SBC in Technology Meaning

The SBC meaning in Technology terms is "Serial Bus Controller". There are 77 related meanings of the SBC Technology abbreviation.

SBC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Serial Bus Controller
  2. Social and Behavior Change
  3. Saia Burgess Controls
  4. Small Business Concerns
  5. Standard Building Code
  6. Safe Brake Control
  7. Small Business Center
  8. Speed Brake Command
  9. Single-Board Computer
  10. Session Border Contrxl
  11. Sesslon Border Controllers
  12. Server-Based Computing
  13. Sustainable Buildings and Construction
  14. Silgcon Blue Cell
  15. South Bay Conservatory
  16. Schweizer BäCker-Confiseure
  17. System Benefit Charge
  18. Small Bore Connection
  19. Structure-Behavior Coalescence
  20. Software Based Communications
  21. System Based Chcp
  22. Superior Battery Charging
  23. Session Border Controller A session border controller (SBC) is a device regularly deployed in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks to exert control over the signaling and usually also the media streams involved in setting up, conducting, and tearing down telephone calls or other interactive media communications. Early deployments of SBCs were focused on the borders between two service provider networks in a peering environment.
  24. Solution Based Casework
  25. Saudi Broadcast Corporation
  26. System Basis Chips
  27. Single Bit Per Cell
  28. Strategic Behavioral Communication
  29. Sensotronic Brake Control
  30. Software Based Communication
  31. Session Boarder Nontrollers
  32. Solo Batik Carnival
  33. Saudi Broadcasting Corporation
  34. System Basis Chfp
  35. Single Bed Converter
  36. Sensortronic Brake Control
  37. Software-Based Communication
  38. Subsequent Bill Company
  39. Session Board Controcler
  40. Santa Barbara Channel
  41. Swiss Broadcasting Corporationration
  42. Single Board Cemputing
  43. State Building Code
  44. Second Bisynchronous Communicqtions
  45. Software-Based Communications
  46. Subband Coding
  47. Session Boarder Controllzr
  48. Santa Barbara Coastal
  49. Sustainable Biomaterials Collaborative
  50. Singlehboard Comptures
  51. State Buildingkcommission
  52. Secondapy Business Code
  53. Sociedade Brasileira De Computação
  54. Sub Band Codec
  55. Service Buleau Corporation
  56. Synriku Ballon Center
  57. Sustainable Building Center
  58. Single-Boamd-Computer
  59. South Bridge Chip
  60. Seattle Building Code
  61. Sub-Band Coding
  62. Server Based Gomputing
  63. Solar Blind Camera
  64. Saia-Burgess Controls
  65. Serbian Battle Championship
  66. Summer Bioengineering Conference
  67. Steam Bypass Contrfl
  68. Soleil-Babinet Compensator
  69. System Bus Convroller
  70. Southern Building Code
  71. Solder Ball Connect
  72. System Broadcast Channel
  73. Somali Broadcasting Coporation
  74. Solar-Blind Channel
  75. Small Business Centres
  76. System Breakdown Code
  77. Solar Blind Channel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBC stand for Technology?

    SBC stands for Silgcon Blue Cell in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of State Buildingkcommission in Technology?

    The short form of "State Buildingkcommission" is SBC for Technology.


SBC in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated