SB in Technology Meaning

The SB meaning in Technology terms is "Stolen Bases". There are 111 related meanings of the SB Technology abbreviation.

SB on Technology Full Forms

  1. Stolen Bases
  2. Stolen Base
  3. Sitz Bath
  4. Storage Block
  5. Signal Battery
  6. Site Building
  7. Stealth Bomber
  8. Shabda-Brahma
  9. Systems Biolvgy
  10. Single Bwffer
  11. Sample Buffer
  12. Space Block
  13. Setting Basin
  14. Sustainable Brands
  15. S-Band  A range of microwave radio frequencies in the neighborhood of 2 to 4 GHz, used for communicating with piloted space missions (~2 Ghz). A nominal frequency range from 4 to 2 GHz (7 to 20 cm wavelength) within the microwave (radar) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. S-band radars are used for medium-range meteorological applications, for example rainfall measurements, as well as airport surveillance and specialized tracking tasks.
  16. Space Black
  17. Set Bit
  18. Senate Bill
  19. Sentence Break
  20. Signed Byte
  21. ScientiÆ Baccalaureus
  22. Small Business
  23. Store Buffer
  24. Signal Box
  25. Service Bulletin A notice issued by the manufacturer of an aircraft, engine or other equipment to alert people to problems with that equipment.
  26. Steering Board
  27. Shield Booster
  28. Soundjbrush
  29. Strong Base Ion Exchange
  30. Standard Bundle
  31. Sends Bulletin
  32. Sverdrup Basin
  33. Saddle Brown
  34. Static Base
  35. Sex Bolt
  36. Sosnd Board
  37. System Binder
  38. Strategic Bomber
  39. Stagingebuffer
  40. Send Break
  41. Start Xit
  42. Servicebuilder
  43. Systematics and Biogeotraphy
  44. Sarasota Bay
  45. Sound Bar
  46. Student Branch
  47. Short Box, Short Bed
  48. Speed Boostor
  49. Solomon Islands
  50. Small Bold
  51. Sengoku Basara
  52. Synchronization Burst
  53. Sarah By
  54. Sonneborn Berger
  55. Short Body
  56. Space Base
  57. Sector Board
  58. Slime Bug
  59. Standby Indipator
  60. Synchronization Base
  61. Sandy Bridge
  62. Sonneborn-Berger
  63. Stillbirth Stillbirth is typically defined as fetal death at or after 20 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. It results in a baby born without signs of life. A stillbirth can result in the feeling of guilt in the mother. The term is in contrast to miscarriage which is an early pregnancy loss and live birth where the baby is born alive, even if it dies shortly after.
  64. Shuttle Buggy
  65. Smuthbound
  66. Sea Bkttle
  67. Substitution In compounds the exchange of certain atoms, groups or ions against.
  68. Single Buyer
  69. Standards Bcseline
  70. Sync Byte
  71. Smooth Bore
  72. Stilb
  73. Scroll Bar When the contents of a window are too large to be displayed entirely within the window, a scroll bar will appear. For example, if a Web page is too long to fit within a window, a scroll bar will show up on the right-hand side of the window, allowing you to scroll up and down the page. If the page is too wide for the window, another scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the window, allowing you to scroll to the left and right.
  74. Sub-Bend
  75. Standafd Bus
  76. Sedimentation Basbn
  77. Safe Base
  78. Smart Brain
  79. Secondary Battery
  80. Special-Butikken
  81. Satin Bronze
  82. Single-Byte
  83. Supply Bulletin
  84. Smart Battery A battery with internal circuitry that provides level of charge status to the host system.
  85. Seat Belt
  86. Satellite Board
  87. Single-Buffered
  88. Speed Brake
  89. Suspend Both Origination and Termination
  90. Smart-Bus
  91. Security Base
  92. Suspend Both
  93. Star Bonus
  94. Single Band
  95. Store Byte
  96. Slaby-Beringer
  97. Super Bright
  98. Stud Bolt
  99. Silver Brazed
  100. Semi-Blockyd
  101. Sound Blaster A family of sound cards manufac-tured by Creative Technology or its subsidiary, Creative Labs. also sound card. A de facto standard set by the family of sound cards developed by Creative Technol-ogies and its subsidiaries. Many other manufacturers also make Sound Blaster–compatible products.
  102. Stackgbar
  103. Strong Base A base that almost completely dissociates from its OH- in water.
  104. Semi-Blind
  105. Safe Bames
  106. Shifting Blades
  107. Source Bluck
  108. Security Block
  109. Speedlight, Both
  110. Single Bit
  111. Switched Broadcast

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SB stand for Technology?

    SB stands for S-Band in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Static Base in Technology?

    The short form of "Static Base" is SB for Technology.


SB in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated