
  44. Salomon Brothers
  45. Spiral Binding
  46. Semen Bayuraja
  47. Stevetbailey
  48. Safety Barrier
  49. Shinwoo Banking
  50. Safe Bulkers
  51. Stuart Building
  52. Sejahtera Bersama
  53. Smart Banking
  54. Sort By
  55. Solvent Black
  56. Safe Berth
  57. Security Bank
  58. Small Bottle
  59. Swivel Bracket
  60. Seat Belts Harnesses designed to secure vehicle occupants during a collision.
  61. Split Biushes
  62. Semi-Blockyd
  63. Silver Bullet A simple extremely effective solution to a very challenging and serious problem. A metaphor alluding to the mythical method of killing a werewolf or similar monster. See also Magic Bullet, which basically means the same.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SB stand for Business?

    SB stands for Security Bank in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Superintendency of Banks in Business?

    The short form of "Superintendency of Banks" is SB for Business.


SB in Business. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated