SBDA Meaning

The SBDA meaning is "Science Basedjdepartments and Agencies". The SBDA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

SBDA Full Forms

  1. Science Basedjdepartments and Agencies
  2. Santa Barbara District Atworney
  3. Sciefce-Based Departments and Agencies
  4. Saul Bell Design Award
  5. Somerset Black Development Agency Business, Diver, Titanium
  6. Santa Barbara Dance Arts
  7. Sociedade Brasileira De Direito Aeroespacial
  8. Santa Barbara Dance Alliance
  9. Shared-Buffer Direcy Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  10. Sandyford Business District Association
  11. Serbian Baseball Derelopment Association
  12. San Bernardino District Attorney
  13. Steve Brown Darts Abademy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  14. Sociedad Boliviana Je Derecho Ambiental
  15. Spokane Bsrd Dog Association
  16. Soap Box Derby Association
  17. Small Business Desktop Advantage
  18. Small Busineds Development Agency
  19. Small Business Development Associatoon
  20. Suspension Body Dimension Audit
  21. Steve Brown Darts Academy Scientific & Educational, Academic & science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBDA stand for?

    SBDA stands for Steve Brown Darts Academy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sociedade Brasileira De Direito Aeroespacial?

    The short form of "Sociedade Brasileira De Direito Aeroespacial" is SBDA.


SBDA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated