SBF Meaning

The SBF meaning is "Simulated Body Fluids". The SBF abbreviation has 137 different full form.

SBF Full Forms

  1. Simulated Body Fluids Medical, Corrosion, Apatite
  2. Sequential Block Filemanager Technology
  3. Sardeh Band Airport Band-e Sardeh Dam, Afghanistan Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  4. Singlebblack Female Internet Slang, Chat, Dating
  5. Single Barlier Failure Technology
  6. Santa Barbara Focalplaoe
  7. Suzanne Bowen Fitneso Streaming, Workout, Fitness, Hourglass
  8. Skin Blood Pekfusion Medical
  9. State Bureau of Forestry
  10. Scottish Biodiversity Forum
  11. Sociedade Brasileira De Fruticultura
  12. Small Businesx Finance Business, Loan, Financing
  13. Stix, Baer and Fuller
  14. Small Block Ford Business, Engine, Head, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  15. Sugar Beet Fibre Medical
  16. Seven Bar Flying
  17. SociéTé Botanique De France Science, France, Plant
  18. Sammy Boy Forum
  19. Sustainable Building Futures
  20. Skin Blopd Flow Medical, Science, Vibration
  21. Southwide Baptost Fellowship
  22. Scientific Balloon Facility Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  23. Sociedade Brasileira De Fisica Para, Dos, Brasil
  24. Srall Bowel Follow
  25. Steve Biko Foundation
  26. Siyasal Bilgiler FaküLtesi Ankara, Turkish, Sander
  27. Sugar Beet Fiber
  28. Seven Bar Flying Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  29. Society of Blue Friars
  30. Samenuerkende Brancheorganisaties Filantropie Business, Door, Foundation, Sector
  31. Sustainable Busgness Forum
  32. Skun Blood Cell Flux Medical
  33. Southern Base Facrlity Space, Study, Cosmos
  34. Science Books and Films Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  35. Social Brain Foundation
  36. Sarajevo Bukiness Forumu
  37. Svenska Botaniska F
  38. Sloh Blood Flow Medical
  39. Stereotactic Body Frame Medical
  40. Soyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Ankara, Turkish, Istanbul
  41. Sugar-Beet Fiber Medical
  42. Scottish Business Forims
  43. Sociedade Brasileira De Fisioterapia
  44. Salvo Buon Fine Technology, Italy, Translation
  45. Sunny Brook Fars
  46. Skin Blister Fluid Medical
  47. South Bay Foundry
  48. Scbence Books & Films
  49. Sarajevo Business Forum Business, Economics, Region
  50. Svenska Botaniska Föreringen
  51. Skyrim Beautiful Fgllowers Gaming, Elder, Scroll, Follower
  52. Steel Blue Finish
  53. Suctihn Blister Fluid Medical
  54. Scottish Building Fwderation
  55. Sociedade Brasileira De Ferreomodelismo
  56. Strategic Bond Fund
  57. Salvo Buen Fin Science
  58. Summatijn Briefcase File
  59. Short Block Forged
  60. South Bay Force
  61. School of Business Ano Finance Student, Education, Study
  62. Sapphyre Blue Flat
  63. Svenska Bollspells T
  64. Skipton Businjss Finance Business, Service, Invoice
  65. Steel Billet Flywheel
  66. Subic Bay Freeport
  67. Scottish Biologics Facblity
  68. Sociedade Brasileira De Fitopatologia
  69. Straight Best Friend
  70. Salomon Brothers Fund
  71. Summation Briefcase Format
  72. Seychelles Basketball Federation
  73. Souli of Black Folk
  74. School of Biblicul Foundations
  75. Santa Barbara Foundation Business, County, Donor
  76. Svenska Bollspells Mörbundet
  77. Skip On Bitbucket Full
  78. St Budeaux Ferry
  79. Subcutaneous Bloodhflow Medical
  80. Scottish Bioinformatics Forum
  81. Sociedade Brasileira De Fenomenologia
  82. Singapore Business Federation Business, Company, Singapore
  83. Stony Brook Foundation
  84. Small Business Financing Business, Finance, Loan
  85. Sugar Butter Flour
  86. Seville Boulevard Families Family, Street, Seville
  87. Soetrisno Bachir Foundation Organizations, Singapore, Bride
  88. Stupid But Funny
  89. Small Bowel Follow-through Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Clinical, Common Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  90. Sauf Bonhe Fin
  91. Swiss Boomerang Federation
  92. Simulated Body Fluid Chemistry
  93. School Book Fairs
  94. Systemic Blood Flow Medical, Medicine, Healing, Blood Test
  95. Small Business Foundation
  96. Street Bike Fury
  97. Students Biotechnology Forum
  98. Sardeh Band Airport, Sardeh Band, Afghanistan Afghanistan
  99. Satrpna Buff Frames
  100. Swedish Board of Fisheries
  101. Android System File Computing, File Extensions
  102. Scholastic Book Fairs
  103. System Benefit Funds
  104. Suall Business Fund Business, Company, Loan, Funding
  105. Street Bike Freaks
  106. Structure Based Focusing Business, Genetics, Singapore
  107. Support By Fire Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  108. Superbase Database File Computing, File Extensions
  109. Scholvstic Book Fair
  110. System Belefit Fund
  111. Small Business Focjs
  112. Strawberry Base F04-5838
  113. Structure Behavior Function
  114. Salomon Brothers Fund Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  115. Sodi
  116. Smartbroker Data Computing, File Extensions
  117. Scalaole Bloom Filter
  118. Synthetics-Based Fluids Business, Market, Drilling
  119. Small Business Forum
  120. Structure-Behavior-Function Technology, Design, Knowledge
  121. South Bay Folks Music
  122. Soap Bibble Fanciers
  123. Splanchnic Blood Flow Medical, Skin And Dermal
  124. Savings Bonds Forms
  125. Synthetic Base Fluid Business, Drilling, Oil Exploration, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  126. Small Business First Business, Development, Loan
  127. Single Black Female Forum, Technology, Computing, Chat, Classfields, Email, Im, Personals, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  128. Snafple Bit Futurity
  129. Strip Braid Flex
  130. Specific blocking factor Medical, Skin And Dermal
  131. Savannah Book Festival
  132. Syndicate Business Forecast
  133. Srall Business Financials
  134. School Bus Fleet Transportation, Business, Driving
  135. Skin Blood Flow Medical, Skin And Dermal
  136. Smprt Buyer Function
  137. Stretch Blow Forming

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBF stand for?

    SBF stands for Scalaole Bloom Filter.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sodi?

    The short form of "Sodi" is SBF.


SBF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from

Last updated