SB in Medical Meaning

The SB meaning in Medical terms is "Scleral Buckling". There are 61 related meanings of the SB Medical abbreviation.

SB on Medical Full Forms

  1. Scleral Buckling
  2. Stillborn
  3. Side Branch
  4. Sxall Bowel
  5. Spina Bifida
  6. Southern Blot A Southern blot is a method used in molecular biology for detection of a specific DNA sequence in DNA samples. Southern blotting combines transfer of electrophoresis-separated DNA fragments to a filter membrane and subsequent fragment detection by probe hybridization.
  7. Side Bending
  8. Systems Biolvgy
  9. Single Bond A chemical bond between two atoms created by sharing a pair of electrons. Drawn as a single line.
  10. Sodium Butyrate
  11. Sengstaken-Blakemore
  12. Summary of Benefits
  13. Sodium Bidulfite
  14. Sugar Beet
  15. Sodiumubicarbonate
  16. Scutellaria Barbata
  17. Sodium Bentonite
  18. Scleral Buckle
  19. Sodium Balanze
  20. Southern Blotving
  21. Synaptic Bodies
  22. Spontaneous Breathing
  23. Sedentary Behaviour
  24. Stereotyped Behavqour
  25. Soutk Brazilian
  26. Surveillance Branch
  27. Staining Buafer
  28. Stereotyped Behavior
  29. Straightbred
  30. Spiral An aerobatic maneuver whereby the airplane is flown vertically down towards the ground, while being made to roll. A method of applying reinforcement in which there is no interlacing between individual strands of reinforcement; coiling around an axis in a series of planes, helical.
  31. Stereotactic Biopsies
  32. Single Breath
  33. Stillbirth Stillbirth is typically defined as fetal death at or after 20 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. It results in a baby born without signs of life. A stillbirth can result in the feeling of guilt in the mother. The term is in contrast to miscarriage which is an early pregnancy loss and live birth where the baby is born alive, even if it dies shortly after.
  34. Stieda Body
  35. Standard Hospital Ned
  36. Sex Bivalent
  37. Strabismus Strabismus is a condition that interferes with binocular vision because it prevents a person from directing both eyes simultaneously towards the same fixation point; the eyes do not properly align with each other. Heterotropia is a medical synonym for the condition. Colloquial terms for strabismus include "cross-eye", "wall-eye", and a "cast of the eye".
  38. Southern Ylot Analysis
  39. Spontaneous Blastogenesis
  40. Seubream
  41. Seen by
  42. Scripps Building
  43. Small Bowel - Small Intestine
  44. Steven Birch
  45. Single Blind
  46. Seat Belt
  47. Soybeans
  48. Small Bowel
  49. Single Beam
  50. Stanford-Binet Intmlligence Scale
  51. Single Blind Study
  52. Soybean
  53. Sinus Bradycardia
  54. Stratum Basale
  55. Single-Breath
  56. Supervisory Board
  57. Sydney Erenner
  58. Strand Breaks
  59. Sindbis Virus
  60. Sternal Border
  61. Sternalkborder

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SB stand for Medical?

    SB stands for Soybean in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strand Breaks in Medical?

    The short form of "Strand Breaks" is SB for Medical.


SB in Medical. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated